Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 850 Who is Afraid of Who?

A pair of powerful legs, the muscle lines of the legs are perfect like a cheetah. It can be seen that this person is tall, and then the waist of this person is exposed. The sharp shoulders show the perfect golden ratio between the waist, legs and upper body.

His steps were firm and powerful, and he quickly turned out of the car door, and hugged a young child from above, who seemed to be only three or four years old. The whole body is covered with only a pair of eyes exposed.

He turned his face, the high nose bridge and slightly sunken eyes, not only has the charm of the oriental, but the facial features are very three-dimensional, making him look full of strength and heroic charm.

But Li Chenchuan immediately felt that this person was different. Standing there, he felt that he was integrated with the whole world, and everyone's eyes would be affected by his behavior. The trajectory of his movement. This man was born to be a leader.

So strong!

Li Chenchuan's heart trembled violently. He could well realize that the coercion from the car just now was definitely brought by the person in front of him! No wonder there are such excellent soldiers following!

This person is not simple!

All the soldiers straightened their bodies even more at that moment, not because of their ranks, but because of a very strange feeling, as if under the gaze of this kind of eyes, if they are not good enough, they will have that kind of strange feeling. Feeling ashamed.

Li Chenchuan also took a deep breath, and quickly suppressed this inexplicable emotion. He didn't know that it was because Shen Shen's strength was too strong, which led to the suppressed rank. What an excellent strong man brings to people is not only the worship of strength, but also the admiration and the positive drive of the whole body's aura. From this point of view, Chu Li's first purpose of using Shen Shen is the beginning. The effect appears.

"But I don't know him, so he is definitely not from the military region." Li Chenchuan said secretly in his heart: "Even though he looks very powerful, the crime of privately driving a military vehicle is enough for him to drink a pot. If you don’t give him a little bit of power, the work may not be carried out smoothly!”

Thinking of this, he immediately put on a very dignified look, and sternly shouted: "Take it away!"

When Shen Chen saw a group of soldiers welcome him, he was somewhat surprised, but once he realized that the car he was riding in was a military car obtained by Zhang Hongtao from a secret base, he understood why. It is quite understandable why the man with the major's epaulettes changed his face and shouted sharply: "Take it away". After all, in their view, their group of people looked extremely suspicious.

Both groups of soldiers also looked angry that they had been fooled,

At the major's order, they immediately surrounded them. It can be seen that every fighter basically has the ability of the third level, the first level and the second level. If it wasn't for Chu Li's handwriting, Shen Chen wouldn't believe it.

But this is not the reason for Shen Shen to be caught without a fight. A slight smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly muttered to himself: "Every time you enter the military area, do you have to fight?"

Before the voice fell, the soldiers on both sides quickly changed their expressions and began to encircle. The grabbing hands were extraordinarily mighty after the bonus of the new human physique, and the attacks like eagle claws, uniform and tacitly coordinated captures swarmed towards Shen Shen.

"So, no matter how powerful you are, you are still vulnerable to a third-tier fighter." Li Chenchuan sneered.

But Shen Chen just took a slight step forward like a stroll in the garden, and the next moment, he saw his figure suddenly disappear from everyone's sight, and for a moment, Li Chenchuan's pupils suddenly tightened like needles.

Has this man disappeared?

What kind of unilateral evolution ability is this?

But he soon realized that he had guessed wrong. The insanely powerful man in front of him didn't disappear, but his speed was too high, and his eyes could only catch the smear of his high-speed movement.

The soldiers who surrounded them were obviously a little panicked. Once the target was gone, the fierce offensive became soft, but at this moment, Li Chenchuan suddenly exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Shen Shen's figure appeared in surprise at that moment, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, his fist seemed to be thrown out lightly.


The fierce fist was not as light as expected, instead there were two muffled bangs, and the two figures immediately fell to the ground screaming, which was shocking!

Seeing that the situation was not good, all the fighters launched fierce attacks one after another, and charged towards Shen Shen with every move that revealed endless killing intent. But Shen Chen was faster, and he left an afterimage on the spot, and quickly disappeared.

More than a dozen pairs of fists smashed together in an instant, but that powerful man was like a ghost everywhere. Immediately afterwards, every soldier felt the pain in his back instantly.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came one after another, but in the blink of an eye, Li Chenchuan was horrified to find that all his soldiers were lying on the ground, and the wailing was extremely miserable.

"You!" He was angry and angry, and the gun in his hand was aimed at the man who had just appeared. This is not a time of peace, and there is still a need to shoot warning shots. Such an attack on the police and army, even if they were shot ten times or eight times, would not be too much.


Gunshots sounded suddenly in the dark night, and the bullets flew towards the man's forehead. Li Chenchuan was very confident in his shooting skills. The man's mind would explode into a ball of fireworks in the next moment, and he would use death to make up for himself. fault.

But before he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a sentence stuck in his ear: "Chief, don't be so excited. We have no malicious intentions."

Li Chenchuan's back was instantly icy cold. He didn't even know when Shen Shen hit his back, but he knew that his shot didn't pose any threat to this man. But at this time, it was me who was in a dangerous situation!

The bastard had his finger on his back like he had a gun pointed at him. Let him have no doubt that if he makes another move, that finger will insert it without hesitation in the next moment.

Although he is not afraid of death, if the entire Ninth District falls into the hands of this man, then he will die and cannot apologize.

Li Chenchuan took a deep breath, and said in a very calm voice: "Assaulting the army is a serious crime, I advise you to catch it without a fight, otherwise. The evolutionary gun on the police tower is enough to sieve you."

"Ha, if we fight for the evolution gun, we won't be afraid." Pan Di said very relaxedly at the front: "It's all made by Chu Li, who is afraid of whom?" He revealed his own evolution gun.

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