Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 845 The Theorem of the Weak

Only now did Song Zhiqing see the coldness in Shen Shen's eyes, and she couldn't help being taken aback. You must know that she was a sexy actress during the Taiping period, and she stood in front of that man to prevent them from showing the same look as Brother Pig. Even now , if she wasn't beautiful enough, how could she be his only woman in the eyes of the old man. If it were someone else, I don't know how many men would become a tool to vent their desires at night.

However, it is clear that there is a full-blooded man in front of him, and he clearly knows his previous identity. These little brats, don't they just think that the end is coming, so they can play with them, who have identities in the past, unscrupulously? Don't you just want to drag her from the clouds to hell? Why did he look at him so coldly, without even a hint of lust? impossible! She didn't believe that this man's concentration could be so good

Song Zhiqing is obviously an extremely smart woman. Seeing that she couldn't do it by force, she changed into a cute and pitiful look, with tears in her eyes: "Actually, are you despising me? Dislike me and the one surnamed Jiang Old guy... right? But, but I was also forced to do nothing, I am just a weak woman, without force, if I don't attach to him, I will die."

"So you think I can be attached now? Just want to use your body to attach me?" Shen Shen sneered slightly: "You are not such a superficial woman."

Song Zhiqing was taken aback for a moment, and then a strange look appeared on his face. But Shen Shen said calmly: "Well, what do you want to do here?"

This sentence was plain, but it was not the case in Song Zhiqing's ears, her eyes suddenly burst into light, and then she stared at Shen Shen intently.

Shen Chen looked at Song Zhiqing: "Don't you want to exchange your body for something?"

Song Zhiqing took a deep breath, and in an instant, the charming and charming face disappeared, replaced by a pair of extremely alert eyes: "I give you my body, you take us out of here."

Shen Chen noticed that in what she said, the word "us" was used, which made him think highly of Song Zhiqing. After all, in his initial assumption, Song Zhiqing probably wanted to get rid of this team, and took the initiative to think about it. Dedicate yourself.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Zhiqing with interest.

Under Shen Chen's gaze, Song Zhiqing looked a little shy, but more of a woman's stubbornness: "That old man surnamed Jiang is not a good person, we have been bullied by him and his subordinates for too long! If You are willing to take us away, we are willing to pay any price!"

"Any price..." Shen Shen chuckled, and then looked at this unusually serious woman: "Do you have any life skills? What can you bring to the team? Any price... In other words, what you mean What is the price you plan to pay?"

Song Zhiqing was taken aback for a moment,

She tried to say something, but she couldn't say a word, she looked at Shen Shen with a sneer slowly in her eyes, that kind of smile seemed to touch the fuse in her body, suddenly she shouted loudly like an explosion Said: "Yes, I know what you mean, we don't have any ability, so we should die? Well, even so, are you not soldiers? Now there are bullies to bully us, shouldn't you save us ?”

Shen Shen looked at the nervous woman. At this moment, Ye Zhou and Yuan Hong rushed in: "Boss, what's wrong?"

"What happened?"

But when the two of them saw Song Zhiqing, their faces turned red. They were the closest to the Shenshen mine, and they rushed in when they heard the sound of a dispute just now. Who would have thought that there would be a woman here *The semi-exposed woman.

As soon as Song Zhiqing saw Yuan Hong and Ye Zhou coming in, he roared even more angrily: "I can see clearly, do you have any intention of saving us at all? You gave out some food pretendingly, and you feel satisfied My own heart of the Virgin, but in the end, we are the ones who are hurt. I still hope that you can come to save us, but you are nothing more than the same as the current leader, and you can live on your own. What else can we women do? It's the difference between early death and late death."

Her tone became more and more agitated, and her voice became more and more sharp: "When our food was taken away, you sat there without saying a word. When they teased us, you just pushed the boat along. Have you ever cared about us?" How do you feel? Soldiers are bullshit. During the Taiping period, you spent tens of billions of dollars on the military defense, but now? What have we seen? Dead people, zombies, monsters! Now Even snakes are coming to eat people. Where are the soldiers? Where is Zf? Where are you?"

She looked at Yuan Hong, at Ye Zhou, and at Shen Shen with hatred and anticipation.

Yuan Hong was a little embarrassed by this woman's words. It is true that this woman's mouth was very sharp, but what she said was irrefutable. Ye Zhou couldn't help feeling sour in his heart, and opened his mouth, unable to say anything. They could see the anger in this woman's heart, and they could see that she was not willing to live like this as a tool to vent her desire.

But they couldn't tell the woman in front of them that the outside world was more cruel than before the doomsday, not only zombies, but even snakes and rats were getting more and more difficult. The living space of ordinary people is getting tighter and tighter, and it is impossible to move forward with these women and children. They couldn't even tell that their own group was also ruthlessly abandoned and betrayed by the organization.

They can't save these people, they don't even know if they will die like Li Qi, Zhao Zhen, Xu Ziying in the next moment. But because they bear the hatred of their companions who died in the confrontation with Russia, and the responsibility of finding their companions, they must go north and face unknown dangers. And at this moment, they have another task, that is, to ask those damned rulers why they didn't come to save innocent people.

There were still stains on Song Zhiqing's face, but even the stains couldn't conceal her pair of moving eyes, but what flashed in those eyes was deep-seated hatred.

Yuan Hong and Ye Zhou were rendered speechless, while Song Zhiqing raised his chin proudly, looking down at them with an expression that you are a villain, as if Shen Chen and them are so dirty.

Shen Chen smiled slightly, and with firm and powerful steps, he walked slowly to the side of the second-tier actress, and his eyes met Song Zhiqing's very directly: "So, this is the theory of the weak!"


Song Zhiqing's eyeballs widened instantly, revealing a trace of panic.

"You are miserable, you are pitiful, so I must help you?"

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