Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 860 Unstinting Praise

"So aren't you making trouble for me? If you don't cooperate with my work like you, how can I manage this place?" Li Chenchuan said angrily, staring at Shen Shen.

However, Shen Chen just raised his shoulders, with a calm expression on his face: "You sent me to the recruit company, I am very cooperative with your work."

"Stop talking!" Li Chenchuan waved his hand vigorously, and he could see that the young major's face was full of frustration: "So what level are you? Why don't you drink the second-level potion? Are you deliberately making trouble or how is everything?"

"I really didn't make trouble... If you are at the same level, uh... the fourth level." Shen Shen said

"Four...fourth order?"

Li Chenchuan jumped up from the chair all of a sudden, and looked at Shen Shen with his big eyes open, as if he had heard something wrong with his tinnitus, or he had hallucinations in his mind, and the latter just heard you right with your ears He nodded with a very leisurely expression.

"I'm going, you are the fourth rank? You are the fourth rank?" Li Chenchuan kept scratching his hair and said, "I should have thought of it earlier, you can beat so many fighters of the third rank by yourself. The evolution liquid has no effect on you, oh my god, you are actually at the fourth level! So..."

Li Chenchuan raised his head suddenly, and said in that vicious tone: "If you want us to provide you with the third-level evolution fluid, it is impossible. Now most of the zombies are still in the second-level state, and the third-level zombies It's basically hard to tell apart from breaking their heads. You want me to provide your third sister's evolution fluid every day, but I just say, impossible!"

"Since you are not capable of doing it, then don't waste my time." Shen Chen also stood up, walked in front of Li Chenchuan, stared into his eyes and said, "Give me enough time and freedom, don't let me It is a waste of time for you and me to participate in your tricks of training ordinary people. You should know that I alone can complete the expansion plan of the ninth district for you. It would be too much to put me on boring training. It’s overkill.”

"Ha, you are not stingy about boasting about yourself!" Li Chenchuan also stared hard into Shen Shen's eyes: "But don't forget, there are still a few recruits in your class. You can act alone, if you want to be free, you can, take your squad and act together, and my request is that there will be no casualties."

Li Chenchuan looked at Shen Shen hard. He knew how rude his request was, but any outstanding talent must never be above the system. Soldiers must put the collective first. But he can give Shen Shen some preferential treatment within the scope of his authority.

Shen Chen raised his eyebrows, and after about three seconds, he said, "Yes. I will be in charge of their training."

"Then we'll wait and see.

A smile crossed the corner of Li Chenchuan's mouth, but soon, the smile disappeared instantly with a telegram that arrived suddenly.


Shen Chen looked at Li Chenchuan and suddenly jumped up like a rabbit, holding a piece of paper in his hand and waving it non-stop.

"Is this the rhythm to kill me? Why is it so unfair to me! This is simply too much!"

This guy rubbed his hair vigorously, making his body more and more messy, and kicked his feet on the ground vigorously, as if this could vent his inner depression and anger.

And Shen Chen walked to his side slowly, pulled out the piece of paper in Li Chenchuan's hand, and looked at it quietly: "Well... so, Chu Li needs you to send troops."

Li Chenchuan immediately said loudly: "It's too much. Which of those soldiers will be of great use, and they will all have to die on the battlefield. One week? How can it be done in one week! If there are no villains around Vice President Chu I do not believe it!"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Shen Chen's mouth, and then he said slowly: "So I have a plan, do you want to listen to it?"

Li Chenchuan was slightly taken aback, and asked anxiously, "What plan?"

"Let the soldiers above the first rank in each squad attack freely. The zombie heads brought back by each squad after killing the zombies will be converted into their own military merit points. Don't rush to deny me, wait until I finish." Shen Shen stopped Li After Chen Chuan's speech, he continued: "These quick recruits want to become qualified fighters at once. They have no other way but to participate in actual combat. I want to train them with the standards of the Taiping years. When they grow up, the zombies We have already been taken care of. With my method, you can complete Chu Li's request within a week."

"But in this way, the casualty rate will be greatly increased."

"But in this way, the fighters who can survive will win the final victory. Do you still plan to protect them behind you for the rest of your life?" Shen Shen sneered: "What's more, those who can survive until now, you think everyone It's a fool."

Li Chenchuan was silent for a few seconds: "Then, the telegram has arrived as scheduled, so it is as you wished."

The corners of Shen Chen's mouth raised, showing a smile: "This is a good thing for us to win three times."

In the afternoon of the same day, Li Chenchuan's order spread immediately. Every first-level newcomer can attack in units of squads. All they need to do is to do morning exercises in the early morning and come back at night to receive the evolution fluid. During the middle period, you can go out freely to kill zombies. The more kills, the more military merit. But if someone doesn't go out to kill zombies, they must follow the training.

At night, a large LED screen has been erected on the square, and the names of all classes and first-order new humans are already covered, which are continuously broadcast in a loop. At this time, the military merit value behind each name is all Displayed as zero.

"It's pretty good at mobilizing people's hearts." Chen Yijian muttered as he passed the LED screen. Generally speaking, for this kind of ranking list, you should swipe your ranking. As long as you are a person, you will feel an inexplicable feeling of being attracted. The pleasure of watching the rankings continue to rise is the same as watching the banknotes in the bank card getting more and more happy.

Because it quantifies honor and rights, making it truly visible. Therefore, a lot of people have gathered under the big screen, discussing it one after another.

Beside Chen Yijian, seven or eight young men shouted in unison: "Squad leader, we are all first-order new humans, why don't we go out and kill zombies for fun?"

"I just like your newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. Kill zombies for fun? Okay! Look at the ranking of our class and rush to the top three on this big screen!" Chen Yijian laughed loudly and said without shame.

"Then we have to rush to the first place, our squad leader's strength! That's amazing." Someone beside him immediately said: "If our class doesn't rush to the first place, who would dare to go up."

Chen Yijian laughed, and was about to explain that he was already good enough to be in the top three in this class, and there must be no hope for the first place. After all, Shen Shen is there.

Before he could speak, he heard someone beside him say in a strange way: "You are not afraid of flashing your tongue when the wind is strong. These days, cats and dogs are also putting on a show."

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