Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 858 I don't like it

Wang Renquan stood in the corner of the wall in horror, watching Shen Shen walking towards him step by step with a frozen and terrifying smile. For a moment, he felt that this seemingly harmless student suddenly became like a devil. If you don't bring something like this, how can you hit someone when you come up...


Another slap came, and Wang Renquan screamed again, feeling as if his whole brain had a concussion.


Pushing one knee up, Wang Renquan felt such pain that even his internal organs and six lungs were displaced. A large amount of bile surged up from his stomach uncontrollably, and he vomited directly.

However, the person in front of him was smiling, but the deep meaning behind this smile made people feel endless terror.

At this moment, he felt a deep sense of fear and fear, because the strength of this guy was simply unfathomable because he could beat him so helplessly. If he killed himself, no one would avenge himself!

"I was wrong, I was wrong, you are the boss, you are the squad leader! I don't dare anymore, never dare again!"

Once Wang Renquan begged for mercy, Shen Shen, who had grabbed his collar and intended to greet him well, let go slowly, and Wang Renquan immediately slipped to the ground like mud.

"Huaxia's education has been muddied by you bastards in human skin." Shen Shen slowly squatted down in front of Wang Renquan, and patted his face with his hands: "Be safe and keep yourself safe." Yes, you can live a few more days. Otherwise, do you think you can run amok with just a third-order?"

Just a third rank!

Everyone dared not speak anymore. What a powerful person he is, he can say a mere third-level words. You must know that third-level, for some people, may be the peak reached in a lifetime.

Wang Renquan immediately nodded and said yes, and didn't dare to say more, but the next moment, he saw Shen Chen holding one of his fingers.


Qi Gefei and Lao Feng hurriedly closed their eyes, while Wang Renquan burst into screams like killing a pig.

The next moment, Shen Shen stood up slowly, walked to the window as if nothing had happened, opened the window, and threw a cylinder down the stairs: "I don't like people talking about my mother, let's not be an example."

Immediately there was a bark from downstairs,

Wang Renquan's face was pale, looking at his palm with a broken finger, he finally passed out with a howl.

Shen Shen walked back to the bed slowly, then tapped his toes, and sat on the upper bunk: "Falcon, you can sleep on my lower bunk. Others sleep on the upper bunk. Leave a lower bunk for that surnamed Wang. of."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, although they didn't know what Shen Shen meant, but because of Shen's terrifying strength, everyone decided to do what Shen said. The bed was allocated immediately, and of course, the squad leader's number one fell on Shen Shen's head. However, Ziegfei was still afraid of the teacher, so he even dragged Wang to bed.

Soon, it will be time to turn off the lights. After a while, there was a uniform snoring sound in the dormitory.

The first night after arriving at the base passed so uneventfully. The only thing that reassured Shen Shen was that Falcon at this time did not seem to have the habit of sleepwalking.

I knew it was changed to the lower berth...

Shen Shen thought with resentment, so Falcon seemed to feel a little bit cold in his sleep, and unconsciously wrapped the quilt a little tighter. In the early morning of the next day, everyone woke up with the loud whistle.

"You bastard, get up quickly, with this level of vigilance, you have already become food for zombies!"

There was a stern reprimand from outside the door, and everyone hurriedly got up to wash and dress. Hastily ran out.

But I saw the stern instructor standing at the door, holding these men who were ordinary people the day before and soldiers today.

The situation in China is very complicated, with a large area and a large population. Once the population of 1.3 billion is urbanized, it will lead to an extraordinarily large number of zombies and very few survivors. In the battle to regain lost ground, in order to increase the possibility of victory and ensure the survival rate of generals, it is necessary to improve the ability of recruits so that they can stand alone, otherwise they must have at least half of their strength.

It is not easy to train this group of rookies into fighters who can stand on their own. Because some of these people are over half a hundred years old, and their character habits have already been formed. There is only one way to make them become qualified fighters in a short period of time without losing their lives, and that is cruel training. cruel!

"You bastard, how did you survive? Did you drill into the crotch of a zombie?"

"If you want to narrowly escape from the pile of zombies and get back your old life, you have to show your housekeeping skills! Zombies won't see your mercy!"

"The winner is king, the loser is death, this must be remembered! Otherwise, you will not even be able to preserve the corpse. Think about the feeling of your intestines being caught by zombies and stuffed into your mouth? Have you ever eaten pig intestines? Well, that's the smell!"

"Just you slow-minded guys, you have already died and injured millions of times. If you are not competent, you might as well cut your own neck and commit suicide, and save wasting food! Or feed zombies!"

The instructors spoke harshly and impassionedly, and their voices became louder and louder. If someone missed or couldn't react for a while, they would inevitably be scolded.

Everyone is disheartened. These instructors are all new human beings above the third rank. When facing these common people, they have exhausted all methods to squeeze their physical strength.

We need to exercise everyone to the point of exhaustion, so that the evolution fluid can be at its best.

Li Chenchuan looked at the mourning people below and thought to himself, and beside him, there were second-order and first-order evolution fluids in turn.

After all the manpower is removed, the evolution fluid can be distributed.

Li Chenchuan originally thought about it this way, but his thoughts would always be destroyed by a freak named Shen Chen, because the intensity reached above the third level, and even Pan Di and Yuan Hong had already started to breathe heavily. Not to mention those men who have already been lying on the ground like dead dogs. But only Shen Shen was still refreshed, training at a constant speed without rushing.

And in front of him, the instructors leading the training had already begun to lose their support and crumbled.

"So this guy is here to make trouble for me?" Li Chenchuan glared vigorously in Shen's direction, but he saw a smile on the corner of Shen Shen's mouth strangely, and sat down slowly. As soon as he sat down, the exhausted instructors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So this is to give me face." Li Chenchuan thought: "Otherwise, there is really no way to proceed."

A piece of evolution fluid contained in a clear glass bottle was distributed to everyone's hands. The new humans who knew how to do it were pleasantly surprised, while those who didn't know looked at the liquid inside curiously.

"This is the latest evolutionary fluid, which is added with various plant extracts, which can effectively exert the energy efficiency of the evolutionary fluid. At the same time... it can also ensure that most of you will not become monsters because of it." Li Chenchuan Somewhat nasty looking at the surprised expression of the unknown recruit below. Then he waved his hand: "Drink it! Drink it and start meditating, and then you will find that a new world is beckoning to you."

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