Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 848: Miraculous Reconstruction

"Confused? What's there to be confused about?" Chen Yijian said with hatred: "Ye Zhou has never met a woman. There are too many good-looking women in the world, but a really good woman must come from the heart." The nobility in the house, that is worthy of love for a lifetime, even if you die, you are willing to die. Then Song Zhiqing is not good-looking, but he has a small calculation in his heart, this Ye Zhou is really stupid!"

Everyone didn't expect that Chen Yijian, who has always been not taboo about women, would have such a cognition, and instantly felt that under his playful appearance, there seemed to be a lonely man's heart.

Shen Chen said, "Stop talking nonsense, Ye Zhou is planning to take those people to the base."

"Huh?" Chen Yijian opened his mouth wide.

Immediately afterwards, he said in disbelief: "It's more than a hundred kilometers away. Speaking of it, we don't know what dangers will happen when we walk. Where does he have the confidence?"

"Let's evolve the gun." Shen Shen said, on the surface, he didn't seem to mind: "His heart is full of chivalry, and he is still confused about the concept of good and evil. It is normal to have such a reaction."

"But brother Shenchen, those people are really pitiful, can't we help them?"

Xiao Ran, who had never spoken before, said timidly with wet eyes, maybe she saw the miserable condition of those children, and suddenly felt that she was really happy.

All eyes were on Shen Shen, they also wanted to hear what Shen Chen meant, and also wanted to know what was the standard for Shen Shen to choose to save?

In other words, they themselves are also very worried that they have lost their kindness and humanity during the past six months. They urgently need a standard of study.

"I have rescued many people, men, women, and children." Shen Shen stroked Xiaoran's head thoughtfully, "However, everyone has experienced pain and despair, and still strives to live. People who are fighting tenaciously with their last breath. But they are not, they are like a blood-sucking vine, tightly attached to the tree trunk, absorbing the nutrients for their own survival from them, and never Think about how you're going to survive. Once the tree they're attached to dies, or it's no longer suitable for them, they move on to the next stronger tree."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, it was hard to imagine that Shen Shen treated those poor people with this view.

"For the former, no matter how dangerous it is, I will rescue them. This is the opportunity they deserve. For the latter, no matter how safe the environment is, I will not rescue them."

His eyes are charming and indifferent, but the words in his mouth are shocking,

Yuan Hong looked at Shen Shen dully, so, this is his bottom line? Only those who have fought and worked hard for survival are qualified to live. And a person like Song Zhiqing who lives dependent on others does not deserve Shen Shen's mercy.

"So...Ye Zhou's choice was...wrong?"

"Human nature is a tool. If it is used correctly, human beings will progress and the times will advance. If it is used wrongly, human beings will perish." Shen Shen said lightly: "Look, if Ye Zhou kills the 'powerful' Dad, who will protect those Wuhe people? If Ye Zhou can't assume the responsibility of the leader, when facing endless zombies, the fate of the group without strong people is obvious."

Everyone shuddered as they thought about the horror scene of the group of women and children who had lost their protective umbrellas and were exposed to zombies.

Sure enough, human nature is a tool. If used correctly, human beings will progress and the times will advance. If used incorrectly, human beings will perish.

Xia Weili asked tremblingly: "Brother Shen Chen, we have to stop Ye Zhou from making mistakes!"

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "He won't listen to me, will he? Besides, this is a lesson I taught him, and it's also a lesson for all of us. It will definitely affect him for the rest of his life. So, when we meet again Ye Zhou probably wouldn't be the Ye Zhou we know now. And you..."

Shen Shen looked around at the partners around him: "Remember, those who survive will only be those with strong abilities. If you don't get in, you will be eliminated."

From this day on, everyone's awareness of self-conscious training has increased a lot. Many people have reached the high end of the third level, and they are already close at the door from the fourth level, but Shen Shen is still stuck at the high level of the fourth level. He was always short of breath, but he was not in a hurry. Sometimes, the feeling was very important. If he didn't feel that kind of calling from somewhere, it meant that the time had not yet come.

At this time, everyone was rushing day and night, and they were already very close to the ninth district.

Night fell. The remaining heat of the day was quickly dissipated, and the whole world became colder and colder.

Li Chenchuan, who was wearing a gray-green combat uniform, walked alone on the road in the ninth district. Although it was dark, the entire ninth district was brightly lit and full of traffic. Under the veil, some steady and harsh lights indicate the arrival of defectors.

Li Chenchuan couldn't help thinking of the scene when he arrived here half a month ago. Apart from a second-level experimental body, there were 30 soldiers who followed him. This is the core location of the ninth district chosen by Chu Li, and one of them is being put into use. army garrison area.

At that time, there was only one platoon of fighters in District 9, but without exception, all of them turned into zombies and wandered in the garrison area. The sound of roaring aircraft engines made them quickly gather under the helicopter, looking at their former comrades. Pao is now waving his hands and making a piercing roar, a sense of desolation in his heart arises spontaneously.

Their strength during life made them even stronger after death. According to the concentration of X substance in the air, it had a mutating effect on animals and plants, and at the same time, it also played a catalytic role on zombies.

"So...Even the Creator thinks that these zombies are still a kind of creature?" Li Chenchuan muttered to himself, and then blasted the zombies flying onto the plane with the evolution gun.

The rest of the work went smoothly. Although the men in white didn't participate in the battle, each of the 30 soldiers had an evolution gun. Within a few minutes, the entire base was fully recovered.

And the next thing they have to do is to rebuild on a large scale.

Today's clean airport runway, tidy playground, and the many tall buildings miraculously erected in the rear within two weeks, people can't feel it at all. Half a month ago, this place was just a wilderness overgrown with weeds. Temporary buildings are scattered among them, and the loose doors are "squeaked" by the night wind. The camouflage net on the guard tower has already collapsed, like torn rags, blown up the treetops by the wind.

"So, putting a 5D printer on the man in white is really powerful. The brains of Vice President Chu are really beyond what people can imagine."

When the man in white was lying on the ground, his whole body was like a Transformer, he ate various printing materials from his mouth, and then the solid materials flowing out from the sweat glands under his body made the reconstruction of the entire base so smooth.

The other fighters only need to be responsible for renovating the base's equipment and restoring the solar power supply system. Repair underground wells to make clean groundwater sufficient for daily consumption. The rest of the strategic construction only needs to be handed over to the people in white.

"I believe more and more that human beings can win this battle." Li Chenchuan walked on the road, feeling the atmosphere of the entire base, thinking sincerely and happily.

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