Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 849 Is the chief here?

However, Li Chenchuan quickly restrained his smile, and thought of some unhappy things, such as the order given to him by Vice President Chu earlier, requiring him to expand the entire ninth district base outward as soon as possible. As far as he knew, the only one who got this order was his own area.

Someone must have slandered Vice President Chu, right? After all, where there are people, there will inevitably be struggles. As a major, I am actually responsible for the safety of the entire base. This is certainly because the upper-level generals are responsible for more dangerous tasks, but it does make others jealous. But Vice President Chu is definitely not the kind of person who will be talked about by villains? So what does he really mean?

No matter how hard Li Chenchuan thought about it, he never imagined that this order was not aimed at him, but another person!

"Expansion and expansion... But there are less than a thousand serious soldiers, and the rest are survivors who defected. Even so, the entire base only has more than two thousand people. How can we fight this battle?" Li Chenchuan Frowning and thinking thoughtfully, after all, he also has the ambition to be promoted, and to make contributions in the apocalypse, this is every man's dream!

While he was thinking, he watched a group of panicked survivors stumbling in from the door. The evolutionary gun towers on both sides emitted scorching white fireworks, and beat the following zombies like car exhaust. s color. At this time, the walkie-talkie in his hand made another sound: "Chief, today we found twelve more rescue signals..."

"Understood, please wait for the rescue. We will send helicopters to drop supplies in nearby places tomorrow. Please pay attention to safety," Li Chenchuan replied quietly after listening to the soldiers' report. After cutting off contact, the young man The major showed a trace of exhaustion on his face: "So it is impractical to search and rescue other survivors from the beginning. Once these half-civilian and half-soldier people go to the battlefield, they will probably die soon."

He scratched his hair in some annoyance: "Oh my god, can you give me a group of extremely strong survivors, isn't it a wild new human being who claims to have a third rank?"

Wild new humans refer to new humans who have not passed official training, but still rely on various methods to learn about the existence of evolution fluid, and successfully fail to become beasts. Although the name is ugly, it is exactly what the name says.

Of course, Li Chenchuan was just complaining. You must know that these excellent fighters have only just reached the third rank. It is said that even more powerful fighters were sent to the hardest-hit area S City and defended City B. Thousands of third rank fighters , has given him a great boost. Wild third-order new human beings are probably hard to come by, and can only be cultivated slowly after the survivors enter the base.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the gate, and it could be seen that the soldiers who had been orderly all of a sudden suddenly stared at the front dumbfounded as if a pot had exploded, and everyone whispered .

Li Chenchuan frowned immediately,

I feel a little displeased. These fighters have all gone through hundreds of battles, how could they be so undisciplined.

Dang even walked over quickly: "What's the matter?" The soldier beside him hurriedly saluted, and quickly reported: "Chief, how many cars are coming ahead."

"Do you need to be so excited to come to the car?" Li Chenchuan said angrily, dissatisfaction was written on his slightly delicate but resolute face.

"Yes, the military vehicle of J City Headquarters." The soldier whispered, pointing at the JA00005 on the license plate of the military vehicle.

For some reason, although those cars were parked there, people felt a kind of majesty, as if a pair of eyes full of authority were examining themselves.

Li Chenchuan was stunned for a moment, the license plate number is the chief's car. In other words, the military rank of the comer is likely to be higher than his own. In other words, if a lieutenant colonel comes down at this time, he will be embarrassing.

But the military discipline was here, so he had to organize the soldiers and line up to greet them together.

The door of the car opened slowly, and the eyes of all the soldiers in line lit up.

What a fighter!

The man who came down twisted his handsome sword eyebrows, and his figure was as tall and straight as a tall and straight green pine. Although he was not wearing a military uniform, his red neck was strangled by the stiff collar, but he never let go of the discipline button , which is the most reliable sign to distinguish the difference between soldiers and ordinary people.

It's a soldier!

And he is a very good soldier!

If it is said that everyone's suspicion has been alleviated a lot when the first person got off, then the man who got off the second car really shocked everyone, with such a handsome appearance, wearing a pair of black riding boots, after getting out of the car, he quickly walked to the first car Three cars stood at the door of the car. Originally, this series of behaviors was not surprising, but the speed was too fast. He was clearly in the second car just now, so why did he suddenly run to the door of the third car!

It must be in the middle of the third stage, and it is estimated that there are three stages, five stages or even six stages. Li Chenchuan thought secretly, he was almost as strong as himself!

But having said that, if such a strong man can be used as a guard, then what kind of big man is sitting in the car? It can't be the commander, can it?

Li Chenchuan's palms were a little sweaty, but he changed his mind, the commander of J city should have followed the large army to carry out a secret mission outside the pass (Chu Li and the No. 2 chief did not inform them about the upper-level officers). So who could it be?

Thinking of it this way, the whole body stood up very tense. Like him, all the soldiers were very nervous.

Soon, three women appeared in his eyes, or a woman, a young girl, and a little girl. One is glamorous, one is expressionless, and the other is blinking with smart eyes.

All the soldiers immediately felt contempt in their hearts. At this stage, they still didn't forget to bring women. Even the chiefs were not respected by the soldiers.

But soon, three men jumped out of the car. These men didn't look like soldiers, they stood there loosely, and one of them even spit on the ground.

"It doesn't look like a soldier, not a leader... Maybe those two people are veterans?" Li Chenchuan thought with some annoyance, feeling like he was stupid to lead a group of soldiers to greet him. He swears fiercely in his heart that when these people come into the gathering place in a while, he must train them to death, otherwise the embarrassment in his heart will not disappear at all. And... it's too embarrassing. Look at the eyes of the spitting man looking at his group of people, it's like seeing a cherished animal.

But soon, Li Chenchuan's full attention was attracted by a leg that was about to get off the car.

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