Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 836 Lose your mother's corpse!

PS. Here’s today’s update, and by the way, let’s vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. Voting will also give you starting point coins. I beg everyone to support and appreciate it!

The three of them used their hands and feet together, and were extremely embarrassed. By the time they climbed out of the exit, their bodies were already covered in mud. After climbing out of the hole, what appeared in front of me was a warehouse of sundries piled up with an area of ​​more than a hundred square meters. There were a lot of food debris piled up in the warehouse. If you look carefully, there are even some remnants of human nails, which is quite impressive. Yuan Hong understood where the handprints of human struggling on the previous wall came from. Once she thought that the road she had just climbed was probably the road to death of some human beings, Yuan Hong's heart trembled slightly.

At this time, a steady stream of smoke drifted in from the crack of the warehouse's gate, choking everyone almost fainted, and some people's voices could still be heard from afar.

"My god, the smoke is coming in from the outside." Chen Yijian was already aggrieved, but when he heard someone talking, he became even more angry: "Someone set fire outside!"

"Hurry up and get out!" Pan Di yelled urgently. The air in the ground was thin, and the three of them had fought for more than two hours and climbed such a distance. up. Of course, he swung the big sword and rushed out in a hurry.

Chen Yijian and Yuan Hong also followed closely behind, covered their mouths and noses, and ran towards the door in a hurry.


In front of the door, Pan Di immediately kicked the iron gate with his leg. When Pan Di kicked the door open with his big foot, he heard a few screams from outside the door: "Come out, come out! What? manage!"

Immediately, there was a noisy sound outside the door, which seemed to be very panic, and then the leader shouted: "Don't worry, the second plan, the evolution gun! Get ready!"

"But with the evolution gun, we can't get food!"

"That's better than us dying in the mouth of rats, launch!"

The noisy sound outside made Pan Di basically understand the whole story in an instant, but the firing of the evolution gun scared him almost into the air: "Shoot your sister!"

Before Pandy finished speaking, he saw a familiar white light whistling past in front of him. At this moment, Pandy, who had just half body rushed out of the door, his scalp exploded in an instant, his entire soul had already flown into the air, and his body immediately Shrinking back, desperately shouted: "Evolution Gun! Rewind! Rewind!"

Chen Yijian and Yuan Hong, who were walking closely behind them, froze for a moment, and shuddered for a moment. Their faces were crazily tense like never before, and their bodies rushed back like rockets!


The moment Pandey withdrew from the room and closed the door,

The white light of the evolution gun soared into the sky, rushing in from all directions. At this moment, the three of them almost increased their speed to a state beyond their potential, jumped up from the ground like crazy, and clung to the ceiling again.

The white evolutionary gun pierced the entire room back and forth, and the bodies of the three barely passed by. At this moment, the hearts of the three of them were in their throats, and they felt that they were passing by the god of death.

The evolutionary gun fired dozens of shots in succession, and did not stop until the evolution liquid bullets in the gun body were gone.

Pan Di was afraid that these guys would reload the bullets again, so he rushed down immediately, pushed the door open with an unprecedented speed like a cheetah, and saw a man holding an evolution gun pouring evolution liquid bullets, ready to shoot again For a moment, the whole person howled like a wolf, and pounced on like a hungry tiger, directly knocking down the person in front of him holding an evolution gun.

"Zombies! There are zombies inside!"

"Chop on the head!"


The scene suddenly became chaotic. Some of the people surrounded outside screamed and retreated quickly, while others held weapons and torches and wanted to chop at Pandey.

"Murder your mother's corpse!"

A man who was about to attack Pan Di from the side was directly kicked by Yuan Hong who was following him, and immediately flew upside down, while Chen Yijian simply flipped the people around him over, and at the same time, he and Pan Di Push the man with the gun to the ground together.

"Shoot, fire your paralyzing gun! I was almost killed by you!" Chen Yijian slapped the shooter angrily: "I can't tell if it's a mouse or a human! Look, I'm a mouse shit Zombie or human? Huh? Shoot? Shoot your sister, I don’t know how dangerous the evolution gun is..."

He spoke urgently and quickly, hitting while speaking, it can be seen that the scene just now really frightened him. Fortunately, Pandy reacted quickly, otherwise the three of them would have been blasted into scum by the evolution gun, and they would have died. There is no scum left, it's too damn wronged.

Chen Yijian wanted to yell at him, but seeing Yuan Hong cough unnaturally, Chen Yijian immediately said angrily: "I just hit him a few times, right? I was about to die just now. I hit him!" How many times is it not enough? Huh?"

When he raised his head at the end of the last sentence, he suddenly turned a comical corner. There was no other reason. A man in his fifties in front of him was holding another evolution gun and aimed at them.

"My day..." Chen Yijian's voice immediately lowered. Even if he felt that he was awesome, he didn't dare to fight the evolution gun at such a close distance. wry smile.

Yuan Hongqing coughed a few times, with a very unnatural expression on his face. Just as he was about to speak, the person opposite immediately shouted: "Raise your hands, hug your head, and squat down! Or I'll kill you!"

Yuan Hong immediately gave a wry smile. They were the ones who said this to criminals in the past. She didn't expect it to be her turn now. It was really ironic. However, the evolution gun was right in front of her eyes, directly on her head. In terms of strength, the three of them hadn't reached the point where they could snatch a gun empty-handed like Shen Shen, and they immediately squatted down honestly, not to mention how depressed they were.

A few people passed by one after another, and after a few minutes, those people came back and reported: "Father, there is nothing inside. The mice were all shot by the evolution gun."

"Ah..." The crowd burst into moans and sighs one after another.

"It's all for nothing now."

"It's agreed that the rat meat is gone."

"What should we do when we go back now? The mice that have been raised for such a long time are just waiting to be harvested today."

Complaints rang out immediately, Pan Di frowned, and narrowed his eyes slightly. Judging from what these people meant, it was obvious that they planned to hunt mice just like them. Their original idea should be to fume the mice with smoke. But unexpectedly, the mice in this room made another passage, and the mice escaped from the passage, which is the place where they crawled over, but the three of us entered the place where the mice were supposed to stay because of the inexplicable smell of smoke. When they broke through the door, they were regarded as mice instead, attracting the attack of their second plan evolution gun.

Pan Di sighed deeply, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Yuan Hong, what Chen Yijian said just now is right, you really screwed up this time!

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and on May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and promote works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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