Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 838: Slaughtering the Fat Sheep

"Xiao Mian, it seems that your abilities are not weak, so you killed all these mice?"

"Nonsense, I didn't kill it, but you did it."


Chen Yijian was kicked on the knee by the leading man. He knelt down reflexively, and suddenly a rotten smell came over his face.

"You think we are fools, so many mice, so many mice, you three can kill them with cold weapons? Do you think you are new human beings of the third rank?"

The leader sneered: "But it's possible, maybe there are really powerful characters in your team."

"Father, what should we do now?" A man beside him said anxiously, "The rat meat has become a meat paste, and the whole meat that can be eaten is 60% less than what we expected. If this continues, what we can eat will be terrible." Not enough."

"And mouse skins, if we can't take advantage of their breeding season to make a fortune now. In autumn, we will have no clothes to keep out the cold."

The people around them chattered and said that although they were surprised that the three had killed the mice, once the survival instinct appeared, it was a state where other spirits were completely suppressed.

For example, when an earthquake strikes, it is absolutely impossible to run downstairs regardless of whether you have clothes on or not.

The people in this gathering place obviously regard this pot of rats as an important material to ensure their lives, so everyone is very angry, and they never thought of what kind of method can make so many rats die like this .

"Father, we must make them compensate us."

"Daddy, daddy, we've been waiting here for half a month, but someone picked peaches. Why don't we explain to everyone when we go back?"

"Father, didn't the grandson say just now that there are other people among them, who eat better than us. I think, tie these three people to find them. If they don't give us food, as soon as the gun goes down, get it kill them!"

The leader narrowed his glasses deeply, and made a decision: "Yes, we should go back to justice, food, clothes. Guarantee the necessities of our lives. If someone causes us to lose them, we must get them back!"

The voice was loud and provocative, and the underground crowd immediately echoed loudly, and soon the three of Yuan Hong were tied up, pushing and shoving forward.

The group quickly reached the ground,

Pan Di and Yuan Hong just felt relieved, these guys made a very good decision, as long as they return to their companions, these people probably know what regret is.

But Chen Yijian obviously didn't think so. Perhaps everyone felt that he was the most threatening, and he was wrapped in three circles inside and outside three circles like a rice dumpling, making him look the most stupid.

After walking for a while, the convoy was already close at hand, and the group immediately stepped up their pace.

On the other side, Ye Zhou, who was watching, suddenly gave a huff, and hurriedly turned around and said, "Someone is here. There are Pan Di and Yuan Hong inside."

Ah Feng immediately frowned, and after looking into the distance for a while, she sneered, "You're a scumbag, have you been captured?"

"It looks like it is." Wu Wei wiped off his sweat, stood up, took a few steps forward, looked at the crowd in front of him, and then said silently: "The opponent's strength doesn't seem to be able to beat Pan Di and their captives."

After all, the strength of these three people has reached the third level, and Pan Di even reached the fourth level. If this is still captured by a group of people who can barely reach the second level, is this still the case?

Shen Shen smiled slightly: "It may not be possible to capsize in the gutter."

Ah Feng immediately sneered: "This is not a time of peace. If the gutter capsizes, it will kill people. These three people are so big-hearted and completely ignorant of prudence. It is their fate that they can live till now."

"It's really careless!" Huang Chen also said with a frown.

Shen Shen nodded: "Remember, after a person's strength expands, if the mentality does not change accordingly and become more cautious, this will happen. Strength will make you unable to see yourself clearly. Once you fall, it will be blood Lessons."

"So, brother Shenchen, didn't you just let the three of them kill mice on purpose to make them suffer?" Xia Weili raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why do I feel like you are setting up a negative teaching material for us to learn from?" ?”

Although the three of them were captured, they didn't feel nervous at all.

"What do you think?" Shen Shen smiled slightly, "But it seems that the mice didn't give them a bad blow, but someone taught them a lesson. But it's not bad."

Ah Feng raised his shoulders: "I have begun to appreciate you more. You are the only one who can train your companions in this way. It's a pity that I didn't pick you back then."

Shen Shen's voice paused in embarrassment for a moment, and Ah Feng said again: "But you are too thoughtful, it's good to be a friend, but for me, it's not suitable to be an enemy or a husband and wife. Cooperation rather than hostility."

"If it wasn't for Xiaoran, I'm afraid you would never have the chance to cooperate with me..." However, this sentence could not be uttered, so Shen Chen didn't say anything more.

Seeing the group of people getting closer and closer, everyone immediately tightened their formation, gathered around Shen Chen, and looked at the comer with the same calm eyes as Shen Chen.

The leader and his subordinates obviously did not expect that there was a convoy in front of them, and the fragrance of rice grains could still be smelled in the bulging carriages.

And the most exciting thing is that there are not many of them, there are only three or four men, and the rest are women... and children?

Oh My God! This is simply a fat sheep!

Greedy eyes flickered in everyone's eyes, whether they were looking at food or women.

The leader pouted, and immediately someone pushed the three of them up.

Seeing the playfulness flickering in the calm eyes of the compatriots, the trio who were tied up were even more depressed.

"So, you are the leader of these people?" The leader's eyes were very vicious, and he could distinguish Shen Shen from the four men at once. The sharpness of his eyes, and the vigorous light in the depths of his eyes, will definitely be hurt by underestimating him.

"Not bad." Shen Shen replied flatly.

As if Shen Shen was too calm, the leader had to pause cautiously, and then said sharply: "Your three subordinates are in my hands."

The reply to him was still indifferent, there seemed to be no sense of tension and even a casual answer: "Well, I know."

"You know? Bah, you don't know anything!" The leader only felt that he couldn't speak to the other party in a peaceful tone. His directness was that once he followed the other party's tone and the rhythm of the negotiation, it might be bad for him .

He yelled loudly: "Your people have destroyed all the hard-earned supplies in our gathering place! Maybe you are involved in this. Rat meat, rat skin, there is nothing to use. Boy, I warn you, If you steal other people's supplies, you will have to pay a price!"

"So they really killed the mice?" A trace of surprise flashed in Shen Shen's eyes.

"That's right! This time you know you..." The leader was about to speak when he heard a chuckle:

"It seems that the strength of these three pit bulls has grown a lot more than I imagined!"

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