Ah Guang's actions did not win the sympathy of the villagers, and they still threw their weapons and smashed them on Ah Guang's back.

The sound of invective, accompanied by the sound of weapons falling to the ground, irritated everyone's nerves.

"I said that at that time, I directly killed this monster and sacrificed to the sky, and I left it for what to do now.

"The earth has moved, the earth has moved, and Heaven is going to punish us. "

See, that monster eats pig food and has such power, it's not a monster, it's not a monster, quick, kill him." "

That monster is shrinking as if he's protecting something, quick, hit that!"


The panicked villagers had completely lost their minds, and for them, the collapse meant death.

And to die, they never thought about plate movements and anything like that, after all, there is no such thing as science on this planet.

However, there must be something that can explain this phenomenon.

So Ah Guang became a scapegoat.

After so many years of wind and rain, Ah Guang's skin and the ground have undergone special changes, and there is a thin layer of rock on the surface of the skin to protect his body.

The weapon smashed into his body did not cause substantial damage.

And those abusive words, because he has not received education, Ah Guang is not quite able to understand their meaning.

Under Ah Guang's protection, in the expectant eyes, the eyelids of the little life under him slowly blinked.

The moment you meet the little one's eyes, the world around you seems to be completely quiet at this moment.


Guang didn't know how to describe it in flowery words, he preferred to compare these eyes to a piece of "meat".

Yes, meat.

In the daily food, occasionally half a piece of meat can be mixed in the middle, and this piece of meat is the most delicious food.

Ah Guang is eaten at the end.

And the eyes of this little guy underneath him are like that piece of meat, the best thing.

Ah Guang wanted to get closer to the little guy and take a closer look at those beautiful eyes.

However, the group of villagers beside him, who had already lost their weapons, rushed up and pulled him away like crazy.

Ah Guang didn't dare to use his strength, although he really wanted to get close to the little guy, but he didn't want to hurt the group of villagers around him.

He doesn't know good guys and bad guys, he just knows that this group of people feed him food, and in his opinion this group of people is very good to him.

"What to do, burn him?" suggested one of the villagers.

The proposal was quickly refuted.

"What to burn, the great wizard said before, he wants to stay to suppress the evil spirit, how about burning, the remaining days of the village are gone?"

"What can I do then, the ground has collapsed!"

Now the villagers are in trouble, and Ah Guang can't move, because it is related to the future of the village.

"Cat, that cat! The collapse started after the cat appeared, just burn that cat!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly shifted to the small body on the side that was lying on the ground and dying.

They needed someone to divert the calamity at this time, and Ah Guang couldn't move, and they put such thoughts on the cat.

The cat became a scapegoat for Ah Guang.

The speed of the firewood was very fast, and the dying cat was thrown directly into the middle of the firewood.

Villagers gather around with firewood, torches blazing in their hands.

Ah Guang was left to dry.

At the same time, a feeling of panic appeared in Ah Guang's heart.

The group on the other side seemed to want to hurt the cat.

The thing they had in their hands was called a torch, and Ah Guang knew that it was a terrible thing.

Ah Guang began to shake the chain in his hand violently, and in his mind, the eyes of the little guy sparkled in his heart.

He didn't want the person on the other side to hurt the cat, so he used his way to get the attention of the group and stop them from doing so.

Attention was attracted, but only half of the people were attracted to come, and they pressed tightly against Ah Guang's body to prevent him from moving.

Ah Guang could only keep his eyes wide open, anxiously watching the remaining villagers on the opposite side throw torches into the pyre.

The flames arced in a brutal arc through the air, and finally fell to the center of the pyre.


pyre burned vigorously, and the smoke began to fly upwards along the swaying of the flames, and the figure of the cat was gradually engulfed by the fireworks and disappeared in the middle of the flames.

And before being engulfed in flames, Ah Guang clearly saw the cat's eyes.

In those eyes like jewels, the fear revealed by instinctive fear stung Ah Guang deeply.

Ah Guang covered his chest with one hand, it hurt very much, but he didn't know what this feeling was called, as he had never been educated.

For the first time, he felt that the faces of those people were so disgusting, and he had been kind to all the creatures in this world, after all, in his world, it was so simple.

But now, everything seems to have changed because of the actions of this group of people.

Ah Guang lowered his head and stared at the ground in a daze.

The pain in his chest mixed with all kinds of complex emotions surged into Ah Guang's heart, and in the deepest part of his body, a terrifying force was converging at an extremely fast speed.

Ah Guang's body was undergoing strange changes, and no one noticed that the rock layers on the surface of Ah Guang's body were becoming more and more solid.

The flames rose and burned for almost half an hour.

Finally, after the last bit of fire disappeared, a large pile of black charcoal appeared in the place where the firewood had been placed, and there was no cat in it.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, and their village was able to continue to live in peace and tranquility.

Just as everyone was celebrating, the ground suddenly shook violently, and this time the shaking was dozens of times stronger than the last one.

"Isn't the bad luck gone, why did the ground collapse again? The

villager steadied himself in horror and screamed incredulously as he turned his head around trying to find out where the source of the collapse was.

Soon, their eyes fell on Ah Guang not far away.

If it were a normal time, they would definitely pick up the weapons in their hands and throw them at Ah Guang, after all, Ah Guang is the bad luck of this village, and all bad things come out of Ah Guang's body.

Even the person who delivered the meal would say bad luck to Ah Guang in disgust.

But now, give them another hundred dares, and they don't have the courage to step forward.

In Ah Guang's body, a huge change has taken place.

The stone pillar that had been pulled behind Ah Guang began to crawl forward along the iron chain that connected Ah Guang's arm, covering Ah Guang's body, like a huge piece of armor embedded into Ah Guang's body.

It can be said that since he was born, Ah Guang has been one with the iron chain in his hand and the stone pillar behind him.

They live together, they go through the storms together, and in a way, they can't be separated.

Under the huge stimulation of the cat being burned to death, the special energy in Ah Guang's body underwent a terrifying qualitative change, and the stone pillar behind him was directly integrated into the body.

The current Ah Guang is like a rock giant with a height of five meters.

His hands were wrapped around the chains that trapped him.

In this moment, they truly merge into one.

Boom! A

terrifying aura erupted on Ah Guang's body, and his huge eyes, which had been tightly closed, opened suddenly.

His eyes were red and he stared at the group of "executioners" opposite.


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