Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Seven hundred and thirty eighth piece of loot

?The black tip of the knife cut through the latitude and longitude with a breath of death, and directly chopped down the thick tree next to the old tree with a natural trajectory.

At that moment, the entire vine forest swayed and trembled crazily as if it had been struck by a huge lightning strike! Cry with death! With a dark roar!


In the depths of my heart, there seemed to be a woman's shrill scream!

Shen Shen's eyebrows were also raised at this time like swords, as if he was thinking of something in his heart. Just at this moment, the thick tree suddenly shot out countless branches and leaves, the branches and leaves condensed, drawing a tricky and fierce arc, facing the vitals of Shen Shen's body, the dream was like the struggle of a dying person.

Shen Chen's figure immediately moved swiftly, but a branch and leaf still scratched his chest, and his clothes were torn in an instant, and a deep bloodstain immediately appeared, and the blood immediately seeped out.

"Squeak squeak!!!"

There was a shrill scream, and those vines twisted in the air like a group of demons dancing wildly, as if they had been greatly hurt! They swooped over overwhelmingly, and the crazy suicide attacks without any traces whipped hundreds of times on Shen Chen's body in an instant.

boom! The thick vine instantly overturned Shen Shen and flew upside down, hitting the ground straight. Rao Shen Shen couldn't help but feel a sweetness in his throat, and almost couldn't bear the surging blood. He quickly rolled over and stood up, slashing the vines that were obstructed by layers of vines continuously!

They are protecting these two strange trees!




hundred roots...

The figure kept moving back and forth amidst the attacks of the vines, not to mention the number of dangers it encountered, and even nearly got its ankle pulled by the vines. About half an hour later, Shen Shen's body and feet were covered with vine debris, spreading all over the ground behind him. I don't know how many he killed!

These vines are by no means easier than zombies. On the contrary, zombies only need to hit the head to kill them, but these vines have to be strangled and crushed to be completely killed!

But... that's all, Shen Chen didn't pay attention to the blood all over his body at all, with a half-smile in his eyes, he looked at the two strange trees with only a few vines left.

The bodies of the two strange trees trembled slightly, as if humans trembled when they were in extreme panic.

If it is a human being, there is still the possibility of escaping, but the trees can only stay where they are.

They are dead!

He rushed out in a few steps, without pausing at all, his figure popped out like a cheetah, and at the same time he firmly grasped it with his palm!


The black blade light flashed again, approaching the thick tree in an instant, a icy color flashed across his black eyes, and the black light directly passed across the tree trunk!


There was a crisp sound!

The thick tree trunk was split in half!

Blood spatter!

Human blood flowed from the trunk of the tree, and liquid like blood and tears flowed from the eyes of the old tree that fell to the side. The vines kept twitching, and the friction between each other was like a scream, resounding at this moment, the remaining vines twisted their bodies crazily, trembling weakly, like countless pairs of arms clapping crazily. Luan Wu, trying to make a final blow to kill Shen Chen before dying.

However, Shen Chen twisted his figure, and immediately appeared in front of the collapsed old tree. The machete in his hand was like a thunderbolt, stabbing fiercely into the eyes of the strange tree, and the machete completely sank.

In an instant, streams of blood sprayed out continuously along the blade, and the wildly waving vines suddenly solidified at that moment, and then crackled and clattered, slowly collapsed, and one by one fruits fell from the vines Down, quickly withered and exhausted, and finally turned into pools of pus and blood.

When the strange vine tree finally died completely, Shen Chen's heel also softened. This battle may seem unremarkable, but it was actually a head-to-head fight. Lan Huo, who has the strongest attack power, is completely useless here, and it is obviously impossible to easily defeat such an opponent with the three sword swings. What's more, when the strange tree finally showed its power, the thousands of attacks were not easy to bear.

Shen Shen rested for a while, adjusted his breathing, and then approached the fallen trunks of the two monsters, and began to pierce their bark with the knife in his hand. After so much effort, he had to find some loot.

What's more, this kind of tree with evolved eyes was rare in previous lives. If the guess is correct, it seems that there may be something good.

Shen Chen first put aside the broken old tree, and couldn't help frowning. The strange thing is that although the outer bark of the old tree is already damaged, the more you pull it in, the inner core becomes more and more youthful, as if something sucked a thick tree dry. Became an old tree.

Shen Shen looked at the thick tree on one side, and the corner of his mouth slightly curved. With the knife in hand, another stream of blood burst out from the thick tree. Sure enough, the culprit was the tree.

With Shen Shen's hands, he dug deeply into the tree trunk, and suddenly, he felt a cool feeling coming from his hands. Shen Shen hurriedly dug that thing out, but found that it was a transparent palm-sized crystal-like thing.

"The gum has condensed into crystals." Shen Shen said to himself. There was ecstasy in his eyes. In the Taiping era, gum, as a natural product without pesticide residues and antibiotics, was often made into health care products. Because of the flavonoids it contains, it is extremely beneficial to the human body. After the apocalypse, these plants and animals have evolved rapidly, and the tonic ingredients they contain are getting higher and higher

In the previous life, these things were the ingredients that could promote the improvement of strength. If new humans eat these things for a long time, the improvement of rank will be greatly improved. It is like assuming that if you enter the fifth rank from the fourth rank, you may have to drink tens of thousands of sticks Evolution fluid, but with the help of these great supplements, this progress may be greatly reduced. In the previous life, a drop of gum was worth a hundred third-level evolution liquids. Now I actually got a content the size of a palm. I have to say that the adventure this time was really worth it.

Smiling all over his eyes, Shen Shen unceremoniously took the gum into his arms, and then looked at the forest all over the mountain. For a while, he wished that there would be more evolved plants like this!

However, Zhou Yong's eyes widened when he was outside, he felt the ground shaking all the time outside, he thought several times that Shen Shen would not be able to survive, and he probably was going to play a fool. But who would have thought that all of a sudden, the wind and the sea would be calm, and after the dust and mist in front of him dissipated, what was left was devastated.

The vine forest went from lush to nothing in a few hours, as if it was wiped out by a huge hand all at once. What kind of power is this to do such a horrible thing!

Zhou Yong was still in the midst of a huge earthquake, when suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder slowly.

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