Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 851 This is all a routine

If everyone didn't care about an evolution gun, but after Yuan Hong, Wu Wei, Chen Yijian, and Huang Chen took out all the evolution guns, all the soldiers were speechless.

Everyone has an evolution gun? Isn't this team amazing!

Li Chenchuan's eyes almost popped out. He really didn't expect that this group of people also had evolution guns? The ability is still so strong, the most important thing is, is it really appropriate to call Chu Li like this? That terrifying man will hold a grudge, right?

But since he could name Chu Li, the origin of this group of guys is really quite mysterious, Li Chenchuan hesitated for a moment.

At this time, Shen Shen said loudly: "I have worked with Vice President Chu under the command of General Xue Pihua, and speaking of it, we are our own people."

General Xue Peihua? Have you ever worked with Vice President Chu?

A trace of disdain appeared on Li Chenchuan's face, this guy, who do you think you are, who can work with these two great powers? It’s just that I dare not say that I have worked with these two!

Just as he was about to say a few words of ridicule, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. Then he hurriedly raised his voice and asked eagerly, "You? Are you Shen Chen?"

Shen Chen frowned slightly, looking a little surprised: "You know me?" If he remembered correctly, he had never seen this young major before.

Li Chenchuan was overjoyed immediately, he said, such a powerful person is really Shen Shen.

He immediately said with some joy: "I heard General Xue mention your name in city b." And Li Chenchuan also heard Xue Pihua talk about Shen Shen's deeds many times, especially when he heard that he saved J alone, which was more than water and fire, which is really admirable. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

Li Chenchuan just wanted to say a few more words to express his admiration. But when I thought that my group of people wanted to give him a blow, I didn't expect to be cleaned up by Shen Shen. If I praise him a few more words, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to carry out my work. Immediately, he put away the excited expression just now and changed into an indifferent expression.

"You have registered in the military area, of course I know you." The voice was pretending to be indifferent, making it hard to tell whether it was a compliment or a criticism.

However, Yuan Hong and Wu Wei frowned at the same time, their hearts became more alert, wondering if their group of people were wanted. You must know that those who wanted to kill them and Shen Chen were also members of the military! Immediately, there was a killing intent in his eyebrows and eyes.

But Shen Shen looked at them calmly,

Tell them not to act rashly, and then ask calmly: "Oh, I have such a great ability to make the whole military region remember my name?"

"You are overthinking. It is impossible for the entire military region, but General Xue Pihua still recognizes your ability." Li Chenchuan deliberately lowered General Xue Pihua's admiration for Shen Shen, and at the same time used what he thought The most powerful way to suppress is to suppress Shen Shen.

Shen Chen couldn't help but chuckled, and with his chuckle, Yuan Hong and Wu Wei felt a little more relaxed. General Xue Pihua is one of their own, and they are very clear about this. If the major learned about Shen Shen from Xue Pihua, it means that he is not an enemy.

Li Chenchuan immediately felt the fingers on his back retracted, and only at this moment did he feel that his back was completely soaked. This man named Shen Chen brought him much more pressure than he imagined.

The next moment Li Chenchuan was a little annoyed: "Do you know that you were in the Taiping period, is this a crime enough to be shot?"

"But speaking of it, it was you who attacked me first for no reason." Shen Shen spread out his hands: "It is not a crime to be forced to defend yourself."

Li Chenchuan was at a loss for words. From the first moment he saw Shen Shen today, he was completely suppressed in terms of force, IQ and aura. This feeling is really bad.

"Anyway, it's a family." Shen Shen said, "Then, don't you know each other if you don't fight?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, with a decent smile on his face, exuding kindness. Li Chenchuan knew that this was Shen Shen giving himself a step down. After hesitating for a second, he also stretched out his hand: "Welcome back."

But then he immediately said: "But since you have entered the Ninth District, everything must be done according to the rules of the Ninth District. No matter what your original military rank is, from now on, you have to start as a soldier. If you can't accept it, then Let's go now."

Shen Shen smiled slightly: "That's natural, obey the order." He paused: "But my convoy cannot be confiscated. The army doesn't take ordinary people every stitch. Right?"

Li Chenchuan didn't expect Shen Chen to go on the road like this. As for the cars and the supplies that must be stored in the cars, he didn't take it seriously. He just asked Shen Chen to enter the first place after taking off the military license plate and continuing to use it. District Nine.

And when Shen Shen watched Li Chenchuan patrolling the base energetically, a smile appeared on his face.

"Boss, this guy is not bad." Pan Di said.

"Well, it's not bad, and it's quite interesting." Shen Shen commented, and then said: "Don't trouble them, we are not stationed here permanently, and we need to respect soldiers who risk their lives."

"That's natural!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

As usual, upon entering the Ninth District, it must be verified that there is no zombie virus on the body, so when they saw the familiar salt water, everyone was no longer surprised.

After taking off their clothes, everyone has already entered the salt water area. Several people in the salt water area are also undergoing inspection at the same time. Everyone was about to go in, but they saw two soldiers coming from the side and said to everyone: "Wait a minute Go in again."

The two voices were strong, and after speaking, they looked at everyone silently.

Chen Yijian immediately opened his mouth: "What do these mean? Why don't you give us a little treat?"

The two soldiers just blocked the entrance, but did not speak.

Yuan Hong and Wu Wei looked at each other, and sneered from the bottom of their hearts, they both came out of the army, and they were very clear about some bad habits of the army, so they said to Shen Shen immediately: "Boss, I guess you beat me just now Those guys are planning to do black hands here in the salt water, and give us a little bit of trouble."

"It's the same trick every time." Shen Shen shook his head speechlessly: "What else can we do? It's nothing more than adjusting the salt water to be saltier, and after finding that we don't have any painful expressions, we are locked in the virus area Stay with people who can turn into zombies at any time to scare us."

He said it was very interesting, and everyone couldn't help laughing, but the faces of the two soldiers who blocked everyone turned green. How could this guy guess so accurately? That's what the squad leaders planned!

But so what if he knew? How else could they resist.

Not long after, the two soldiers looked at each other with a sneer, and moved out of the way: "Please. Good luck."

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