"Ah!!" There were miserable screams, and everyone was stunned to see this man in his thirties running forward like a rocket at a speed that didn't match his figure.

Just like what Shen Chen said, his legs reached an astonishingly fast speed. When he was running, he could even see the air currents swirling faintly, while the zombies jumped up and down behind him, stretching out their skinny arms trying to scratch, and even more so. A lot of zombies use four corners together, rushing out like wild beasts, with fierce eyes and greedy looks, just like evil spirits crawling out of hell, making people deeply doubt why there are such monsters in this world biology.

Wang Renquan ran very fast, leaving the zombies far behind in a few moments.

Huang Chen said anxiously on the side: "No way, boss, those zombies can't be attracted like this."

"What's the rush?" Shen Shen said flatly, "Shoot an arrow at him."

"Yeah... shot?" Huang Chen cleared his throat and said with some embarrassment: "It's not easy? What if he dies?"

"He's not that fragile, just stop his speed."

"Okay then." Huang Chen took out an arrow from behind and pointed it at Wang Renquan's body. With a whoosh sound, the arrow flew towards Wang Renquan's body mercilessly.

"My **** grandma! You are still a human being!"

Seeing the arrows coming mercilessly, Wang Renquan cursed immediately, but his body could only shift sideways to avoid Huang Chen's attack, and once his body changed slightly, he was immediately sealed by Huang Chen's arrows Keeping the angle, after doing this several times, the zombies who were thrown off behind caught up again.

"Don't shoot, the zombies are coming up!" Wang Renquan waved his hands in a panic, and shouted sharply, "Can't I run slower!"

He screamed heart-piercingly, like an old horse galloping wildly, running so fast that his tongue was about to come out. At this moment, he had never felt so hopeless in his life.

Huang Chen looked at Shen Shen, saw Shen Shen nodding, and then retracted the bow.

As long as Wang Renquan throws the zombie farther away again, Huang Chen will use this method to force him to pause for a while. So half an hour later, the zombies of the brigade had already climbed up the mountainside.

"Okay, don't shoot anymore!" Shen Shen told Huang Chendao, and then shouted to Wang Renquan at the foot of the mountain: "Wang Renquan, go to the top of the mountain immediately in ten seconds, otherwise I will start attacking, if I attack you, don't blame me! "

"What the hell...I..." Wang Renquan was about to cry,

He didn't even have the desire to swear, he could only rush upwards in a frenzied way, and his speed was not known to be much faster than before. From Huang Chen's perspective, although his speed was not as fast as Shen Shen's, he was as fast as Pan Di. It's almost there.

"The real strength is at the third stage and the fifth stage." Shen Shen said lightly: "Because of the advantage of the speed unilateral evolutionary, judging by the speed, it is about the third stage seven or eight stages. If he is not timid, this speed is enough to Let him not be injured in close combat but can be extremely lethal."

Huang Chen nodded deeply: "I just thought he was hiding his strength."

Shen Chen said "Yes", and then said: "The three-arrow shooting that you figured out earlier, now you have the best target, don't be stingy with the arrows, and practice more while there are many zombies."

Speaking of this, Huang Chen's eyes immediately lit up: "I didn't expect to be able to practice it, but if you didn't order it for me, boss, I might still fail."

It's just that I know that your archery technique is different from ordinary people. Shen Shen was thinking silently in his heart, but at this time, Wang Renquan was already sweating profusely, and appeared in front of Shen Shen like a dead dog. As soon as he followed his face, he immediately swung his fists and attacked Shen Shen's face.

The hand as strong as steel directly caught Wang Renquan's fist, dispelled it lightly, and broke it hard, Wang Renquan immediately screamed: "I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Let's vent this hatred of me on the zombies, because you can't move me, and you can move those ugly things."

The merciless ridicule made Wang Renquan's old face blush, Shen Shen didn't say anything, but sternly shouted: "Attack!"

With an "attack" on the previously peaceful hillside, at this moment, with just a few breaths, it was as if someone had suddenly rang the assembly call, and countless zombies swooped out from below! Seeing the "food" in front of them, the zombies rushed forward in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, they reached a number that made people's scalp tingle.


The sound of piercing the sky immediately followed, followed by the first few zombies with arrows stuck in their foreheads, their bodies twitched violently, and then went down, sliding down the hillside all the way, driving a series of zombies fall down.

Like a bunch of disgusting frogs, they fell to the ground, but in the blink of an eye, they jumped up vigorously again, scrambling to rush towards everyone!

"Hehe, that's how it is. The steep mountain wall greatly reduces the walking of zombies, so I'm going too." The corner of Falcon's mouth made a slanting arc, and then rushed out like a leopard. Known as the Eagle King, the two scalpels that suddenly appeared in his hands gleamed coldly, like two crescent moons, and he could often bring down a few zombies with just one lift of his hands, which was an understatement.

After all, Ziegfei was active, and hurriedly pulled Lao Feng: "Go, follow Falcon."

The two of them followed Falcon closely, followed him to pick up the leak, and even let them kill four or five zombies.

On the other hand, Yu and Dawang charged forward with steel knives in their hands. He didn't hesitate to chop up the zombies. Once he killed them, he pushed them down the mountain, which effectively blocked the zombies from going up the mountain.

The nature of falcon killing is very high. He has never imagined that one day the scalpel in his hand will no longer be used to save lives and heal the wounded, but to insert it into the rotting brain of a zombie. And the pleasure that leads to the loss of life seems to be more violent than that of saving lives.

He shook his head and said, "Sin, sin." On the other hand, he waved the scalpel mercilessly. The look on his face was both excited and trying to restrain himself.

It turned out that the nature of saving lives and healing the wounded in the body and the bloody side hidden in the heart fought each other, which led to Falcon's path of no return? Gemini?

Shen Shen thought about it thoughtfully, suddenly, his eyes sharpened sharply, and then, his feet hit the ground like shells, and he rushed out in an instant.

"Pfft!" Another knife was stabbed into the forehead of the zombie, and the unique rancid smell of the zombie sprayed directly to the face, but it was nothing to the falcon who was used to smelling all kinds of strange smells, The unlucky zombie pushed down the mountain, and Falcon was planning to find the next target.

But at this moment, a strong gust of wind suddenly came from the back of his head, and the sharp cold air mixed with it almost made the hairs all over his body suddenly stand up, and a deep and high-pitched "Be careful" came from nowhere It popped up, and in an instant, Falcon relied on an instinct honed in the fight, lifted the box in his hand and blocked it back!

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