"Boom!" Falcon could only feel a heavy and huge force hitting his arms hard, knocking him into the air heavily!


The falcon man hadn't landed yet, only heard a muffled head-cracking sound, and then there was a rapid sound. Falcon, who was flying upside down miserably, glanced in shock, and saw that the place where he was just standing was actually being rolled all over the ground. It was replaced by a blood-red little figure, and Shen Shen stepped on the monster's head. Although the head had been torn apart by Shen Shen's feet like a watermelon dropped on the ground, and the red juice flowed out, but its lying Liao Pi's extremely long limbs, with only muscles left, were still thrashing on the ground.

"Ghost...ghost doll!" Falcon shouted in shock.

Shen Shen raised his eyes: "Don't put all your mind into killing, otherwise you will not only perceive the impact, but also your mind will fall."

Falcon only felt that under Shen Shen's gaze, he was as naked as if his skin had been peeled off. A gap seemed to be opened in his heart, as if some privacy was being pryed into. Roared: "Don't tell me."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you can't be a bad guy, it's better to let him die, we can get a little more military merit." Wang Renquan said in a strange way, and Falcon realized that it was Shen Shen who saved his life just now. , he couldn't hold back his face, and was just about to say something.

Turning around and looking back, I saw that Shen Shen didn't seem to mind his rudeness at all, he saw his clothes fluttering, shuttled among the zombies, he couldn't see his figure clearly, he could only see where the gray shadow went, and the zombies fell everywhere Earth, a piece of death. Others can't see clearly, but Falcon's eyes can see clearly. Shen Shen suddenly changes direction from right to left at an impossible angle. The blood of the surrounding zombies is flying around him, as if forming a blood circle. A huge circular enveloping circle composed of fog followed the heavy surroundings.

Is this the strength of Tier 4? Facing the first-order zombies, is it like entering no man's land?

At this moment, Falcon was indescribably shocked, he couldn't help learning Shen Shen's footsteps, but the reality quickly broke his expectations, because once he consciously learned Shen Shen, he found that his attack was not accurate, The feet will also hit the side.

"If you haven't reached the fourth level, you can't use it," the deep voice rang in his ears, and Falcon suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I didn't..."

Before he finished speaking, a deep voice interrupted him directly: "But if you really want to improve, I can teach you another way."

Falcon's eyes lit up immediately, but then he showed a trace of defense: "What do you want?"

"What do you want?" Shen Shen smiled mockingly,

At the same time, the two zombies under him fell limply: "What do you have that I want?"

These words are full of domineering, Rao Falcon once again felt that he had been humiliated, but this time he restrained his emotions very much, Shen Shen was right, he has the ability to crush others, he even dared to challenge the instructor , He also became friends with the top leader of the base. This person is better than himself in every aspect. Obviously, he judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

He was also generous, and immediately smiled: "Thank you!"

"Pay attention to what is in front of you!"

A few black shadows suddenly rushed out of the dense forest on the left, and their short and thick bodies rushed towards them like a forklift!

What the hell is this?

It looks like an animal, or a human, with its feet on the ground, looking like a vicious gorillas, with extremely savage gestures, rushing towards him with a big bloody mouth, An extremely disgusting weird roar.

"You guys immediately formed a formation of three and formed a triangle to go out! Pay attention to defense!"

Shen Shen immediately said in a cold voice. At the same time, with a kick from his foot, a broken branch on the ground immediately fell into his hand.

"Using tree branches as weapons, you are awesome!" Wang Renquan shouted, and immediately ran away with oil on the soles of his feet: "These four things are not easy to mess with, I will withdraw first."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran to the back.

Originally, Shen Chen didn't plan that he would stay here honestly, so his figure flickered, and he immediately faced several monsters transformed from humans. Although it is not surprising that they are about the third-order seven or eighth-rank, but it must take a little effort. What's more, there are still zombies waiting to move below, so we still have to make a quick decision.

The complexions of Huang Chen and the others had already changed, and they were trembling with fear, "You bastard! Don't let me see you again!" Huang Chen and Falcon cursed in their hearts.

It doesn't matter if Wang Renquan runs away, the four monsters that were staring at him like a tiger are ready to attack as if stimulated. Looking at Lao Feng and Siegfried, his body was so weak that he almost fell to the ground, wishing he could faint to death! These two people were originally weak in strength, and they felt that these sudden things were a bit scary. Hearing Wang Renquan's words, he knew that this was a hard problem. I don't know if I can handle it with my own ability, maybe I have to explain it here today.

However, when these monsters were about to pounce, they heard some kind of strange sound coming from Shen Chen's mouth.

The few monsters that seemed human but not human collectively paused, and immediately after that, as if they were being violently stimulated, they gave up their goals one by one, turned their heads collectively, and rushed towards Shen Shen fiercely!

"Boss, be careful!" Huang Chen shouted in panic.

"Watch yourselves!"

Within the encirclement, only such words were heard from Shen Shen.

Immediately afterwards, everyone only heard a series of sharp piercing sounds,

These inhuman and inhuman monsters actually had a pair of unimaginably sharp claws, and they rushed straight at Shen Shen, but Shen Shen's body was only slightly tilted, and the sharp black claws brushed over Shen Shen's brow bone.

At the same time, the branch in Shen Chen's hand stabbed fiercely at a strange angle. A monster that had just emerged from its body was instantly pinned down by the branch, and its four legs kicked in the air with all its strength like crazy. Stepping, pulling out the branch heavily, the corpse had already fallen to the ground, and black blood flowed out from the wound on the head like oil!


The tragic death of the companion made the remaining ones even more bloody and brutal. They shook their heads and jumped up like an orangutan. They lay on the ground like a rambunctious frog, constantly yelling threateningly! The three monsters suddenly stomped on the ground with all four claws together, and attacked him again in the air!

"Be careful!" After Huang Chen shot a zombie to death with an arrow, he kept paying attention to this side. He might not have enough energy to help Shen Chen, because the speed of these three monsters and Shen Chen is too fast!

The sharp branch turned into a sharp machete, and chopped off the monster's head like lightning, and there was a loud cracking sound in the air!

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