Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 847 Looking for an actress to accompany?

"Of course I will!"

Chu Li pushed his glasses, and faced Elder Sun's question without worrying at all, he said calmly: "In terms of probability, the possibility of Shen Chen not entering the large area is almost zero, and this is not something I came up with randomly. Conclusion, because this is the only way he has found to understand me and understand the upper class after Zij's big separation."

"So you mean, as long as he wants to go north and get news about his companions, he will definitely enter the Greater Region and get information about us?" Elder Sun said a little bit dumbfounded: "Then what good will it do for us?"

"At the beginning of the establishment of the 12th District, it is necessary to establish a typical image to inspire the soldiers and ordinary people's belief in combat. Shen Shen has become a great faith, and his participation will make the progress of the 12th District faster." Chu Li He said with an unchanged face: "In addition, using the strength of him and his team to help us clean up the nearby zombies and expand the safety of the ninth district is more useful than letting him only clean up the zombies along the road going north. This is not a very good thing. something?"

Although it was a rhetorical question, Chu Li acted as it should.

Sun Yanze couldn't stop laughing: "So, how are you going to make him clean up the zombies obediently? You know, Shen Chen is not a person who is easy to control? Anyone who wants to control him will end in misery!"

"Missions, direct combat missions for the Ninth District, and at the same time use merit points," Chu Li lowered his head and wrote something on the paper, then raised his head: "If you have accumulated a certain amount of merit, you can apply to take a plane directly to City B."

Sun Yanze looked at Chu Li's eyes, a pair of black...pitch-black eyes, calm and calm, looking carefully, it felt like a black hole in the depths of a huge machine, with no end in sight.

He couldn't help but chuckled: "This move is really powerful, Shen Chen will never give up such a good opportunity. I think it won't be long before you may send the newly developed plane to pick him up."

Chu Li let out a "hmm", then lowered his head again: "But within the safety range we need to complete, he will stay there quietly. That's the fact."

Sun Yanze couldn't help but admire Chu Li. His grasp of Shen Shen's heart is very accurate, not because he has so much emotion, but because of his inhuman judgment and profound knowledge of psychostatistics. But this may not be 100% accurate, at least in the face of his creator, China Cao, who is also known as the dean, all judgment and psychological statistics are not so sharp.

"Well, regarding our second-generation experimental subjects, let's describe them as men in white." Sun Yanze said: "These people have been transformed into this pathetic, but their abilities are indeed extraordinary. Twelve men in white can help establish Twelve districts. Sometimes I start to admire the audacity of the dean.


"The people in white can only be used for construction, and never for battle. This is the purpose." Chu Li's eyes became sharp and sharp: "We still don't know whether the man in white has changed. The data of the people shows that after the data generated by the battle between Shen and Chen, they have obtained a certain strength increase. These people in white have collectively rejected the control chip in the brain, which makes me very suspicious of the last person in white. , that is, the status of 018, whether it has been destroyed as we have seen. Therefore, without the support of the latest data, the combat mode must not be activated. Otherwise, we will reap a group of terrible enemies."

Sun Yanze's brows were also tightly frowned, as if thinking of those few who went crazy because they discovered the control chip, inserted their fingers into their heads to dig out the chip, and finally even tried to attack Chu Li, and were finally shot and killed by Chu Li cleanly.

"It seems that the experimental subjects are not safe." He said with some concern: "But I don't know what the dean thinks, you know, there are overwhelming experimental subjects in his place."

"He and Chief No. 3 have become our enemies." Chu Li pushed his glasses and said emphatically, "Although I know that Mr. Sun admires the dean very much, in front of Chief No. 2, it is better not to mention and their names."

"Naturally," Sun Yanze nodded, "But knowing yourself and your enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles."

"The war has just begun."

Chu Li dropped this sentence, and then continued to work at his desk, while Sun Yanze left his office quietly.


The war against zombies and humans has just begun...

Not to mention the conversation between Chu Li and Elder Sun, Shen Chen has already mobilized people to rush to the ninth district. Although he didn't know that what was waiting for him was a series of routines that Chu Li had designed for him, but even so, and What's the matter. Information must be mastered, and he also needs to know what the current situation in City B is like, so that he can act in the future and rescue his companions smoothly.

But during the journey, the one thing that Shen Shen was most worried about happened. Ye Zhou still bid him farewell.

"I think, I didn't feel the concept of good and evil you mentioned in this team, and I was even more confused. I think I should be myself and do what I want to do."

As Ye Zhou said, Shen Chen didn't stop him. He just arranged for Ye Zhou to bring all the supplies he could bring. It was a bulging military bag. After Ye Zhou finished speaking, Xia Weili took it from the carriage. come out.

"You prepared it for me?" Ye Zhou was a little surprised, his idea of ​​leaving was just born a few hours ago, how could Shen Chen prepare it for himself early in the morning.

"I'll wait for you in District 9, or City B." Shen Shen said.

Ye Zhou smiled slightly, and once he finished speaking, his face regained his calm look: "Don't bother waiting, maybe we will never see each other again."

Shen Chen smiled slightly, didn't say much, just beckoned, signaling everyone to get in the car and continue on their way.

Through the car mirror, you can see Ye Zhou is carrying a huge backpack, the evolution gun inlaid in his hand is hanging straight to the ground, his clothes are fluttering in the strong wind, as if he is standing between the sky and the earth, gradually turning into a small black spots.

Chen Yijian felt a little pain in his heart. He didn't have a hippie smile all the way, but sat in the seat very silently. The car became quiet all of a sudden, and it seemed even more stuffy.

Suddenly, Chen Yijian slapped his thigh with a "slap", and the loud sound pierced through the stuffy heat.

"I just can't figure it out. Is his brain circuit different from others? Isn't it just that stinky bitch? As for what! Song Zhiqing, is this woman so attractive? If he wants to be a second-tier actress, In City B, I will find a dozen or so companions for him in a few minutes!"

Everyone knew that the one in Chen Yijian was referring to Ye Zhou, but no one thought that Chen Yijian would link Ye Zhou's departure with Ye Zhou's liking for Song Zhiqing, and they couldn't laugh or cry.

Wu Wei shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Chenchen, don't talk nonsense. Ye Zhou's departure is certainly related to that woman, but it's not the main reason. He is confused."

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