Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 842: 2nd Line Actress

The iron door opened with a creak, revealing the faces of a few terrified women. When they saw Yuan Hong, the expressions of the middle-aged women were obviously relaxed a lot. Obviously, Yuan Hong's appearance played a considerable role at this time , when the women saw Shen Chen and Xiao Ran beside him, the vigilant look disappeared even more.

There are two women in their party, and a girl who is unconscious (Dou Xiaoqian), and two children (Xiaoran, and Duoduo who is dressed as a child and only shows her head.) They shouldn't be bad people!

With this in mind, the middle-aged women inside opened the door and welcomed Yuan Hong and the others in.

The inside of the salt mine is not very big, there are about seven or eight forks, and most of the people are lying outside in what can barely be called a living room. On the ground, apparently killed. There were also broken limbs on the ground, as well as half corpses that had just been rescued from the snake's belly. The people who watched were shocked.

When they saw strangers coming in, everyone had trembling expressions. It could be seen that most of them were women and children. But they were all in rags, and they smelled foul. All of them were as skinny as a stick, with yellow and emaciated faces.

"You guys, are you really soldiers?" A young woman about 30 years old opened the door, her face was pale, and her eyes exuded hope: "Are you here to save us? Zf didn't give up on us, did you?" no?"

Her question made everyone around turn their eyes to this side.

"Are they soldiers?"

"Yes, it's right at first glance. Only soldiers have such a standing posture."

"That's right, it's a soldier, we're saved, we're saved!"

A dazzling brilliance erupted on everyone's face, she pursed her lips, and Yuan Hong immediately put down the backpack on her body, and distributed the food in the backpack with everyone.

"Great, we're saved!"

"Finally someone came to save us!"

Everyone shouted loudly and excitedly, and expressed sincere thanks. Some women even pulled their children and knelt down to Chen Yijian. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

The delicious food made everyone scream excitedly. They wolfed it down and stuffed it into their mouths. Even if they couldn't eat, they kept stuffing it into their mouths and clothes.

The crowd watched with some emotion,

Especially Ye Zhou, who has been helping some injured people deal with their wounds, it can be seen that he enjoys this feeling very much.

"Thank you!" A woman slowly walked over from the entrance of the cave. Xia Weili had been paying attention to her for a long time. When they were distributing food just now, this woman had been watching all this with cold eyes.

"You're welcome, we should do it." Ye Zhou said with a smile.

"The group of snakes swam in after all the men in our gathering place had left. The men who stayed behind in our gathering place also sacrificed to close the iron gate. Now only us old and weak are left in this gathering place. Sick and disabled." The woman smiled wryly and shook her head: "I think, if you hadn't come, I'm afraid we would soon become food for those poisonous snakes."

"Did those snakes come in suddenly?" Wu Wei suddenly asked in a deep voice.

The woman was a little puzzled, nodded and said, "It should be. I haven't encountered a snake in the salt mine before."

"Maybe it's too hot outside, but the salt mine is cold, and snakes like cold, so they burrowed into it." Xia Weili analyzed.

Everyone felt that it made sense, so they nodded.

Shen Chen looked around for a while, and suddenly asked, "How long have you been hiding here?"

The woman froze for a moment, then lowered her voice: "It's been a long time, so long that I hardly know what color the sky outside is."

"It seems that your life is not good." Shen Shen continued.

The woman slightly raised her head and looked around, seeing that everyone was eating frantically, and then she showed a miserable smile to Shen Shen: "As long as I can survive, what's so good about it? Those men can give us some The food is already very good. You can barely die from starvation. In fact, many people who disobey you starve to death. But people have to live, right?"

Ah Feng showed a clear expression, but Xia Weili seemed to understand half understood.

"So, are they dead too? Did they die outside?" the woman asked in a low voice and hastily.


"Those men, the leader of our gathering place. The man we called him Daddy, did you see them when you came?" The woman asked very nervously.

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she heard a loud bang outside the iron gate.

The leader, the man called Dad, led the group of men who survived by chance, and walked in in a swarm. The happy and ruddy faces on their faces formed a sharp contrast with the people in the salt mine.

The moment the woman saw her father, a trace of panic and panic flashed in her eyes, and then she took a few steps away from Shen Chen and the others, and rushed to meet him.

"You're back?"

The voice is very sweet.

The old man gave the woman a hard twist on the face, with a smug smile: "I'm back, although we didn't get any mice, but this time we brought back a lot of snake meat, enough for us to eat for a month. "

Surprise flashed across the woman's face immediately: "That's really great. Oh... By the way, a group of people came just now. Do you know each other?"

The woman looked at Shen Chen, and the father immediately pushed the woman away, walked forward quickly, and said repeatedly: "Brother, thanks to your timely rescue, our gathering place was saved. It's a blessing!"

He never mentioned the matter of his embarrassing escape just now, as if Shen Shen and the others were just assisting them in strangling the poisonous snake.

Shen Chen just looked at his father indifferently, until a trace of cold sweat broke out on his head before he said "um".

The old man immediately breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, only felt that the few seconds of looking at each other just now seemed to expose him to the X-ray. He raised his head hastily: "There are so many people in a mess outside, why don't you go inside and rest for a while? Seeing that it's time to eat, why don't we eat together."

Shen Shen nodded and said, "This salt mine should have a salt truck. You can take my people to see it. We need some parts."

The old man froze for a moment, then immediately nodded and said, "Of course! Of course."

Then he hurriedly photographed a person and took Wu Wei away, while he sent Shen Chen and the others to a relatively spacious cave, which even had a 1.8-meter double bed covered with broken Simmons.

"Brother Shen Chen, do you know who the woman who was talking to us just now is?" Xia Weili leaned close to Shen Chen and said.

Shen Shen tilted his head slightly, a little surprised; "You know him?"

"It's a star, a second-tier star." Xia Weili whispered, "Song Zhiqing."

Shen Chen slightly squinted his eyes. Even though he was a human being in two lifetimes, Song Zhiqing still had a little influence. I remember correctly that he starred in a costume film in his previous life, and then became popular for a while. At that time, he was in his third year of high school. At that time, I saw my mother holding a pad, watching that drama with tears and snot in her eyes. For a while, I also paid attention to this actress. I have never met this actress in my previous life, but I did not expect to meet her here in this life.

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