Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 854: We Are Comrades

Li Chenchuan never thought that one day he would encounter such a commotion. The moment he walked in, he felt that his soul was about to be blown to the sky!

How do you say this, my own soldiers are standing on the line of hostility with the people who were supposed to rescue! What exactly is this for!

When he raised his head, he saw his hands clenched into fists as if he was watching a theater.

Damn it, so to speak, with this man around, disasters everywhere!

Li Chenchuan could tell at a glance that this commotion must have something to do with Shen Chen, so he rushed towards Shen Chen first, clenched his teeth, and clenched his fists: "Bastard, what are you doing?"

"Huh?" Shen Shen was a little surprised: "You asked me?"

"Isn't it your fault?"

"Hmm... You say that, maybe it has something to do with me!" Shen Chen raised his brows slightly and said slowly.

"Ha, do you still have the face to admit it?" Li Chenchuan said angrily: "I order you to solve this matter for me immediately. You can't use tear gas, and you can't hurt the people."

Shen Shen looked at Li Chenchuan in surprise, he felt that the major was serious. Then he blinked and asked, "Are you sure you want me to solve this problem, not your soldiers?"

"You are a third party, whether I come forward or the soldiers come forward, it will only intensify the conflict between the people and us, and you are between us and the people. So!" Li Chenchuan said angrily: "Don't you Shouldn't you make up for the wrong things you did? Can you live up to General Xue's evaluation of you?"

Shen Chen thought this major was very interesting from the very beginning, but now hearing what he said, he is not only interesting, but also smart. He was right. At this time, neither he nor his soldiers could show up. Once they showed up, it would only intensify the matter. And he also sees it very accurately, the only one who can calm this matter down is himself.

Shen Chen whistled lightly, and then said to Li Chenchuan: "I appreciate you a little bit."

Before the words fell, there was a clear and long howling suddenly from the sky, which seemed to be an incomparably ferocious cry from a bird of prey.

The next moment, the ceiling of the shed was shattered with a "bang". Many building materials fell like raindrops.

The people who were making a noise were suddenly startled, and they all looked up at the same time.

But I saw a hole about one meter in size on the greenhouse.

A huge fluffy bird's head protruded from the hole into the shed. The cat-like bird face with sharp beaks was creepy, and a pair of copper bell-like giant eyes exuded yellow-brown and The penetrating luster combined with the blue color.

"Ah!!! A monster!!!"


"I don't want to die!!!"

Everyone was scared to death. At this moment, what commotion, what virus concentration camp, had been forgotten by them, they screamed frantically, trying to hide behind the soldiers.

"Hurry up and hit it!"

"You have a gun in your hand, shoot it!"


There was an endless stream of shouts, and everyone's face was full of despair and hysterical pain.

When Li Chenchuan saw the Laughing Owl, he was very frightened at first, then suddenly looked at Shen Shen, and suddenly asked in a very complicated voice: "Did you summon it?"

The corner of Shen Chen's mouth slanted up, and he didn't answer his question, but he looked at Li Chenchuan casually and said, "Now it's your turn to perform, but remember not to shoot at it. Otherwise...hehe. I won't Make sure nothing will happen."

"You kid is awesome!" Shen Shen's words were obviously telling Li Chenchuan that this "huge" strange bird was his masterpiece. And the fighters who became public enemies at the beginning, with the help of Shen Chen, will turn into protectors at this moment, turning into a tall and powerful image, turning the world around.

Although it originally existed as a guardian, but being forced to perform a good show in front of the people, it is really embarrassing to think about it.

Li Chenchuan quickly pulled out his pistol, and fired a few shots in a very heroic "bang bang bang". The imposing manner immediately reassured the people.

"Don't be afraid, everyone is orderly and hiding behind our soldiers, we won't let a commoner get hurt! Trust us! Hurry up and hide!" Li Chenchuan shouted passionately, and the commoners rushed forward as if they had met a savior. To the soldiers behind, timid and cowardly.

Li Chenchuan Yingwu reached the extreme and issued an order: "Everyone has it, shoot at 12 o'clock diagonally above!"

All the soldiers were already ready to fight, but when they heard Li Chenchuan's order, they almost lost their feet. Wait, the bird is clearly not in the direction of 12 o'clock, right? Why is the major's order so outrageous?

A soldier couldn't help looking at Li Chenchuan, but saw him shooting seriously at the vicinity of the bird's head... completely deviated from the place.

Everyone immediately understood, and the guns fired together, and as the guns rang, the people behind them heard extremely excited shouts, cheers, and applause!

This is so fucking funny!

Many soldiers thought helplessly in their hearts, it was clearly for their own good, but they were misinterpreted. It was obviously a show, but it was regarded as a hero. How should this future work be carried out?

Shen Shen looked at the fire and saw that the heat was about the same, but he blew a whistle. That smile was really very clever. He always liked to "giggle" and even let out a few tragic neighs in a pretentious manner, and then retreated like a defeated general. up.

"Ah!!! The strange bird was beaten away!"

"Victory! We have won!"

"We survived, we survived!"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you just now. You put your life on the line to protect us, and we are still questioning your original intentions. I'm no better than a pig or a dog!"


Li Chenchuan sighed in his heart as he looked at the people who were so enthusiastic, even excited that tears filled their eyes and couldn't help but want to kiss the soldiers. He looked at Shen Shen who was still watching the play with his fists in his hands, and after a long silence, he walked over slowly, but standing side by side with Shen Chen, he said in a low voice: "You are such a genius. Such a difficult matter is in conflict, and it is so difficult Such a perfect solution. I have to say, this trick is too powerful!"

"This is called transferring conflicts, turning internal conflicts into external conflicts, and the common people will naturally have a choice between life and death." Shen Shen smiled slightly: "You should have learned this theory in political class when you were officers. "

"However, it's really rare to use it so skillfully like you," Li Chenchuan said.

A smile appeared on Shen Chen's face: "Then, I'll take it as a compliment."

After all, the eyes of the two met each other, and there was a trace of friendliness in each other's eyes.

"Then...we are not enemies, but comrades-in-arms!" Li Chenchuan stretched out his hand actively: "Shen Chen, you are welcome."

Shen Chen smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand: "Of course, Comrade Major."

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