At the beginning of the speculation, the old man was not as cramped as he is now.

After all, there are still some gaps between what I saw with my own eyes and what I imagined.

Knowing that the old man had asked for himself, and the old man had taken care of himself before, helping the old man such a small favor, Han Bin still had no problem and said.

"Meow. (I'm going to get some things done here, and I'll take you away when that's done.)

The old man who has been waiting here for fifty years is now showing such impatience.

If there is no hope, it is indeed not too much of a problem for the old man to wait another fifty years, but now that the hope of going out is at hand, the old man can't wait any longer.

Never underestimate the potential that such a person can burst out.

"What are you going to do, tell me and I'll do it for you. The

old man patted his chest with a package ticket and said, no matter whether he can do it or not, the old man will definitely help Han Bin do it, he can't wait to return to his own planet.

But Han Bin's next words directly stunned the old man in place.

"Meow!" (change the rules of the universe and establish the equality of the universe!)

The old man's eyes stared at Han Bin.

This kind of thing can no longer be said to be difficult, it is almost impossible to do.

But this sentence resonated in the old man's chest again, didn't what Han Bin wanted to do was the same as what his family had been doing on his own planet.

In order to get rid of the oppression of low-civilization planets, their own family has been working hard to raise their planet to the level of high-civilization planets.

And what Han Bin wants to do is the same as what the old man has always insisted on, but the level is directly pulled to the top.

Change the rules of

the universe and establish the equality of the universe! When these twelve words appeared, the old man's breathing directly became heavy, and the impact on the old man was not half a star.

"You, where have you got. The old man seemed to understand why such a person would come to the cosmic prison.

The cosmic prison can be said to be one of the most important places in the Cosmic Rules Bureau, and if such characters have infiltrated here, does that mean that this step is almost complete.

The old man's eyes lit up directly.

It turned out that during the period of time I was in this prison, this kind of thing happened outside.

Han Bin didn't know anything about the thoughts in the old man's mind, so he honestly told the facts.

"Meow. (It's just the beginning.)

This sentence undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on the old man's head, although the old man knew that Han Bin's strength was extraordinary, but at this time, he couldn't help but glance at Han Bin.

If you want to change the rules, you must do something to the Cosmic Rules Bureau, but before anything has started, you have entered the "military stronghold" of the Cosmic Rules Bureau.

Isn't that a joke?

But now the old man seems to be on the black ship, here, the cosmic rules bureau is afraid that it will trap him for the rest of his life, and if he wants to get out, he has to bet on Han Bin's body.

He only had one chance to bet

, but if he waited any longer, the old man didn't know how long it would take to wait for the next chance.

Then bet!"

Have you figured out where to start? "

Of course, you still have to ask what you should ask, after all, if someone has a plan, just follow their plan.

"Meow?" (plan?)

This is difficult for Han Bin, although he wanted to do it enthusiastically at that time, but Han Bin was a little unclear where to start.

His original plan was to come to the Universe Prison to see the situation and then have the next step, after all, the universe was also his first time to travel, and he was not familiar with life, so he still had to be familiar with it.

Looking at Han Bin's puzzled expression, the old man's face couldn't hold back.

Feelings are really just not knowing anything, and starting to want to do it without preparing anything.

Isn't that a joke!

If Han Bin knew the old man's thoughts, he would definitely retort unconvinced, he has strength, many, many strengths.

With a long exhale, and the feeling of tiredness in his heart was suppressed, the old man came to the edge of the table.

Then, as if playing a trick, he took out a charcoal pen, which the old man originally used to record the number of days.

Now, I started to draw on the table.

After all, he is the leader of a highly civilized planet, and the old man's understanding of the universe must be much more than Han Bin's.

"The Cosmic Rules Bureau can be said to be the most powerful existence in this universe, but it is not an independent organization, but is composed of the five most powerful super civilization planets in the universe, and all the rules are also set up by the joint plan of these super civilization planets. The

old man drew five circles on the table, and then pointed the table.

"If you want to change the rules of the universe, the most important step is to conquer these five super civilization planets.

Han Bin nodded.

Sure enough, the things I know are still too few compared to the old man, and I still have a lot to know.

is still an old man's major, and he specializes in art, and Han Bin can be regarded as having seen it.

"And we don't have maps and flying machines to these five super civilization planets, and there is only one way to attract this group of people. The

old man's eyes are getting more and more crazy, since he wants to join this plan, he will accompany Han Bin crazy once when he is old.

It just so happens that it's been a long time since I've been unhappy with those super civilization planets.

Looking at the madness in the old man's eyes, Han Bin couldn't laugh or cry.

What's the matter with this old man's feeling that he is even crazier than himself, obviously he wants to change the rules of the universe.

"Cosmic prison chaos!"

the old man spat out six words, and the excitement in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

In the past fifty years in prison, he has not stayed here in vain, although he doesn't know when he will be able to get out, but he also has a lot of ideas in his mind.

And these ideas were mixed together by Han Bin, and then turned into a crazy plan.

"Although this cosmic prison is not the general prison of the cosmic prison, as far as I know, it is extremely close to a planet of five super civilizations, as long as this cosmic prison is in chaos, it is absolutely impossible for those guys to sit still.

"Send people here with spaceships, with the capital we can transfer, as long as the cosmic prison is destroyed, we in the cosmic prison are thirty percent sure that we will be brought back to that planet." There

was madness in the old man's eyes, although there was only a 30% probability, but it was worth the bet.

And the gamble is on everyone in this prison, including his life.

His eyes looked out the window, as if there was already a spaceship.

"At that time, it will be our greatest chance to leave the cosmic prison!"

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