Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 866 Are you a cow killer?


The heavy tree branch pierced into the monster's big mouth like a black lightning bolt, as if the monster had been punched in the face, the swooping figure paused heavily in mid-air, and then hit and flew On the body of the monster that jumped up behind it, it was thrown away like a ball, and the two monsters spun and flew out at the same time, and fell to the ground with a "slap"!

"I know, take care of yourself."

After killing the second and third zombies lightly in a row, Shen Chen didn't stop but swung the branch back and stabbed fiercely into the head of the monster who was sneaking up behind him again. The monster with blood-red eyes instantly disappeared He stopped struggling and fell to the ground.

A series of movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and he is so skillful, as if he has eyes all over his body, and he can see the monster's movements without turning his head. When he closed his momentum, Huang Chen didn't even have time to load another arrow.

After seeing Shen Shen's fighting power, the rest of the people immediately opened their mouths wide and couldn't close them for a long time. Was it resolved a little too quickly? Like serial killing, is this over?

What is the gap?

This is the gap?

I turned the killing of zombies into the work of devils entering the village, but people can kill with a full sense of art, and even make people feel the beauty of killing, strolling in the courtyard, looking like they are making some kind of literary film .

That's the difference!

This is the difference in strength!

"What are you doing in a daze? I have flowers on my face?" Shen Shen said, awakening a group of admirers like quails.

The next step was to kill the zombies bravely with Shen Chen's assistance. Everyone was working hard, but when it was about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Renquan never came back.

"Okay, let's come here today!"

Shen Shen waved his hand, but Lao Feng said: "No, zombies are still rushing up. There are zombies from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. We have to leave now, I am afraid that these zombies will follow us into the base , that's the end."

The honest farmer was very worried, but Shen Shen smiled slightly: "You go first, and I will do the rest."


After the Falcon kills a zombie,

Looking towards the foot of the mountain, I saw a dense crowd of zombies, like rat swarms, continuing to climb up with their teeth and claws showing no signs of fatigue. His face suddenly turned pale: "No, this number is too much, I'm afraid you are alone..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Chen coughed lightly: "Okay, don't say there's nothing left. Let's listen to the boss and go back! If we don't leave, we won't be able to go back for dinner."

After finishing speaking, the first one took the lead to put away their weapons, and greeted Yu and Dawang of his own class: "Let's go first."

Little King was also very tired. As soon as he heard that he could leave, he immediately followed Huang Chen and quickly evacuated. Lao Feng and Siegfried also looked at Falcon: "Either? Let's go first!"

Seeing that Shen Shen had no intention of leaving, Falcon felt a little admiration in his heart, but in fact, he wanted to know how Shen Shen faced such a tide of corpses, and how he could ensure that the tide of corpses would not climb to the top of the mountain.

But Huang Chen had already left, and Falcon had no choice but to respond, and hastily followed Huang Chen to leave.

Two teams of six people were running fast on the way here. After running for a long time, Falcon suddenly couldn't help but said to Huang Chen, "Wait, aren't you worried about your boss at all?"

"Ah?" Huang Chen focused on running with his head buried at first, but when he heard Falcon's question, he raised his head strangely: "Why are you worried about him?"

"With so many zombies, once he misses one, do you know what a terrible price it will cost him and our base!"

"How could he miss it!" In the past, like Falcon, Huang Chen would have doubts about Shen Shen, but after going through so many things, his confidence in Shen Shen is as firm as Chen Yijian, Pan Di and the others.

Seeing Huang Chen's offline face, Falcon took a deep breath, stopped in his tracks, then turned around and looked back.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Falcon's eyes suddenly burst out like needles shrinking.


How can this be?

From his line of sight, he saw Shen Shen passing through the air like a bright rainbow light, rushing into the flock of sheep like a tiger, and into the crowd of zombies!

what is he doing

Is he committing suicide?

How dare you go in like that!

Falcon was so shocked that he almost screamed!

At this time, a bright blue flame suddenly burst out of Shen Shen's body, like a raging flame, and his whole body was full of high-spirited fighting spirit. Following his actions, it seemed that there was a murderous aura permeating the forest , the leaves in the forest seemed to be withered one by one by an invisible murderous aura, and the green leaves were falling all over the sky!

The man and the zombie rushed together, separated by a few meters, and Shen Shen didn't know what kind of tricks he used, but he felt dazzling, and the unparalleled sharpness swept across the zombie's neck in an instant. Wherever his figure went, the zombie His head shot up high, flying obliquely for more than ten meters, and the blood sprayed up two or three meters high.

Absolute shock!

It is difficult to describe this shocking and powerful momentum in words! The beauty of the blood mist filling the sky and people walking through it without touching it is simply a thrilling scene!

Falcon couldn't help moving his dry throat, and it took a long time before he looked back. Only now did he realize that the fourth-order new human with full firepower turned out to be... like this! It cannot be defeated, and it cannot be defeated with that momentum alone.

He was about to speak, but Huang Chen also happened to stop and watch, with an obsessed and excited look on his face.

Falcon's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked, "You? Your name is Huang Chen?"

"Huh?" Huang Chen was suddenly interrupted by Falcon, and looked away, turning to look at Falcon with some unhappiness.

"Can you see...that far too?" Falcon asked.

In fact, the distance between the two of them was at least five or six kilometers away from Shen Shen, and with the cover in the mountains and forests, ordinary people couldn't see so far. Falcon was quite satisfied with the evolution of his eyes, but unexpectedly, someone and he both evolved in eyes.

Huang Chen said "Oh": "My eyes have the ability to track people, a bit like clairvoyance. I can catch him even if he runs more than ten kilometers." He asked with some doubts: "But, listen to what you said Tone, can you also see my boss kill zombies? Are you clairvoyant too?"

"Well, I can see it too." Falcon nodded: "But unlike your eyes, I can see the dead air, and I can also see the joints of the target's body. Maybe it's with my eyes. Is it related to your previous job?"

"Oh, so you used to be in the business of killing cattle?" Huang Chen said suddenly!

Falcon's face turned blue in an instant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "When did I say I was a cow killer!"

"No... It's not that Paoding solves the cow? It's that Paoding can distinguish the joints of the cow, so it's very economical to use a knife?" When seeing Falcon's face getting bluer and greener, Huang Chen said awkwardly: "I Thought you were too! Sorry? So what's your job?"

"Hehe!" Falcon twitched a few times stiffly, and then said, "Let's go!"

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