Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 833 Youth Hormone

"Persevere, there is a town in front of you." Wu Wei said from the side: "After entering the town, the sun will not be so poisonous."

"Go, into the woods!" Chen Yijian stepped on the accelerator, and immediately drove towards the town.

This town was built in a depression. When a convoy drove to the gate of the town, it happened that a large group of zombies were crowded around the town, wriggling like maggots in a dung pile.

"It is estimated that there are no living people here, and they have all turned into zombies." Ye Zhou said with compassion.

"The only good news is that there is no room for them to mutate. In my opinion, their abilities are basically around the middle of the first level to the second level." Pan Di said.

Chen Yijian shrugged: "Don't say anything, let's kill such a weak zombie?"


In the hot season, the smell of sweat from everyone's bodies quickly attracted the group of zombies. Looking from a high altitude, I saw tens of thousands of nearby zombies swarming over like ants, and gradually gathered around everyone.



Without dodging, everyone got out of the car, waving the weapons in their hands airtightly, and all the zombies that approached with their teeth and claws were all beaten by these guys' tyrannical force, and they couldn't get close at all, and followed behind everyone , he held Duoduo in one hand and Xiaoran in the other, and slowly followed behind the crowd. Suddenly, Xiaoran screamed and retreated a few steps, but saw the head of a zombie fell on the ground. The ground, but the mouth is still constantly opening and closing. Chen Chen patted Xiaoran's shoulder, then raised his foot like a stroll in the garden, and stepped on that head lightly... Kacha!

The heavy force crushed the skull directly, and the brain and bones were mixed together, sticking to the heavy soles, and then continued to move forward.

boom! boom!

These hideous carrion corpses rushed forward one after another, and they continued to wander from the nearby streets. They surrounded them like sharks smelling fishy.

But everyone headed by Pan Di and Chen Yijian walked and killed at the same time! Every time they passed by a zombie, the saber would pierce their head, or cut directly to their throat. No zombies could stop them from advancing slowly. When they came to the center of the town, Thousands of zombies have all fallen to the ground, their heads scattered all over the ground like balls, and the entire street is filled with flowing blood and headless corpses.

"It's cleaned up!" Chen Yijian gasped and said,

The hot weather accelerated the consumption of physical energy. He pointed to a building eagerly and said, "Let's go in quickly."

Shen Shen nodded: "Go and drive."

Yuan Hong, Ye Zhou, and Wu Wei immediately returned to drive, and the wheels soon drove straight along the street with drops of blood mixed with dust, as if driving through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Hell World Shadow.

After everyone walked into the building, the hot air disappeared a lot in an instant. Everyone leaned in a comfortable position and drank pure water. Perhaps it was because the weather was too hot. Everyone drank far more water than previously allocated. good quota.

Shen Chen frowned slightly, and Xia Weili immediately leaned over: "Brother Shen Chen, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, adjust here for three hours, and continue on the road at three o'clock in the afternoon." Staggering the hottest noon will make people feel more comfortable.

After Shen Shen gave an order, the team immediately divided up the tasks, and the person in charge quickly occupied the favorable terrain, while the rest lay down in peace. After a while, the sound of snoring came from the building.

"Brother Shenchen, don't you take a break?" Xia Weili asked softly, looking at Shen Chen who had stood up.

"No need, I'll go and have a look elsewhere." Shen Chen walked out as he said, and walked around the building a few times before slowly walking out the door. The cicadas were singing louder and louder. His complexion became more and more difficult to look at.

As soon as summer arrives, the biggest disaster is about to come. The great leap of creatures has begun to show its power, and ordinary animals are nothing more than creatures like insects. terrible thing.

Not to mention other insects, but mosquitoes, as long as they come in groups, I am afraid that it only takes a few seconds for a person to be sucked up, and seeing the time when the mosquitoes are flooding is coming, this group of people will be in three months. How far can we go? The weather is so hot, I'm afraid even drinking water will become a problem. Shen Chen said in his heart that he was not in a hurry, but it was a lie.

The three-hour rest time passed quickly, and everyone hurriedly got up and continued to set off. Shen Shen followed the weather changes in a timely manner to make daily adjustments.

Five days later, Wu Wei's car broke down halfway, and the convoy had to stop, waiting for the car to be repaired before continuing on the road.

Seeing Wu Wei lying on the ground repairing the car, Chen Yijian couldn't help but feel a little bored. He rolled his eyes and said to Yuan Hong, "Little Yuan, is your nose still sensitive?"

Yuan Hong squinted at Chen Yijian: "What do you want to do, just say it."

Chen Yijian smiled and rubbed his hands: "I haven't killed zombies much these days, my hands are a little itchy. Anyway, it will take some time for Wu Wei to repair the car. Find a place where we can play?"

Xia Weili happened to pass by the location of the two of them, and glared at Chen Yijian angrily: "Others are hiding from zombies, but you are better off, and go to find zombies. Be careful of capsized in the gutter!"

"Bah, bah, bah, you can't talk nonsense!" Chen Yijian said hastily, "I'm just planning to get us some more bullets for the evolution gun."

Ah Feng also gave Chen Yijian a blank look, knowing in her heart that these men would not admit defeat if they did not kill each other for a few days.

Chen Yijian immediately ran to Pan Di's side: "Dizi, shall we go together?" He raised his eyes to look at Huang Chen who looked eager: "By the way, how about taking this rookie?"

Just as Pan Di was about to speak, Shen Shen answered from the side: "There should be a mutated rat hole nearby. If you're free, go and wander around there a few times. Bring some rats back, remember, they're dead."

Xia Weili asked curiously: "Boss, how do you know there are mice here?"

Shen Chensui pointed to a few black spots on the ground, and said casually: "Here, mouse poop, such a big mouse poop, there must be a mouse hole nearby."

Xia Weili and girl Xiaoran immediately looked at Shen Shen with admiration, but they heard Chen Yijian click his tongue twice: "Don't let the big ones go, and don't let the small ones go, Shen Shen really has a flirtatious physique." ! Why can't I flirt with my sister?"

"You wash your body, maybe a mother will come to you." Yuan Hong said: "Will you still go? If you don't go, how will your youthful hormones be released?"

Shen Chen couldn't help but smile when he heard the two quarreling. Chen Yijian and Pan Di immediately looked at each other, and the eyes immediately lit up: "Good relationship! Let's go!"

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