Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 846: The Familiar Chu Li

Shen Shen squeezed Song Zhiqing's chin with his hands, because the latter tried to attack Shen Shen with his teeth: "No one is obliged to pay for your weakness. If you want to not be bullied, you should become stronger instead of pinning your hopes on us. On the body. 【Free novel reading】.."

A sentence that was extremely ruthless made everyone slightly stunned, even Yuan Hong and Ye Zhou were a little dumbfounded.

Song Zhiqing looked at Shen Shen stupidly: "But aren't you soldiers? Aren't soldiers supposed to serve us?"

Shen Shen said with a calm and unfamiliar smile: "Can you sing the Internationale?"

"What?" Song Zhiqing didn't know why Shen Chen said this suddenly, and nodded in a daze: "Yes."

"Then you should be aware of a line in the lyrics, there has never been a savior." Shen Shen said flatly: "You should have hid here not long after the end of the day, right?" Shen Shen asked.

"Yes... the vast majority of us are."

"You have never experienced fighting, you have never experienced the despair between life and death. When the end comes, you hide in the mine and graft the hope of life onto others." Shen Shen sneered: "So, since I am not the savior, Why do you want to save you like this?"

Song Zhiqing sneered a few times, and broke free from Shen Shen's hand, "How do you know that we haven't tried hard, how do you know that we haven't fought, it's just that we have no chance, no chance."

"If you knew how to fight, then there wouldn't be so many men who died at the iron gate." Shen Shen sneered: "At that time, the snakes that broke in were only a few, not even big, men who are used to killing zombies It's not difficult to deal with, but they all died at the door. It's really hard to imagine what kind of delay you played in it. If it weren't for this, I can't think of how they would die so miserably...and when they waited After they all died, you, women and children, killed these snakes. Tell me, what is going on here?"

Shen Shen's words were resounding, and Song Zhiqing's face turned blue and white in an instant. The small thought in her heart was almost pierced by Shen Shen. When those men stepped forward to kill the snake, they were the ones who looked at them coldly. In order to get revenge on those men who molested her, she personally pushed them towards her. the snake. Her body trembled involuntarily, as if she was about to collapse, but she suddenly took a deep breath and said in an extremely haughty tone: "Don't say it so nicely, saving us is just a little effort for you, don't you You are willing to save us, but you don’t want to save us. I have seen through you! You group of inhuman fellows!"

She proudly puffed up her chest: "This is the ugliness of human nature, even humans are not friendly, even if you survive, you are no different from those zombies.


After all, she jumped off the bed and walked out with haughty steps.

Yuan Hong was in a daze, and said after a long while: "She planned to ask us to do something at first? Why did the style of painting suddenly become like this?"

"I'm still living in my own world." Shen Chen waved his hand: "Since you're up, let's teach everyone to walk together."

Yuan Hong nodded, and gathered the crowd together with Ye Zhou.

Before leaving, Yuan Hong looked at Song Zhiqing leaning on Father Jiang's arms with mixed emotions. Her long hair covered up the hatred in her eyes, but she looked at Father Jiang charmingly from time to time.

This woman, her inner pride and her external situation, have made her tend to be paranoid and split.

"Be careful with women." Yuan Hong couldn't help saying.

And old man Jiang thought Yuan Hong was joking with men, and waved his hand with a smile. He had no reason to be complacent, sent away a group of plague gods, and exchanged a pair of broken parts for food. Although the rat meat was lost, But he got better snake meat, so he didn't lose money in this deal.

The group of people rested in the mine for one night, and their energy was obviously much better than resting in the wild. While resting and cooking on the way, Wu Wei walked to Xia Weili's side alternately, and then handed over a black small box.

"What is it?" Xia Weili took it curiously, fiddled with it twice, and immediately there was a melodious singing voice, as if it made people return to the tranquility of the past.

Xia Weili looked at the small box in surprise: "Ah, is it a player?"

"It's solar energy." Wu Wei said with a silly smile, "It should be for outdoor sports enthusiasts. I found it in the pile of parts and gave it to you."

Ah Feng immediately sighed beside her, Xia Weili's face was a little red, she could understand what Wu Wei meant, but Wu Wei hurriedly waved his hand and said: "I don't mean anything else, you can play with it. "After speaking, he hurried away.

"Wu Wei is a good man. Although he doesn't talk much, he is very accurate and down-to-earth." Ah Feng said beside him: "To be honest, the chances of being together are much higher than you and Shen Chen. It can be seen that There are people in Shen Shen's heart. You are hopeless."

Xia Weili blushed, and immediately became angry from embarrassment: "What are you talking about!"

Although she categorically denied it, her hands were tangled and unconsciously pressing on the player.

Suddenly, a harsh howling sound came from the player, Xia Weili subconsciously wanted to turn off the power, and suddenly, a very familiar voice came from the player.

Xia Weili's eyes suddenly widened, and she almost couldn't believe her ears. Her hand shook unconsciously for a moment, and the player immediately fell to the ground.

"Who's talking? It's a radio broadcast?" Ah Feng picked up the player from the ground, and looked at Xia Weili, who had an ugly face, with some doubts: "Do you know the person who spoke?"

"Chu Li. It's Chu Li's voice!" Xia Weili woke up suddenly, grabbed the player, and immediately ran towards Shen Shen.

"...To sum up, we have divided China into twelve districts. The basic defense system of the twelve districts has been improved. If you hear the broadcast, please go to the nearest area, or use radio equipment to transmit your message. The coordinates are waiting for rescue... Huaxia's reconstruction work has started..."

Perhaps it was because of Xia Weili's fall, Chu Li's voice was not clear and intermittent, but from these few words, one could feel that the machine-like San Wunan seemed to be standing in front of him, using The way he pushed his unremarkable glasses.

District 12...

District 12 is finally open!

Shen Shen took a deep breath, only feeling excited and excited, with a hint of expectation.

The most familiar Chinese distribution in the previous life has finally arrived. China is divided into twelve regions according to the southeast, northwest, and middle. Each region is relatively independent in the early stage, and gradually begins to circulate after having a large number of evolutionary vehicles and evolution aircraft in the later stage.

But no matter what, Chu Li finally put the doomsday on the right track.

"So? The closest area to us is about a hundred kilometers away?" Chen Yijian rubbed his chin and said, "Shall we go?"

"What are we going there for? Don't we have to go north?" Huang Chen asked inexplicably.

All eyes were on Shen Shen, but they saw the corners of Shen Chen's mouth hooked up, his lips parted slightly, and he uttered a few words slowly and unswervingly.

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