Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 737: The Old Tree Opens His Eyes

?When Zhou Yong became fierce, he had a tyrannical aura, and the people who were immediately oppressed were obedient and dared not speak. Seeing that everyone stopped talking, he just stared at the vine forest. Even though he couldn't see anything, he was still very nervous about Shen Shen.

Shen Shen calmly looked at the vines sweeping in front of him. Each of the thick vines stabs like lightning, and the bark on the top is like scales attached to it, so you can know its hardness and strength.

If it was someone else, in the face of the stormy attack, I am afraid that the only end would be death, but there was no trace of panic on Shen Shen's face, even though these vines kept attacking him, but for Shen Shen with double limits In other words, the speed of the vines was still too slow in his eyes.

The body is elegant and nimble, dodging the attack of the vines just right, and at the same time, swinging the knife three times, directly wiped the mechanism of the vines horizontally.


The vines couldn't help shrinking violently after being hurt, and the friction between the barks made animal-like sounds, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, making the people outside terrified.

"Will that guy die inside?" Someone asked worriedly.

"Let's take the opportunity to leave. What if these vines react and come to kill us?"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and the rest immediately nodded.

Zhou Yong looked at this group of cowardly people with panic expressions on their faces like bereaved dogs, and smiled contemptuously: "Go away, you bunch of cowards!"

Everyone scolded by this sentence was immediately ashamed, and several people knew that they were wrong, but this is the end, isn't it? Who cares about these superficial friendships, survival is the most important thing. Without further ado, they looked at each other, and ran out in such a haste without caring about Zhou Yong.

But Zhou Yong didn't have the slightest ripple in his heart. It is obvious that such things are commonplace. As the saying goes, when a catastrophe is imminent, they will fly separately, which is really human nature.

It's not that Zhou Yong himself is not afraid, nor is he courageous, but he knows that sometimes, one cannot be so ungrateful, and sometimes, even in the face of death, as a "person" with a capital letter, he must insist on something . Otherwise, what is the difference between myself and those ignorant beasts.

Facing the yellow sand and mud waving all over the sky, even though his leg bones and ribs were broken, he still forced himself to straighten his body and stand proudly. Although he is not qualified to participate in the battle, he still has the same hatred as Shen Chen.

But at this time, Shen Shen encountered a huge trouble. The three moves of swinging swords are not too lethal to this vine, so it seems to have offended this terrifying vine. In an instant, the endless vine changed its attack mode,

The vines, large and small, no longer use stabbing Shen Shen as an attack method as before, but gathered into a large and small net-like structure, and sprinkled over the head and face. There are also smaller nets. At a glance, you can see large and small, thousands of hundreds of nets, densely covered like thick clouds in the sky. The rain is about to fall, the wind is about to rise, and they are swarming. !

In this way, once the net is formed, the dodge space will be reduced in an instant, and there is even no room for dodge.

One by one, they spun towards Shen Shen, like a net for catching insects, trying to catch everyone in one go.

Shen Shen only felt that his eyes went dark for a moment, and the sharp sound of breaking wind came through his chest. In front of so many nets, if he wanted to dodge, it was too late, Shen Shen's eyes constricted suddenly, his chest and abdomen shrank back suddenly, and his body fell back like a crossbow arrow.

?However, the vines are also very cunning. They came from behind, with the potential to attack from both sides. The endless vine nets came one after another like lightning. It is not easy to dodge, but it is even more difficult to break through. Like going to heaven. Even though it was heavy, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

The air seems to be torn apart under the evil net, forming arcs of air, intertwined in front of the eyes, seeing the nets on both sides are about to catch Shen Chen, as if aware that the prey can no longer hide. Suddenly, there was a sound similar to laughter, but this laughter was worse than crying.

At this very moment, between lightning and flint, a suffocating calm flashed in Shen Shen's eyes, and then, his figure suddenly stopped violently, and when the two nets were surrounded, he suddenly jumped up , In an instant, a vacant afterimage immediately moved towards the top of Juechen.

The two vine nets were intertwined in an instant. At this time, a cold light flashed in the deep black eyes, and the five fingers grasping the handle of the knife were suddenly clenched, and the legs kicked hard on the vine nets. Standing upside down and stabbing straight, he swung the blade three times, and three black rays of light flashed out in an instant!


The fragments of the vines instantly boiled and turned into debris floating in the air. But Shen Shen's astonishing power is still superimposed like waves. The vines that were not attacked for a while were also trembling. One by one, they rose to midair as if instinctively.

This is the time!

The heavy footsteps were like a spirit fox in an instant, unbelievably fast, domineering like a sharp sword, rushing towards the center of the vine invincibly! Only afterimages were left behind!

The closer he was to the center, the vines that had retracted from the pain once again sank down like a snake's touch, as if an urgent person wanted to stop Shen Shen.

A sneer flashed in Shen Shen's eyes, and it really is!

The knife in his hand was raised again. The violent blow just now seemed to have not fully released the knife energy. On its surface, countless black lights flickered rapidly. As Shen Shen swung the knife suddenly, an extremely domineering wave . Spread out like water waves.

"Squeak squeak!!!"

A shrill scream sounded in an instant, and those vines twisted in the air feebly, as if they had been greatly hurt!

At this time, Shen Shen had already approached the center of the vine, but saw a dark yellow strange tree lying on the side of the road, and another thick tree growing beside it, the two were entangled, entwined, that Countless vines hang down from the peaks of the two.

Shen Shen came closer, but saw two long and narrow gaps suddenly appeared on the trunk of the weird old tree, like two slender eyes suddenly opened. Under the eyelids, a pair of blood-red whites and The green pupils looked at Shen Shen ferociously.

"You can't kill me! You can never kill me!"

Although the tree didn't speak, Shen Shen seemed to understand it strangely. He suddenly smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then... waved his arm and slashed diagonally!

boom! ! !

In an instant, the sky and the earth shook! Flying sand and rolling stones!

Zhou Yong only felt that the ground under his feet was like an earthquake, and if he couldn't stand still, he fell to the ground. He looked at the vine forest in panic, and shouted in his heart: "What's going on? What's going on?"

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