Hearing Shen Shen's words, Old Han's face changed slightly, and his heart skipped a beat immediately. His eyeballs moved slightly, as if he had thought of something, but he still said forcefully, "Don't argue, follow us obediently. Otherwise, you will suffer."

The tone can be said to be vicious, and Yuan Hong immediately frowned fiercely. Although most of the soldiers in the army are good, there are also some soldiers and bandits. Got into a fight with everyone. He wasn't worried about being wronged on his side, but worried about how Shen Shen would resolve it. Although he is not afraid of trouble, dealing with these people is troublesome after all.

You must know that if there is a fight here, with everyone's ability, I am afraid that even the house can be demolished, and once you do it, I am afraid that some of you will fall into the eyes of the higher-ups, and your identities are not clear after all in City B. The form cannot be exposed before, not to mention that it may destroy Shen Shen's plan.

He became more and more anxious, and there were not a few people who thought of Yuan Hong, but this time, he was in a dilemma.

At this time, I saw Shen Shen glanced at the group of people who were about to leave through the salt water in front of him, and then said to Lao Han: "If I were you, I would check whether there is any infection among those people. Those who get away with it. Instead of blindly trying to be strong and aggressive here, you will not only lose your life in the end."

Everyone didn't understand the meaning of Shen's words, and some soldiers even laughed, thinking that Shen was changing the subject. The muscles on Lao Han's face twitched a few times, revealing a stiff smile.

"Why?" Shen Shen looked at Lao Han meaningfully: "Not going to tell the truth yet? So you are blocking the probability? Then you might as well take a look. Among the group of people, there is a person with a scar on his body. Of course, you don't have to. Take my word for it. But if I'm right... guess what happens when they walk in?"

Everyone still didn't understand why, but the soldiers behind Lao Han had begun to get a little impatient.

But Lao Han suddenly didn't speak as expected, instead he stared at Shen Shen, Shen Shen looked at Lao Han very casually, with a look of following your wishes on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, I saw Lao Han's body trembling violently, and then he yelled loudly: "Follow me!"

After all, he turned out to be very serious and hurriedly chased after the group of people who had already walked out of the door. Looking carefully, the pace was even a little flustered. The soldier behind him didn't know what happened, so he gave Shen Chen a hasty look, and followed.

Only Shen Chen and his group were left in the huge room, so Shen Shen randomly found a comfortable place and leaned down, seemingly not worried about anything at all. And Chen Yijian and Huang Chen were a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, they looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what the reason was,

Shen Shen's two or three sentences scared that idiot away.

"Boss, what's the situation? Why did you scare them away with these few words?" Huang Chen asked curiously: "Is there really a zombie virus carrier among those people?"

Shen Shen smiled slightly, and the compelling aura just now dissipated immediately: "Of course, do you think I'm scaring them for no reason?"

Everyone immediately nodded in unison, which made Shen Shen roll his eyes wildly.

He looked at everyone's eyes full of curiosity, and said with a light smile: "When I entered just now, it happened that the previous group of people were undergoing salt water testing. At that time, I felt that the salt content in the water was not high. High. But when we got to our place, we were told to wait a while. It was obviously a temporary manipulation.”

"This trick is adding salt to our water."

"Yes, for such a large base, there must be indicators for controlling the amount of salt water discharged each time for the investigation of zombies. Since these guys have increased the amount of salt water we discharge this time to punish us, then, for The total amount of salt used should not be too obvious, so as not to let the people above find out that they have done something wrong, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt injected when other brine is discharged, so as to achieve the balance of the indicators.”

"So they reduced the amount of salt in the last batch, and it is possible that the amount of salt was reduced in the last few batches!" Wu Wei's face suddenly turned serious, obviously, since Shen Chen pointed out this point

"Did he think there would be no problem with stealing some salt? It should be noted that one of the signs that the virus is getting stronger and stronger is camouflage. Now the zombies are getting more and more powerful, and the zombie virus is getting stronger and stronger. Under such circumstances, The amount of salt is kept at a standard value and they dare not say that it can be detected 100%, but they still have the courage to reduce the amount!" Shen Shen sneered, and his eyes shot sharply: "How can people be convinced by doing things like this."

Everyone's hearts tightened immediately, and they tightly pursed their lips. At this time, a violent quarrel and noise broke out outside the door, and it could be heard that someone was pulling and wailing. Soon, the noise became more and more intense. There were cries and curses in the middle.

However, the situation seemed to escalate with a gunshot, and soon, several screams pierced the sky!

problem occurs!

Everyone's faces turned livid in an instant, and no one thought how the situation outside would explode all of a sudden.

Shen Chen frowned, pouted: "Go out and have a look."

Everyone hurriedly followed Shen Shen out, and it could be seen that people outside were wearing clothes in a temporary shed, and at this time, the shed was already in chaos.

Someone kept yelling words like shooting and killing.

And Lao Han and the others were surrounded by a group of angry men, and one of them could be seen falling to the ground.

Hearing the gunshots, the soldiers who came to support quickly also entered the scene. At this time, I don’t know who came up with the motive, and suddenly shouted: "No, we have been fooled. This is a virus concentration camp. These people They want to trick us into coming in and shoot us!"

Panic, anger, hatred, and survival instincts reached their peak at this moment, spreading like a plague...

Everyone frantically wanted to escape, but the soldiers who had just arrived at the shed and didn't know what had happened obviously put on a defensive posture, which caused even more commotion...

Chaozi, this time it's big!

"My god, how can this f*ck be like this?" Chen Yijian's eyes widened: "How can these people make such a simple thing such a mess!"

And the howls became endless. I don't know how many people were squeezed to the ground for no reason, and those soldiers hit the ordinary people with their guns, trying hard to disperse them.

"He's too stubborn, and if he doesn't know how to be flexible, good things will turn into bad things." Shen Shen looked at Lao Han's increasingly livid face, and said lightly: "I hope they don't kill people, otherwise it really can't be explained." .and right now..."

He raised his head and looked towards the place outside the door: "The major should come to rescue soon."

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