Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 834 Sorry, I'm ahead

Yuan Hong quickly sniffed out the location of the rat hole, and the three of them walked away with weapons in their hands. Only a few people were left looking at each other, and couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing.

Seeing that Wu Wei still had a while to repair the car, Shen Chen was sure that laymen like himself could not help, so he closed his eyes, drank a bottle of evolution liquid, and used the blue flame to exercise his inner self, while the others sat around Around Shen Chen, they either rested or chatted.

On the other side, after Chen Yijian, Yuan Hong, and Pan Di walked for about one kilometer, they finally found a clue in a lush bush. The footprints of noisy rodents were distributed in the bush. It is the entrance of the sewer, and the rusty manhole cover has been covered by the growing weeds, but the traces of those four-legged animals can still be seen crawling in and out.

Yuan Hong, Pan Di, and Chen Yijian looked at each other, and gently lifted the manhole cover, and a rancid and damp smell came over the surface immediately. Yuan Hong couldn't help but sniffled: "This smell is really bad. I can smell it."

"Go in!" Chen Yijian was the first to jump down: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger's cub!"

The drop between the well and the ground is about five or six meters, and you can see the light reflected from the sewage with your eyes. The three of them climbed down the iron ladder on the wall, only hearing the sound of creaking iron tools rubbing against each other.

Soon, the three of them touched the ground, and there was much less sewage and silt at the bottom of the well than expected. Although there was a stench, it was not suffocating.

"Is this still the sewer of our Great China? Isn't it a bit awesome?" Pan Di couldn't help but said, he is relatively tall, and he thought he would have to crawl in the sewer, but he didn't expect to be able to stand upright There is more.

"When the Germans rented this place a hundred years ago, the sewers built here also served as an air-raid shelter, so of course it was empty." Chen Yijian looked around and said, "These rats are pretty good at finding a place to live. Did you see that? This is their home, who knows where they are hiding."

A large number of optical cables and wires pass through the iron frame on the wall, bundled together, and extend far and far in the dark and deep well. When Chen Yijian said, he only felt a strand of it. The cloudy air rushed upwards.

But fortunately, the three of them also boasted that they had some skills, so they continued to move forward. Although there is not much sewage and silt in the well, after walking for more than half an hour, the sewage and silt started to hinder the activities after the pants were wet, and the air in the well was turbid. After a while, three Personal breathing began to be a little difficult.

"Where are all the mice? Why didn't you see any of them?" Chen Yijian whispered with some dissatisfaction: "Is there no mouse?"

"You can't question the boss even if you question me?" Yuan Hong said: "He also knows that there are mice here.


Chen Yijian then nodded: "That's good, don't let us return in vain and show jokes to Ye Zhou and Huang Chen. What's the matter? We are old people, so we have to set an example."

But Pan Di cautiously looked around: "Keep your voice down, I don't know when this mouse will appear." He asked softly, "Can you smell where the mouse's nest is?"

Yuan Hong led the way holding her nose, and said sullenly, "Don't ask me about this place, my nose is full of stench."

The three of them walked forward for a while, and there was a fork in the road ahead, and they couldn't see the road ahead clearly.

"Where are we going?" Chen Yijian motioned to the two of them: "Left? Right?"

Yuan Hong got down on the ground, carefully inspected the walls on both sides, then stood up and said solemnly: "There are some traces of dragging on the left, it seems that some creature passed by, go to the left."


The three of them continued to walk forward, but Chen Yijian didn't see it. Yuan Hong had a serious expression on his face. The traces of the dragging were really weird, as if the thing being dragged was a living thing, and even traces of fingers and footprint. According to the strength of a person, or the strength of a zombie, it is obvious that a group of mice cannot be dragged. Could there be any larger beasts hidden here?

Worried in her heart, Yuan Hong immediately said: "Be careful that there may be large beasts ahead."

Chen Yijian and Pan Di changed their expressions, and the relaxed state of mind just now gradually tightened up.

After the three of them moved forward again for about half an hour, finally, rustling sounds appeared in front of them.

The three of them looked at each other, and in an instant, a feeling of excitement mixed with tension emerged spontaneously, and the adrenaline in the body immediately rushed out, and the three of them unconsciously adjusted their posture with my weapon hand. He began to wait for the mouse in front of him to arrive.


Small blood-red dots of light appeared in the depths of the dark passage, and they rushed in one by one. The blood-red dots were densely packed, and immediately made the three of them feel chills all over their bodies!

"Come on, fight!"

The black rats were much bigger than they imagined, one was as long as an adult's arm, thousands of rats rushed towards them like a flood, and the loud roar was louder than a grand concert Shocking!


Pan Di took the lead in kicking his left foot on the ground, and his figure rushed forward. The big sword in his hand opened and closed, and launched the first wave of fierce attacks in the well. Under Pandey's sharp sword, after being touched, it was cut in half by the sharp sword. Due to the speed, the rats didn't even die, and the split corpses exploded in the air , only the head of the normal body was still screaming sharply, as if it had experienced countless tortures in hell, it was creepy, and goose bumps rose all over the body.

"Awesome!" Chen Yijian boasted, he likes to use guns, but sometimes he also likes to use fists, but to deal with these disgusting creatures, using his own fists is not enough, so he specially took a bone gun , Ready to show off your skills. He stepped forward from the left, attacking with a long spear, and a few ferocious rats that slipped through the net were instantly stabbed into a bunch of candied haws. His blood didn't even touch the body of the gun, and when he saw his gun's flame trembling slightly, the little cold lights fell down one after another, not stars, but fireworks from the god of death.

"15~ not bad!" Chen Yijian laughed: "Don't think that Pan Di's sword is very fancy, but if you want to kill a lot, it has to be me! Oops~"

Chen Yijian was chattering, when he suddenly felt a black shadow rushing up from the side, and before he had time to react, he saw Yuan Hong was already standing beside him, holding a gigantic mouse in his hand. tail, and then fell heavily back into the group of rats, killing all of them at some point: "Arrogant bastard, if you don't look at it, it's useless to kill more."

"I think you're jealous that I'm better than you?" Chen Yijian immediately began to hate: "Your ability is still a little worse than mine."

"Hehe!" Yuan Hong's face immediately showed a smile, and he kicked back a few huge mice. After a beautiful round kick, he twitched his fingers: "Compare?"

"Competition! After killing this area, let's see who kills more!" Chen Yijian's eyes lit up, and he immediately suggested.

Yuan Hong hadn't answered yet, but Pan Di swung his sword down again, then turned his head with a hateful and honest smile and said, "32, I'm ahead!"

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