Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters: Hard-pressed group of three

"So the person who seems to be the most honest will never be honest!" Chen Yijian muttered: "There is an advance!"

Yuan Hong immediately nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, otherwise Pan Di would be able to meet the goddess."

Chen Yijian's eyes lit up immediately, and then he exaggeratedly exaggerated and shouted: "Ah, that's right! A woman like Sister Ah Feng has been taken down by Pan Di. Sure enough, the honest man's methods are also very clever. .”

Pan Di looked at the pretentiousness of the two, and was angry and funny: "Don't talk, I have fifty-six here! Whoever loses is not allowed to call the landlord at night when fighting the landlord."

"This move is too ruthless!"

"You can't lose even if you fight for honor!"

Chen Yijian immediately shot out his spears like poisonous snakes, and in an instant, more than a dozen trophies fell into his hands.

On the other hand, Yuan Hong watched the two of them fighting hard, and smiled calmly. Suddenly, his body spun around strangely, and his right foot kicked forward fiercely. In an instant, it drove a piece of sewage and mud, directly hitting the group of rats that were rushing forward. The sharp water splashes and sludge are like bombs, spreading out in an instant and splashing out immediately.

The powerful explosive force turned the water and silt into deadly killers in an instant. Countless mice screamed and fell from the air, and every one of them was pierced through, or squeezed into a pulp!

"My day!"

"I go!"

Everything in front of me was too shocking! Chen Yijian and Pan Di couldn't help but widen their eyes. They couldn't believe that this was Yuan Hong's attack. When did he become so powerful!

"Your trick is awesome, who did you learn it from?" Chen Yijian was taken aback, "How did you do it?"

Yuan Hong said shyly, "Do you still remember that guy Wang Longjie?"

Chen Yijian nodded immediately: "Of course, I killed it with my own hands, but my grandson still wants to kill us."

Yuan Hong chuckled: "Boss gave me his trick."


Chen Yijian and Pan Di spat out a mouthful of old blood in no time, and they didn't forget to kill the mouse, and they looked straight at Yuan Hong: "What the hell?"

Yuan Hong continued to kick the sewage sludge with her feet,

Large-scale killing, while saying: "I don't know how the boss learned it, but when I saw him throwing a piece of paper at random, it caused a small explosion, and the whole person was stunned. He gave this trick to the donkey. Self-defense, later the boss asked me if I wanted to learn, and I said yes. I just went to join in the fun, and the donkey is much better than me.”

"You kid is too scheming!" Chen Yijian immediately shouted, "Why can't I learn such a fun ability."

Yuan Hong said helplessly: "This ability is very strange. I made a budget. According to my current physical fitness and ability, the burst strength I can master is not great. Like these mice, the surface is relatively soft, so it is easy to kill, but for zombies As far as it is concerned, it is just the surface skin bursting. The boss said that the key to this ability lies in the strength and speed of the leg strength and the density transmitted to the air or medium. So since your marksmanship is so good, don't join in the fun."

"Speaking of which, what else can the boss know?" Pan Di sighed, and continued to kill the mouse: "with him, our strength is far beyond ordinary people. Not to mention anything else, just these abilities , Fighting skills. We can kill these mice so easily now, instead of being chased by them. So Lao Chen, don’t envy Yuan Hong, just wait a few days and let the boss teach you a few tricks."

Yuan Hong immediately nodded in agreement, and Chen Yijian also nodded: "That's fine, but it's not okay for me to call him the boss. He was still my defeat when I was young, but this kid seems to have changed since he entered the doomsday." Yes. Awesome."

When Pan Di heard this, he immediately bowed his head in silence and buried himself in killing the rats. Only he knew what happened to Shen Chen and how much he suffered. All that is happening today is due to the sufferings of the past. Step by step, planning for them, seemingly invisible, is actually changing their lives bit by bit. It's just that these words are not good to say to them.

On this side, the three of them showed great power, hacking and killing among the rats completely by their own abilities. The sharp and sharp swords of the broad sword were cut by Pan Di, and the bodies of countless broken mice fell in front of them. The colorful organs and viscera that flowed out from the corpses were so stench that people almost fainted. . Blood had already stained the clothes of the three of them red.

About two hours later, the three of them were panting heavily, already half dead from exhaustion. In front of him, the corpses of rats on the ground dyed the sewage on the ground into blood red, which was really bloody.

"Come on brothers, killing is enough, let's go?" Chen Yijian wiped his face and said: "If you don't go back, you won't be in time for dinner."

"Okay, let's go back the same way!" Pan Di put away the big sword and went back.

Yuan Hong wrinkled her nose: "Wait, let's go ahead and have a look."

"What are you doing up front?" Pandey asked curiously.

"I can vaguely smell something burnt." Yuan Hong said, "Go and have a look."

Chen Yijian and Pan Di stopped insisting, followed by Yuan Hong and walked forward. Soon, the three found a hole that could accommodate adults. Needless to say, this should be the mouse's nest. After Yuan Hong followed all the way here, even Chen Yijian and Pan Di could smell the strong smell of smoke.

"What's going on?" The three looked at me and I looked at you, Yuan Hong said, "It looks like something is burning inside."

"Why is there something burning in here." Chen Yijian frowned: "Let's go in and have a look?"

The three of them were also young and vigorous, so they got in without saying a word, and saw that the inside was full of sewage and silt, and the passage was so narrow that they crawled forward with their hands and feet, and they couldn't even straighten their waists, let alone the smell. The stench lingers in front of the nose.

After crawling painfully for more than half an hour, Chen Yijian finally shouted angrily: "Damn it, I've been fucked by you, we can just leave after killing the mice, why come in, can you back off now? "

Pan Di gave a wry smile at the end: "Brother, climb forward, you can't get out because of the big sword..."


"Yuan Hong, you kid is so fucking stupid, do you know that!"

Yuan Hong coughed lightly, and the dark sewer obviously couldn't see the shame on his face at this time: "Now that we are here, let's move on. As for the stench, I smell it stronger than you, yes Bar."

After Yuan Hong said that, the trio had no choice but to move forward, and after about half an hour of crawling, a light suddenly appeared in front of them, and Chen Yijian's eyes lit up: "There is an exit, there is an exit! "

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