In a blink of an eye, Duoduo suddenly opened his mouth wide, grinning to the base of his ears, and bit his heavy fingers in his mouth with a squeak.

"Ah! Boss, be careful!"

Zhang Hongtao was bitten by Duoduo, and caught off guard, he screamed. He thought it was an accident, so he hurriedly pulled out Shen Shen's fingers, and Shen Shen waved his other hand lightly and said, "It's okay, the monsters that people turn into are okay. Infectious ability, don’t worry. I told you about this at J University.”

"But, but his teeth are so good, what if you break your finger?"

Shen Chen smiled slightly, seeing Duoduo clenching his upper and lower teeth desperately, as if he wanted to bite off his fingers, and said casually: "Then he must have this ability."

About ten seconds later, Shen Chen easily pinched Duoduo's jaw open with the other hand, and took out his fingers leisurely. Except for a few teeth marks, there was still blood on it, and the flesh was not broken.

Zhang Hongtao felt more and more unfathomable in his heart. Can such a ** be called a human **? Obviously, it is so tyrannical that it has exceeded the limit of human beings.

"Boss, are your fingers alright?"

"Well, if he can also bite through, then I can jump into the Yellow River to die." Shen Shen said jokingly, but at this time, Duo Duo roared angrily as if he had been fooled.

Shen Shen slowly closed his eyes, deep in his mind, a strange force seemed to be sucked away by a water pump, slowly, Shen Shen only felt a cautious fetter slowly appearing in his mind, Different from the tyranny of zombies brought by Xu Ziying, Pan Dey brought Shen Shen's honesty, Dr. Jia's compassion, Duoduo's fetters brought a child's innocence, a trace of fear, and a bit of tyranny in it.

"A lot?" Shen Shen called out a lot in his mind, but saw that the childish side in that bondage immediately increased a lot, and correspondingly, the tyranny decreased a bit.

When Duoduo, who was still barking his teeth and claws, received the heavy instructions in his mind, he became quiet for a moment, and there seemed to be a hint of agility in his eyes.

Zhang Hongtao saw with his own eyes that Duoduo suddenly changed in an instant, and his eyes immediately brightened. Needless to say, Shen Shen must have used some method to help Duoduo.

He was delighted and excited, and asked eagerly, "Boss, is Duoduo alright?"

Shen Shen shook his head and said: "Now I can only confirm that Duoduo is indeed likely to recover. My idea is effective, but in Duoduo's situation,

I think it will take time to fully recover. Shen Shen paused and said: "I'm about to go north, it looks like Duoduo is going to go with me." "

Zhang Hongtao nodded immediately, without hesitation: "That's no problem, as long as Duoduo can recover, it's fine anyway. Besides, I can only rest assured that I'm by your side."

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "Yes, when we meet again, I will give you a lively and lovely son."

Zhang Hongtao took a deep breath and held Shen Shen's hand tightly: "Boss, then I will leave everything to you!"

The moment he touched Zhang Hongtao's hand, Shen Shen only felt a warm force slowly flooding into the depths of his brain. worship. Positive emotions such as gratitude will increase one's strength, Shen Shen felt that power slowly sinking into his mind, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Xu Ziying, Duo Duo, Dr. Jia, Pan Di. It seems that there are only four positions where I can create bonds, and most of them are because the strength is too weak, and it is not too much to spend my brain power. If the object of the bond is too powerful, or the number exceeds. It will appear like a ghost doll. Speaking of which, that guy, Ghost Doll, has really been gone for a long time. It stands to reason that since there is no bondage, with the characteristics of ghost dolls, they should come to seek revenge on themselves.

Shen Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, temporarily letting go of his thoughts.

Duoduo's problem was temporarily resolved. At Zhang Hongtao's persistent request, everyone stayed at the gathering place for a few more days, and asked Zhang Hongtao to prepare the convoy and supplies for the group's northward journey.

In the past few days, Shen Shen has not been idle, leading Chen Yijian. Yuan Hong. Pan Di and others went out to hunt zombies together. In just a few days, tens of thousands of zombies were killed by this team of killing gods, and countless mutated animals were brought back.

Every time they come back, the people in the gathering area will scream wildly. No one thought that these weak-looking guys, especially Shen Shen, would have such great power. Zhang Hongtao's attitude also told everyone in the gathering place that the real person in charge of the gathering place is actually this seemingly indifferent young man.

"Hey, you don't know yet, our leader is actually Boss Shen's subordinate. Boss Shen's strength is even better than a fifth-order zombie!"

At this time, Xiao Wei, who had had contact with Shen Chen, started to give a vivid speech, which actually pushed Shen's prestige to a peak. And Shen Shen could clearly feel that the power in his mind was getting more abundant day by day.

Since Zhou Hemin and Dai Liang wanted to stay, Shen Shen focused on improving the abilities of these two during this time, and even made weapons for Luzi, Zhang Hongtao, Zhou Hemin, and Dai Liang.

As soon as the iron-cut weapon was released, everyone's eyes would drop from shock. Zhang Hongtao said in admiration: "In the past few months, the shock that Boss has given us is simply too great."

A week has passed in the blink of an eye. Although Zhang Hongtao is so reluctant to give up, it is time for Shen Shen to leave. After all, there are only more than three months left before half a year. After preparing enough supplies to reach City B, a group of military vehicles quickly drove out of the mine, Chen Yijian, Yuan Hong, Pan Di, Wu Wei, Ye Zhou, Huang Chen, Ah Feng, Xia Weili. There is also Dou Xiaoqian who is still unconscious, and Xiaoran who is not Xiaoran. Plus a Duoduo who is neither human nor beast. There are also the zombie Xu Ziying and the laughing owl flying in the sky. Under the eyes of Zhang Hongtao and others, the brigade marched out mightily.


"It's really hot, why is it so hot!" Chen Yijian sat in the car, shirtless, and kept wiping the sweat left on his forehead with one hand. Through the window of the car, you can see the flaming sun. Although it has not yet been directly illuminated, the sand and soil on the road seem to be shining;

Yuan Hong covered her nose and said sullenly: "I suspect that the weather has reached more than 40 degrees in the past few days, and there is a rotten smell everywhere. It's too stinky."

Right now, it is far from the hot summer season of the Taiping years, but everyone knows that the earth at this time is far from the earth in the past, and such extreme weather will probably become more and more intense.

Zombies, mutated earth, extreme weather, every change seems to push human beings to a dead end, but human beings, this kind of "little strong" creatures that are invincible to the earth and the universe, can still survive It has to be said that it is a miracle. At least, along the way, everyone has met at least four or five gathering places, large or small, and they are all struggling to live. Even if the suffering is extreme, people can still feel a kind of hope in despair. At least, human beings are not left with only this point. At least, there are human beings living in every place on the earth. We are not the only ones.

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