Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 837 Who is cheating?

PS. Here’s today’s update, and by the way, let’s vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. Voting will also give you starting point coins. I beg everyone to support and appreciate it!

The man in his fifties squinted his eyes, and suddenly shot Yuan Hong hard with a gun: "Say, why are you in there? There are rats in the warehouse, where are the rats?"

Yuan Hong said helplessly: "This matter is a long story."

"Did you eat the mice? Which gathering place did you come from?" Someone immediately interrupted and asked.

Soon, the mood of the crowd was stirred up.

"That's right, we lured the mouse here with our own hands. There was no one there at the time, why suddenly there were people inside."

"They must have stolen our food!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The furious emotions spread like a plague. If there was no threat of the evolution gun, Chen Yijian and Pan Di would naturally not care about these people alone, but now, they couldn't help but bow their heads. Pan Di took a deep breath and immediately said first : "It was a misunderstanding, we were just passing by."

"Those who pass by, those who pass by will come to the sewer, what are you kidding?" Someone immediately said with disdain.

The leading man at the head said coldly: "I advise you to tell the truth. When did you start hunting for rats? Where did you transport the rats? How many people are there in your gathering place? Tell me in detail, and I will tell you the truth." I can spare your dog's life. We are all human, and I don't want to be too extreme. But if you don't tell the truth..."

He sneered a few times: "Perhaps you don't know that when a few openings are made on the body of a living person, the mouse will crawl up along with the smell of blood, and then gnaw off the flesh on your body bit by bit. You can’t die, but you can still live to see them give birth to little mice in the meat holes of your body, your exposed nerves, and even feel the wriggling of those cute rodents! Do you want to have a taste of this, just Let's see if you can talk anymore."

Yuan Hong said helplessly: "We really broke in by mistake. When we were walking in the well, suddenly a lot of mice ran out. After we finally killed them all, we followed the smell of smoke to find out what happened. When I thought about it, I met you!"


Everyone stopped suddenly, and then it was as if they heard some big joke,

They laughed wildly, leaning back and forth laughing one by one, even tears streaming down their faces.


Yuan Hong was knocked to the ground all of a sudden, and immediately after, a mouthful of old phlegm was spit on him.

"What the hell do you think I'm a fool? How many mice can you three kill?" The leading man shouted angrily: "Also, the mouse is clearly in the room, how could it possibly escape."

"Are you an idiot? Mice don't know how to make holes? If you smoke them, of course they will run away! And you'll be burned to death like a fool?" Chen Yijian couldn't help roaring, "I figured out how to kill mice with smoke!" People with such stupid methods are fools when they are fucking! Besides, we have our own supplies, so we want you rats to eat wool?"

Chen Yijian's indignant and straightforward roar surprised the leading man, who rolled his eyes slightly, not knowing what he thought of. Immediately turned his head and pursed his mouth, someone immediately stepped forward.

"Go and see if there is a hole made by a mouse in the house."

Those people hurried into the warehouse, and ran out after five minutes: "Boss, there is really a hole for people to drill!"

The leading man frowned fiercely, then looked at Chen Yijian: "You said, the mouse ran out through the hole?"

"Nonsense!" Chen Yijian rolled his eyes.

The leading man was not angry, and continued to ask: "The three of you killed the rats?"

Chen Yijian continued to nod, and someone next to him immediately said: "Father, they must be lying! It takes an hour or two just to climb through such a small hole. It only took three hours for us to smoke. They can still stay together." Killing so many rats in two hours? They must be lying!"

"You are not capable enough, of course you can't kill. If it weren't for this evolutionary gun, believe it or not, I would kill you all by myself, just like playing!" Chen Yijian immediately yelled.

Yuan Hong and Pan Di immediately rolled their eyes speechlessly. As expected, after Chen Yijian finished speaking, they pointed Yuan Hong's evolutionary gun at Chen Yijian.

"Hehe, so that's the case. It seems that no matter how powerful you are, you are no better than the evolution gun." The leading man smiled: "It's easy to confirm whether you are lying or not."

He said slowly: "You two." He pointed to Yuan Hong and Pan Di and said, "Go back the same way and take us to see those mice. If there are really any, I will let you live. If not... "

His gun opened Chen Yijian's mouth, and he stuffed the evolution gun into Chen Yijian's mouth. The cold muzzle made Chen Yijian's face look deformed, and his face was full of anger and injustice.


"Your accomplices will disperse like fireworks!" The leading man smiled slightly, showing complacent and cold eyes: "Now, go."

Pan Di and Yuan Hong looked at each other, and sighed deeply. If Chen Yijian didn't say anything about being afraid of the evolution gun, they could still find an opportunity to say a few more words, and counterattack while the other party was slacking off. But now being disturbed by Chen Yijian, the counterattack will fail, and he will be under intensive care. He is really too passive.

Chen Yijian is a scam!

The two cursed fiercely in their hearts, and had no choice but to nod their heads.

Chen Yijian was left in place, and Pan Di's great sword remained in place. Yuan Hong and Pan Di took the lead in continuing to climb out of the shaft, followed by a group of people.

Yuan Hong and Pan Di were forced to drill into the well again, which they couldn't bear to look back. After more than an hour, the two climbed out of the well one after another. The moment they climbed out, the two looked at each other. There was a gleam of light in his eyes, but Pan Di shook his head invisibly, and Yuan Hong was immediately discouraged.

He originally thought about whether to take the opportunity to control these people, but Pandy also had concerns. If he made a move on this side and the people on the other side hurt Chen Yijian, it would not be a joke, and he could only continue to wait for the opportunity .

The people who crawled out of the well one after another quickly followed Yuan Hong and Pan Di to a site full of dead mice. After seeing the pile of mice that looked like a mountain of corpses, everyone's eyes were filled with unbelievable luster. Looking at Yuan Hong and Pan Di one by one, it was like looking at a monster.

How the hell is this possible, the dead mice in this place were really killed by these three people?

Aren't these three people a little too fierce!

Soon someone crawled back to report the letter, and when Chen Yijian was pushed over by the leading man, nearly two hours passed. At the same time, Wu Wei who was in the field sighed deeply and raised his head: "Boss, the car can't be repaired well, one part is completely broken. We have to go to a nearby town to find a car and replace the parts."

Shen Shen slowly opened his eyes, and raised his head lightly: "Well, we'll talk about it when the gangster trio come back."

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and on May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and promote works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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