Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 869 Interesting things

Everyone's faces burst into brilliance, and the people who were already third-tier and second-tier new humans became even more excited. Originally, as an independent individual, it was very difficult to kill zombies. The acquisition of strength makes them wish to have evolution fluid in their hearts all the time, but now, there are so many evolution fluids that allow them to improve their strength without any worries.

It seems that the country is serious about building them into elite fighters!

Everyone drank the evolution fluid in front of them in one gulp, and immediately, the vigorous power generated by the evolution fluid in their bodies made everyone fall into an unconscious state.

When the instructors were inspecting the soldiers one by one, they couldn't help talking in low voices. They were all new human beings of the third level, so they guessed together how many of these people would wake up in three hours. How many people will be strong in the future.

When they walked in front of Shen Shen, everyone's voices stopped collectively. Although this guy closed his eyes, the evolution fluid in the glass bottle in front of him did not decrease at all.

The instructors frowned immediately, and suddenly someone said sharply to Shen Shen: "Why don't you drink your evolution fluid."

Shen Chen slowly opened his eyes and raised his head slightly. His eyes were clear and peaceful, as if nothing could disturb his mind.

"What are you looking at, what about you, why don't you drink the evolution fluid!"

Seeing the instructor standing in front of him with a serious face, he said casually: "The second-order evolution fluid is useless to me."

"It doesn't work for you?" The instructor seemed to have heard some big joke, and said with a sneer: "No new human of the third level dares to say that the evolution fluid of the second level is useless to them. What kind of onion are you? Tell me later." Once again, quickly give me the evolution fluid."

Shen Shen glanced at the instructor, and sat still: "I said, the second-level evolution fluid is useless to me."

It is true that Chu Li should have put some plant extract in the evolution liquid, but in terms of the smell, it is not the final version of the evolution liquid that Shen Chen drank in his previous life. There must be something missing in it, and there is nothing wrong with drinking it. Meaning, what's more, the second-order evolution fluid has no effect on him at all. After drinking it, you won't be able to drink your own evolution fluid at night, isn't it worth the candle.

However, the instructor frowned fiercely. He wasn't targeting Shen Shen, but how could such a disobedient person obey orders on the battlefield in the future?

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said, "If you have any reason not to drink the evolution liquid,

can be brought up. But you know, we won't hurt you. "

Shen Shen sighed softly: "I told the instructor, this evolution liquid has no effect on me. Why don't you believe it?"

The instructor's patience was clearly at the limit, and he obviously didn't think the young man in front of him was telling the truth. Then, there was only one answer, and that was that he was causing trouble on purpose!

He immediately yelled at Shen Shen: "I don't care what you do or not, when you join the army, you have to obey the army's orders, unless you want to roll back to your zombie pile and become a pile of feces. Otherwise, you have to put the evolution fluid drink it."

He tried to pull up Shen's collar, but no matter how hard he tried, Shen Shen still sat there motionless. The instructor's face turned red instantly, because his posture was really weird, bent over, hunched over, he had the feeling of pretending to be an idiot.

"Get up!"

Shen Shen glanced at the wrinkled collar lightly, and said coldly: "Loosen it for me."

The instructor was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Shen Chen to dare to speak to him like that, and with all his comrades standing beside him, he felt that he had been greatly humiliated for a moment, and the next slap was about to hit Shen Chen's face.

Shen Chen didn't dodge, didn't even make a move, that hand was already frozen in the air, but just as he raised it, he was grabbed by the other hand.

"Who? Whoever stops me from teaching this grandson a lesson today is going to make things difficult for me!" The veins on the instructor's neck bulged, and he wished he could slap the owner of that hand hard.

"So you think I can't get along with you?"

As soon as Li Chenchuan opened his mouth with the unique opening sentence, the instructor immediately turned extremely ugly, and then hurriedly shouted in embarrassment: "Major."

Shen Chen looked at Li Chenchuan with a half-smile, and Li Chenchuan's face became extraordinarily exciting the moment he saw Shen Shen.

All the instructors were still watching the good show, but when they saw Li Chenchuan looking at Shen Shen with a non-threatening expression, and nodded slightly at Shen Shen, the faces of all the instructors turned green for a moment.

But the instructor who was caught by the hand didn't know it. Instead, he said: "Major, this guy doesn't obey orders!"

"If he obeyed the order, I would find it strange." Li Chenchuan shook his head: "Putting you among the recruits was probably my mistake."

"What? Didn't you make a mistake, Major? And am I not in charge of training recruits?" The instructor asked inexplicably, and the next moment, Li Chenchuan reached out to Shen Shen: "Get up, let's chat."


The instructor's face suddenly turned pale, and the words of emotion... didn't they say to himself?

But Shen Shen patted the dust on his body lightly, then stood up: "Let's go, let's go to your place to have a chat."

Seeing Shen Shen leaving like his superior and friends, all the instructors' eyes widened at that moment.

So what the hell is this doing? He was clearly a friend of the highest ranking officer, yet he was assigned to the recruit company, so this shit is two people in love and killing each other? Isn't this a disaster for the fish in the pond? Isn't it!

"So why are you deliberately playing this game under my nose? What if I don't come out to make a rescue?" Li Chenchuan put his hands on the table, leaned his upper body forward, and yelled at Shen Shen angrily.

"The one who made a fool of myself is definitely not me. If you want your instructors to lose face in front of the recruits, I don't mind." Shen Shen spread his hands indifferently, and sat down on the chair leisurely.

Li Chenchuan's head is almost getting bigger, how can there be such a bad person in this world.

However, Shen Shen was thinking at this time, so Li Chenchuan should have the same mentality when facing the madness in his heart at this time, right?


"Li Chenchuan has an impulsive personality, but he comes and goes quickly. He is very simple and an optimist. It must be a very interesting thing for him to partner with Shen Chen."

Once Chu Li said "interesting", the scene must have exploded.

So when he saw Chu Li's telegram asking Li Chenchuan to clean up the zombies within ten kilometers within a week, Sun Yanze mourned for Li Chenchuan for a few minutes in his heart.

As soon as Shen Chen arrived, Chu Li planned to issue such an order to the Ninth District. To be manipulated by such a Chu Li beyond his potential, he really didn't know whether Li Chenchuan was lucky or not!

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