Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 841: We Are Soldiers

"Your sister!" Pan Di blushed instantly: "Hurry up and kill the snake, there's so much nonsense! It's a scam!"

Let's talk, let's talk, but since Shen Chen talked for a minute, he must complete the attack in 60 seconds. This is not an easy job, you must know that these snakes are much more difficult to deal with than rats.

Others don't know Shen's intentions, but Pan Di knows very well that Shen Chen is forcing them to show their strength. At the moment, he is desperately attacking and attacking.

Huang Chen also followed the crowd and rushed up. Although his ability was a little weak, his attack was remarkable. Shen Shen nodded slightly as he watched from the side. He was worthy of Chen Guang in his previous life. Consciousness has been revealed, and given time, it will surely become as successful as Pandey.

Only Ye Zhou was useless, and he followed Shen Shen to stand where he was, and it was not difficult to see the admiration in his eyes.

In 40 seconds, the small group of snakes in front of them dispersed like fireworks, leaving only corpses on the ground.

After 50 seconds, they continued to charge forward. A dozen giant pythons in the rear realized the danger, erected their upper bodies and shot out like rockets. The figures of both sides met in the air at the same time.

58 seconds! Pan Di let out an angry roar, his whole figure rose violently, and the big sword slashed down in mid-air, the snow-white blade drove endless air currents, followed by terrifying hissing sounds!

59 seconds! The group of snakes completely lost their offensive power. After shaking their weak bodies a few times in mid-air, they seemed to have exhausted all their strength, and fell to the ground with a bang like several hills collapsing. smoke.


Chen Yijian looked at the snake body in front of him in disbelief: "It only took us 59 seconds? Isn't it a little awesome?"

Pan Di giggled and walked to Shen Shen's side: "Boss, it's over! Do you have any instructions?"

However, Shen Chen let out an inexplicable laugh, and then saw him pointing forward: "There is another python that big? Didn't you see it?"


Everyone turned their heads in shock, and looked along the heavy fingers, only to see a pair of triangular eyes in the depths of the corridor revealing a frightening fierce light. This snake is very huge, hovering on the ground, and its whole body is like polished. If it weren't for the creepy phosphorescence shining on the dark body, it would be no different from the walls in the salt mine at a glance. When Pandey and the others slaughtered the group of snakes, it didn't move at all.

He just looked at the person in front of him quietly.

Everyone felt a chill all over for a moment. If they walked past such a quiet and scheming snake because of slack, they would be torn to pieces on the spot, right?

The boa constrictor is very smart. It knew that its camouflage had failed, so it opened its fangs, and its body began to curl up. It became faster and faster, spitting out fiery red letters like a flame of revenge. , the fierceness in the body was aroused, and the moment it reached the front of the crowd, the thick tail swung fiercely, setting off a violent wind.

boom! The huge airflow and the flying stones caused everyone to retreat several dozen steps in a panic. However, at the next moment, this terrifying reptile opened its bloody mouth wide open at an astonishing speed, and a dizzying smell of mutton came out instantly, and the red eyes flashed ferociously. With a big mouth, he bit down on everyone's heads.

"Stand back!"

Shen Shen's voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, and the next moment, Pan Di only felt his side relax, but he heard a crisp sword whistling sound in the mine, but saw that Shen Shen's figure had already made an appointment with everyone, and directly met the giant long worm On the other hand, he calmly faced the giant python that was several times bigger than him, with the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

The boa constrictor obviously knew how powerful the person in front of him was, suddenly heaved up from the ground, and rushed towards Shen Shen ferociously, wanting to devour the danger in front of him ferociously.

The people behind couldn't help clenching their fists, feeling extremely nervous.

With the sound of a golden hook and iron sword ringing in his ears, Shen Shen swung his big sword violently, and his tall and straight body rose into the air. He raised his sword and swung it vigorously in the air, then retracted it.

At that moment, everyone saw only a flash of cold light!

Half a second later, blood splattered everywhere, and the giant snake's figure froze in mid-air as if the camera had stopped. The next second, it fell heavily to the ground. Its body has been decapitated and can no longer move.

Defeat the enemy in a second!

Everyone looked at Shen Shen in shock, only feeling that their three views seemed to have been refreshed again.

Shen Shen casually threw the big sword to Pan Di: "Take out the heart and guts of the snake."


A smile immediately appeared on Pan Di's face, these things can be said to be a great tonic. Snakes all over the place don't know how many snake hearts and galls they can take out. According to what Shen Shen told them before, these things have significantly improved their abilities, so this can be regarded as a breakthrough.

After everyone finished collecting the snake heart and snake gall, Shen Shen said to Huang Chen: "Go, call back those who escaped, and let them put away the snake meat and snake skin outside." Then he said to Chen Yijian and the others : "Let's go inside and wait for them."

Everyone nodded, and Huang Chen hurried out.

Shen Chen and the others entered the dark passage first, and after walking for about ten minutes, an iron door appeared in front of them. There were bloodstains on the iron gate, it seemed that a fight had just happened.

Chen Yijian walked up first and knocked on the door vigorously: "Open the door, open the door!"

A terrified voice quickly came from inside: "Who? Who's outside?"

"People are outside, so snakes can talk to you!" Chen Yijian said: "Hurry up and open the door, all the snakes outside are dead."

The person inside the door immediately let out a scream, followed by the sound of footsteps running away in a hurry, but soon, the footsteps of more than a dozen people came.

"Is the snake really dead? Are you human?"

Everyone heard a woman's panic and alert voice coming from the iron gate.

"Of course it's human." Chen Yijian replied impatiently.

"But who are you? How did you find this place?" The people inside continued to interrogate: "What do you want to do, we don't have any food at the gathering place, and we've run out of food."

Chen Yijian frowned, and was about to get angry, but saw Shen Shen coughing lightly, Chen Yijian immediately stopped his emotions, and Shen Chen pouted at Yuan Hong, Yuan Hong walked forward knowingly, and tugged at Chen Yi Jian, and then stood outside the iron gate: "Sister, we are not bad people. If we are really bad people, your iron gate can't stop us. We have wound medicine on hand. If you were bitten by a snake before, we I can heal you." He finally showed a smile: "We are soldiers."

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