Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 852 Worry about yourself

A group of people walked into the arena with a sneer. The moment they entered, water jets like water dragons spewed out twice, washing over the bodies of the group of people. The salty smell almost drowned out all the sense of smell in the nose.

Such large grains of salt and such a violent water column, if it is poured on someone else, even the skin will be washed off several layers.

At this time, the person sitting in the monitoring room was watching the group of people below with a sneer, with a look of deserving flashes in his eyes.

"Isn't it against the rules for us to do this?"

On one side, a dark-skinned, shorter warrior said.

"Then it's in compliance with the rules for him to hit us on the ground?" An obviously older person said, "We didn't mean to harm him, but we just wanted to fight for our breath if we didn't steam the steamed buns. We were beaten so badly, and if we don't get them back Let's have some fun, how do we fix it?"

He paused and said, "You know, these people will be assigned to our team."

As soon as he said this, the soldiers around him who were not very determined at first took a breath, and didn't say anything to dissuade them.

Such a thorny head entered the barracks, if he didn't tame his wild horse, how could he be the head in the future. You must know that the most important thing to be a soldier is to obey orders. No matter how powerful such a person is, no one is willing to hand over their backs to them.

This older veteran strengthened his belief in his heart, thinking that what he did was not wrong, he just did what a veteran should do to a recruit, and as for the resentment at being taught a bad lesson by Shen Shen, it was just It's just a little emotion.

But the facts clearly slapped him in the face. From his point of view, these people were obviously going to be stimulated by the salt water, but within sight, those people walked forward as if nothing had happened.

"What's going on? Such thick salt water doesn't work for them?" Someone exclaimed.

"It can't be... an infected person, right?"

"That's impossible. There are no wounds on their bodies, which means they are not injured." The short and dark warrior immediately shook his head and said, "They are just not afraid of the salt water stimulation of such water pressure at all."

"How is it possible!" The elder soldier immediately raised his head, his eyes were like a rooster losing a fight: "Rush, rush until they tremble."

The water flow was obviously bigger, and the water jets from both sides flowed down like an erupting mountain torrent.

For a moment, the whole room seemed to be filled with white water and the sound of surging water.

This kind of water flow, not to mention walking, I'm afraid I can't stand there.

A dozen soldiers couldn't help but feel worried about Shen Shen. Walking down in such a circle, under such fierce water pressure, they might lose half of their lives. If it is not done well, it will even die directly!

The hands couldn't help but clenched tightly, everyone's faces were extremely ugly. They just want to teach this group of guys a lesson, they don't want to kill them!

In the splashing water, no one could be seen at all, and they didn't even know what happened to them. But soon, someone suddenly shouted: "Come out, they come out!"


Everyone shouted in unison, the water outlets on both sides are only more than 50 meters long, and once they pass through this section of water outlets, they will not be attacked by the water again.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the exit, only to see the first person walking out very easily, followed by the second, and the third...all of them didn't seem to be impacted by the water flow in the slightest, they were clearly mentally ill. It's not like it's trembling.

Everyone is like eating a lump of Xiang in an instant, is this okay? Didn't they pass through a column of water with great water pressure? Could it be that they came out of cotton candy?

The veteran's face suddenly turned livid, and he said nothing. Immediately stood up, opened the door, and rushed out in one stride.

"Old Han is probably going to explode now."

"I guess we have to fight again now..."

"How could those few people come out unscathed? With this water pressure, even an elephant would have to be knocked down, let alone people..."

"That is, otherwise these guys can look so awesome?"

Soldiers, you said something to each other. Although the words were full of admiration for Shen Shen and others, they still followed Lao Han.

They don't know that the unloading effect of biological muscles on external forces is by no means ordinary, otherwise there would not be so many people racking their brains to get a biological body in the previous life.

So even in the face of such a terrifying current, it is not very dangerous to them, not to mention the hair and vines of Xia Weili and A Feng can even wrap everyone up.

Therefore, when Lao Han saw Shen Shen and his group, he found that their hair wasn't even wet.

Old Han took a deep breath. He knew that the strength of the group in front of him was really too strong. If he wanted to make them obediently become tame horses, he could only use ruthless tricks.

"I suspect that you are carriers of the zombie virus, follow me!"

The cold and blunt words came out of Lao Han's mouth. Chen Yijian squinted at Lao Han and sneered: "I have a slight injury on my body, so you can say that I am a virus carrier, and your eyes are full of shit!"

So Chen Yijian is really quite tough when he pulls the hatred. In a word, even the soldiers behind Lao Han can't hold back their faces.

Lao Han's neck immediately became thicker, and his face immediately turned purple and blue: "You have passed through the salt water, and you have no reaction or feeling. According to the regulations on the management of virus carrier analysis, I have a reason to take you to the quarantine area. If you Refuse, and we will kill you on the spot."

Shen Shen frowned fiercely, and sometimes he couldn't figure out why his group was so hated by others. Maybe it was because he always hurt some people's self-esteem intentionally or unintentionally? Of course, there is always Chen Yijian with a bad mouth.

"Crack, click!"

The sound of guns being loaded was heard, and at this time, some survivors who had walked through the salt water area and were trembling and wearing clothes looked at this side in fear and panic.

"Really want to play?"

Shen Chen squinted his eyes: "I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

His voice was astonishingly cold, but it could be seen that his expression didn't change at all when faced with more than a dozen guns. At his level, the threat of guns was no longer great.

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me!" Lao Han sternly yelled, "Don't think that you can be awesome because of your ability. When you get here, you have to obey the orders of the army. Do you know what will happen to you if you violate military discipline? Put you in a confinement room." Here, it only takes a week, and you will be able to experience the feeling that you can't live but can't die! If you want to try it, just say it!"

Shen Shen looked at this stubborn soldier, and a slight sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Before I go with you, I think you should worry about whether you will be imprisoned."

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