Although the strength and technology of the super civilization planets in the universe are extremely terrifying existences, they are a minority after all, and the mainstream of the universe is still composed of countless low-civilization planets.

And Loess is a member of the army of low-civilization planets in the universe.

This planet is the same as its name, the entire planet is covered with countless loess, and water is the most scarce resource on this planet.

Ah Guang didn't know what a green plant was, because since he was born, he had never left this stone pillar beside him, and the two huge iron chains on the side of the stone pillar trapped him here.

It's like a part of his body.

He was originally the child of a young couple in a small village not far away, but since he was born, he has been trapped here by the villagers as a kind of ominous person, and his parents have been killed by the villagers.

As a young man, he didn't know what fear or hatred was, but he only knew that every day at twelve o'clock at noon, someone would bring a bowl of "food" to him.

And this is the happiest time of his day, because his hungry stomach can be replenished at this time.

He has lost his human power, he is just a hoodoo imprisoned here, recognized by the villagers.

That's how his life is, trapped and then eating the same food as animals.

But today's life seems to have something unusual.

During the day, a small figure fell from the sky and smashed in front of him.

He didn't think it would rain, after all, Loesturn hadn't rained in decades.

Ah Guang didn't know what the name of the creature in front of him was, but when he saw this small figure, Ah Guang suddenly had a wonderful feeling in his heart.

It's a feeling that is very good, but I don't know how to describe it.

Ah Guang wanted to reach out and touch the small figure in front of him, but the chains on his body trapped him in place, unable to move forward.

Ah Guang had never been so desperate to approach such a thing, after all, his life was only pillars, chains, basins and food.


And the guy who brought him food.

It can be said that this small figure is the first new thing to enter Ah Guang's world, and when he can't reach it with his hands, Ah Guang tries to twist his body and use his feet to reach the little figure.

Just as they were about to meet, a scolding voice directly interrupted Ah Guang's thoughts.

"Hey, take your hand back for me. It

was the one who brought him food, and the person who came put the food bowl in front of Han Bin as usual, and then kicked out the little life that had newly entered Ah Guang's world with his foot.

The little life turned into a parabola in Ah Guang's world and flew out, smashing the ground.

The man spat at the tiny figure, and then scolded, "Where did the wild cat come from, it's really bad luck." Then

he dragged a pair of slippers and walked away.

It turned out that the animal was called a cat.

Ah Guang thought in his heart that he had no concept of animals, after all, no one wanted to teach him about it.

If it were the same as usual, Ah Guang would definitely have begun to enjoy the "deliciousness" in front of him.

Although it smelled like swill, Ah Guang still ate deliciously.

After all, this is the only thing you can eat.

But now, for the first time, Ah Guang had the idea of not wanting to eat, and his attention was completely attracted by the small figure in the distance.

Is this little life still alive, is he really called a cat, it turns out that there are such things as cats in this world.

Something new stimulates Ah Guang's brain, and everything pushes him to want to get closer to that little life.

For the first time, he had the idea of breaking free from the chains behind him, but the chains, which had not been changed since he was imprisoned when he was a child, had been deeply embedded in Ah Guang's body and connected to his bones.

It is impossible to break free from this chain.


desperate desire to know what the situation of the little life really stimulated Ah Guang, and he pulled the chain behind him hard, he wanted to leave his current position.

He wanted to leave this circle of existence that had been divided by others and go to the side of that little life.

The thought in his mind became the driving force to promote Ah Guang's progress, and he pulled the iron chain with both arms and began to exert force, and the stone pillar behind him actually began to move under Ah Guang's pull.


movement of the stone pillars caused the ground to tremble violently, and the whole village shook violently.

Ah Guang's idea is very simple, that is, to get close to the little life.

The food bowl was overturned by the stone pillar, and before it was replaced, Ah Guang would be sad for a long time if he overturned the food bowl, because it would mean that he would be hungry for a day.

But now, he actually felt that there was nothing in his stomach after a day of hunger.

Ah Guang, who didn't realize that he had changed, walked forward with determination.


violent tremor sensation directly alarmed the people in the village, and everyone took their weapons and rushed towards the outside of the village, and at such a time, there was only one reason for such a violent tremor.

It's a hoodoo outside the village.

Ah Guang didn't care so much, he had already come to the little guy's side.

He slowly touched the body of the little guy in front of him with his somewhat rough hand, and the smooth feeling directly attracted Ah Guang to it.

Like a parent holding his newborn child, he carefully picked up the little one and put it in his arms.

This little guy is trembling, is he hungry too?

Because Ah Guang himself trembles violently when he is hungry, he has no concept of fear, because he has not learned Xi concept of fear.

Ah Guang carefully hugged the little one, holding it in his arms and fearing that this little life would completely leave in the next second.

He was expecting, expecting the little guy to open his eyes and see himself.

After all, such a good-looking cat must have beautiful eyes.

Ah Guang thinks that the best thing in life is the eyes, and he thinks that the eyes are the most beautiful things in the world.

However, those villagers who came with weapons did not have such beautiful illusions, and when they came to Ah Guang's side, they all raised their weapons and threw them at Ah Guang under the stone pillar.

In their world, all misfortunes are brought about by this monster.

In the face of those weapons, Ah Guang protected the little life under his body to death, and the weapon smashed on Ah Guang's body, Ah Guang endured it and did not make a sound.

He's waiting.

The moment this little creature under him

opened his eyes! Before he opened his eyes, he would definitely protect this little guy!

This was the first time that Ah Guang had such a feeling in so many years.

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