"Us? We have to kill so many zombies?" Wang Renquan said hoarsely, "Isn't this too childish!"

"Who said that there are no zombies just now? I found so many zombies for you, are you still not satisfied?" Shen Shen smiled coldly, and everyone trembled.

"However, how can we kill so many zombies? We can't kill them at all! If we don't rush down, we're already dead!" Old Feng said anxiously, "I don't want to die so badly yet."

But Falcon said: "Okay, Squad Leader Shen, I can only say that I admire you for bringing us here. No matter what, judging from the number of zombies, we have already seized the opportunity. The five of us share more than 300,000 zombies equally, and one person is more than 60,000. What kind of concept is this? It is very likely that the five of us can surpass the military achievements of all others. But having said that, one, this is indeed a bit too conspicuous Second, to be honest, I don’t think we can eat so many zombies. Don’t lose your life when the time comes.”

"Yes, you can't eat it. So there will be people coming to kill these zombies with us..." Shen Shen glanced at the crowd indifferently: "I can guarantee that you will not die, but as much as you can kill, you will get as much in the end. You can't kill them Yes, I will deal with it naturally, and correspondingly, these military merit points will not be distributed to you. If anyone has thoughts that should not be raised, don't blame me for being rude."

What Shen Shen meant was very clear, he would protect everyone from death, but even if all these zombies were killed, it would be impossible for everyone to share military merit equally. Everyone knew in their hearts that it was already a great gift for Shen Chen to bring them here, so naturally they didn't dare to say too much.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Shen Chen blew a whistle. Everyone felt as if something had flown away above their heads, but they didn't ask any further questions.

After waiting for a while, Falcon suddenly said, "There are other teams coming."

Only then did Shen Chen stand up slowly: "Well, we can start working."

Soon, not far away, Huang Chen and his comrades hurried over following the guidance of the Laughing Owl.

Shen Shen is not worried about the abilities of Wu Wei, Yuan Hong, Chen Yijian and others, especially Pan Di. The reason why he didn't let these people come with him was because he hoped that these people could lead his team to stand alone instead of killing zombies under his command all the time.

But Huang Chen's ability was still too weak after all, and he barely reached the third level a few days ago, Shen Shen was a little worried after all, so he still brought him by his side.

Huang Chen held the bow and arrow Shen Shen gave him from Zhang Hongtao in his hand, and hurried over: "Boss!"

"let's start!"

Shen Shen turned around slowly: "Now,

There are eight of us here. Report to each other. "

"My name is Lao Feng, first stage and second stage."

"Siegfried, one stage one stage."

"Wang Renquan, third rank... third rank."

When Wang Renquan was speaking, Huang Chen couldn't help but glanced at him, knowing in his heart that this guy must be hiding his strength.

"Huang Chen, the third and first stage."

"Falcon, stage three and stage two."

"Call me less than you, second stage five stage"

"I am the king, the second and seventh stage."

"Shen Chen, level four."

A faint sentence was like an explosion among the crowd. Xiao Yu, Da Wang, Lao Feng, and even Siegfried and Falcon all looked at Shen Shen with incredulous eyes, as if they were saying that they finally saw the living four Tier strong.

And Wang Renquan was in cold sweat. He originally thought that this guy was only at the third level and ninth level, but if he was promoted to the fourth level, it would be different. At his level, he already knew the suppression of the ranks very well. up. No wonder the person in front of him is so powerful, he has already been promoted to the fourth rank!

"That's right, it's much better than I expected." Shen Shen nodded.

"Even if there are three third-levels, it is impossible to kill so many zombies. How do you think about it?" Once he learned that Shen Shen was so powerful, Falcon's tone softened a lot.

"It's very simple. Depending on the terrain, this mountain is so steep that it's difficult for zombies to climb up. We only need to send people to lure the zombies to come. Standing on the top of the mountain, most of the zombies can naturally be eliminated."

"This is not right!" Wang Renquan immediately said: "I was also a soldier when I was young, and I have read some military books. Now this mountain looks very steep, but once the corpses of the zombies are piled up, the corpses will become stepping stones. There are so many zombies rushing up on the corpses, we don't even know how we died!"

Both Huang Chen and Falcon looked at Wang Renquan in surprise, as if they didn't believe that he could come up with such an idea.

"Then what do you mean, Mr. Wang?" Siegfried asked curiously

"What I mean is, get out of here, don't worry about the 300,000 zombies, and fight steadily!" Wang Renquan said angrily, "Are you stupid? Whoever lures zombies is not you first-order Cannon fodder, do you have the ability to run past zombies and come back?"

What Wang Renquan said made Lao Feng and Siegfried look ugly immediately. They were the weakest in strength, and they were obviously the most suitable as cannon fodder.

"Have you finished?" Shen Shen looked at Wang Renquan quietly: "As a new human being of the third stage and the third stage, you only have this promise?"

"Don't mention anything to me. Military merit is important. I am also a person who likes power, but compared with life, it doesn't matter. In a word, I won't participate."

"Yes," Shen Shen nodded. Wang Renquan didn't expect Shen to be so easy to talk. Just as he was about to speak again, he suddenly felt a chill in his neck and his feet were empty. Immediately afterwards, he felt that his whole body suddenly took off. What I saw was the lush tree tops, and everyone's eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, and the distance getting farther and farther away.

"My **** mother! Shen Chen! You devil! You bastard!"

When Wang Renquan was in mid-air, he realized that he was thrown down the mountain by Shen Shen. What the hell does that mean? Is this guy trying to kill himself with the hands of zombies!

The scenery under him passed quickly, and soon, the pale arms of the zombie came into view, and Wang Renquan could even feel the sting of the sharp nails scratching his buttocks!


The corpses are excited!

The scent of the new humans made them rush up like they had been drugged, frantically wanting to scratch Wang Renquan in mid-air!


At this moment, he almost broke out all his survival instincts, and his feet suddenly crushed the head of a zombie, and then, like a whirlwind, he rushed towards the top of the mountain with a bang!

"Shen Chen, you...you threw him down! He will die, he will be eaten by zombies and die!"

On the top of the mountain, Lao Feng trembled all over and said sharply.

"Don't worry, his ability to survive is much stronger than all of you." Shen Shen said lightly: "I found out when I beat him yesterday, his strength is not strong, but he can rise to the third level, presumably his ability and Speed ​​matters."

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