Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 844 Can't bear it

It wasn't until the father sent someone to ask Shen Chen and the others to eat that Shen Chen opened his eyes. He only fed Duoduo a snake gall just now, and immediately felt from the depths of his brain through the fetters that there was something inside Duoduo, which belonged to a monster. That part seemed to be a little loose, and I used the power deep in my brain to help Duoduo just now. If things go on like this, there should be no problem for Duoduo to recover.

It is imperative for Shen Shen to spend so much effort to save Duoduo. Firstly, Duoduo has a deep relationship with him, and secondly, because of Zhang Hongtao's face, Duoduo must be saved, not to mention that Duoduo is an extremely rare one-way evolutionary spiritually. There are only a handful of them, and the premature withering of such a genius is also a loss for his own team.

Everyone followed Shen Chen out of the mine, Dad and the others immediately invited everyone to sit down very graciously. Soon, large bowls of food were brought up by women and children.

Although the father and the others were very attentive and flattering, the dinner was still held in a very strange atmosphere. The big bowl of snake meat and the food sent by Shen Shen just now were mixed together, and it was made into a paste. A few small pieces of meat could be seen being brought up.

Even so, the eyes of the people in the gathering place were still staring at the meat paste, like those things.

Shen Chen and the others just picked it up and smelled the strange smell and lost their appetite, but the group of men ate like a wolf, as if they hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

As for the women, children and the elderly, they were given snake meat paste the size of half a palm, which was almost completely different from the bowlful of meat paste in front of the man.

And this sea bowl of snake meat, some thinner men couldn't finish it, so Xia Weili was embarrassed to see a few women approaching those men with coquettish smiles, making flirtatious gestures, while those men enjoyed it very much Enjoy this kind of time, from time to time, scoop out a spoonful of meat paste from the leftover bowl, stuff it into their mouths, even into their nipples, and those women don't even have any shame, but instead, they groaned laughter.

Seeing that the snake meat in front of Chen Chen had not moved, and the rest of the women who were not full, they looked at each other, stood up slowly one by one, and began to move their bodies towards Shen Chen and them. Crowds gather together.

Chen Yijian's temperament is relatively unruly, and he imitates the example. He feeds the women with a spoon, but sinks by the side, somewhat restrained, while the others are frowning, and put the bowl directly before they posted it. handed it to them. The group of women cheered and held the bowls, and then hid in a dark corner to enjoy it alone.

Perhaps it was because of Shen Shen's icy aura that those women were a little scared, until finally one woman timidly approached, but before she could get close, Shen Shen said "Get out" and ran away in fright.

"Big brother doesn't like our women?" The old man glanced sideways,

Then he chuckled: "That's right, you have such a beautiful girl as your girlfriend, so naturally you don't like us women. These women are like parasites. If they don't have the ability to reproduce, I don't know what use they are."

The corners of Shen Shen's mouth curled up coldly, and he didn't speak. Dad didn't say anything more.

This meal was really unpleasant, everyone's heart was full of mixed feelings, and it was hard to tell what it was like.

As night approached, the father gave up all the rooms, and Shen Shen slept alone in the largest mine, while Pan Di and the others separated and slept together in twos and threes.

Shen Chen leaned against the head of the bed in his clothes, with his eyes closed tightly. He could hear the familiar sound of snoring and teeth grinding from several adjacent mines. Obviously Pandey and the others have fallen asleep.

In the hall outside, there were a few women's exclamations at first, followed by the voices of forbearance and the panting of men, and then in the back, such voices came one after another.

Shen Shen turned over. This kind of sound made it difficult to fall asleep. Of course, in this kind of place, he would not fall asleep either.

Suddenly, there was a burst of very light footsteps at the entrance of the mine, like cats.

Shen Chen frowned, still leaning on the bed. The footsteps stopped at the entrance of the cave for a while, then touched up again, and finally stopped beside Shen Shen.

A hand protruded towards Shen Shen's chest, it was an extremely beautiful hand, the hand of a top-notch woman, as soon as her hand protruded towards Shen Shen's chest, she stopped in mid-air, and then turned to aim at the Below the heavy waist, in the middle of the crotch.

As soon as her hand reached up, before the corner of the woman's mouth showed a smile, a strong hand suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled it up mercilessly. The woman was startled, subconsciously turned her head, and immediately whispered " "Oops" and made a gesture to lie down on Shen Shen's chest.

It's just that she was thinking too beautifully, she wanted to lie on Shen Chen's body with too much force, she didn't want to fall on the solid and hard bed all at once, and the object she wanted to throw down had turned around at some point. to her back.

"So you like to be in the back?" The woman turned over with a teasing smile, and posed a very seductive pose, reclining on the bed, looking at Shen Shen charmingly with a pair of peach eyes.

"Song Zhiqing, right?" Shen Shen frowned, obviously very displeased at the woman's debauchery breaking into his room, he opened his mouth coldly, and Song Zhiqing was a little surprised, then pursed his lips and smiled coquettishly: "It's me, It seems that even in the apocalypse, there are people who know me. Are you my fan? Have seen my movie before."

"You think too much." Shen Shen took a few steps back. He is a man, but he is not a man who can't walk away when he sees a woman. What's more, for him, there are too many women who open their legs and send them to the door. Song Zhiqing, It's just one of the past and present lives.

"The mouth is quite stiff." Song Zhiqing chuckled, and then slowly untied his collar with both hands. Under the collar, the snow-white skin was particularly eye-catching in the dark mine. I have to say, this woman is indeed is a stunner.

"What are you going to do?"

"Why don't you let me accompany you through such a long night?" Song Zhiqing smiled slightly, his sly red lips parted slightly: "Your little girlfriend, can't satisfy your appetite? I know, you new humans are right The requirements in any aspect are very high."

Shen Shen's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a hint of danger, but Song Zhiqing didn't notice it, and still scratched his head.

Shen Shen walked into Song Zhiqing slowly, and Song Zhiqing's face flashed a gleam of joy: "Men are duplicity guys! It seems that you are no exception." She soon smelled the good smell of Shen Chen, Full of masculinity, even with a hint of grass. Before she put the heavy clothes on her body, she could feel his strong body under the clothes, all exuding masculinity.

This is the man, the man she wants.

Both hands can't wait to hug Shen Shen's neck, and the red lips will soon be printed on Shen Shen's face.

But the next moment, Shen Shen's cold hand grabbed her neck tightly from behind, and then threw her back on the bed: "I can't stand a woman like you."

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