Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 867 Well, the truth is cruel

The piercing sound was the scream of a ghost, as if it had experienced countless tortures in hell, it was creepy.

Shen Shen twisted it hard, and with the "creaking" sound of the skull bones, the screaming stopped abruptly, and the world immediately returned to the original tranquility.

Under the feet are the remnants of zombies, and the blood that flows and splatters nourishes the land, and at the same time brings a bloody roar to the mountains and forests, and these blood mixed with zombie viruses enter the land, and it is unknown what kind of impact it will have on the whole world .

As soon as he thought about it, blue flames appeared on the stump like stars, and the whole mountain forest seemed to turn into a gorgeous starry sky for a moment, blue, swaying, twinkling, and connected into one piece...beautiful.

The stumps immediately turned to ashes in the sweet smell, leaving only one head alone in place. Shen Chen didn't pick up the heads of those zombies, but let them stay halfway up the mountain. However, the sense of smell was blocked by the sweet smell, and the corpses of the companions had been burned, and the zombies that were about to move scattered away again, with no intention of climbing up.

"It's time to go back." Shen Chen looked at the sky, then quickly went back the way he came. Let the evolution fluid stay in the zombie's head for a while, right now, it's not time for a good harvest.

Shen Chen's speed quickly caught up with everyone, Huang Chen immediately said happily: "Boss, did you kill him so quickly?"

"Just kill those who are in the way." Shen Shen said flatly: "If I kill them all, what do you need?"

Huang Chen chuckled: "That's right, we have to leave some meat for us."

As the few people talked, they were approaching the base, and they had already seen the gate of the base from a distance.

But at this moment, a bluffing voice suddenly came from the side: "Shen Chen, I said why did you come back! I'm so anxious!"

"Chen Yijian, what are you talking about!" Huang Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes. The person who came was indeed Chen Yijian. After leaving the heavy little Chen Chen, he suddenly behaved like a flamboyant dude, as if this was his. nature.

Shen Chen glanced at him, and said lightly: "Seeing how anxious you are, have you killed something good?"

Chen Yijian immediately beamed with joy: "You are still the best, guess what we killed just now!" The tone was extremely mysterious, but he couldn't help being ecstatic.

"Hmm... so you hunted a fourth-order zombie?"

"Pfft..." Chen Yijian spat out a mouthful of old blood: "Are you kidding me, boss?

The fourth-order zombies didn't torture me to death. When did I beat you? I can only beat the fourth-order zombies, right? "

"Then why are you talking so excitedly? I thought you had some breakthrough." Shen Shen said disdainfully.

Huang Chen also joined in the fun: "That's right, what's so great about not hunting a fourth-order zombie, cut it!"

Chen Yijian blinked and blinked his eyes: "Oh my god, when did your eyes become so high? I spent a lot of effort to kill a third-level zombie! Third-level brothers, it's better than Huang Chen's!" The ranks are all higher. My brother, I killed it alone, and I killed it alone!" He was so excited that he spit and wanted to say it in other people's faces.

"Oh?" Shen Shen looked at Chen Yijian: "It's promising. Show it to me."

Chen Yijian immediately took out a zombie's rotten head from a cloth pocket. The sharp fangs made its lips turn up and down. The bar is shaking. There are eyeballs hanging out of the dark eye sockets.


Siegfried immediately fell to the side and vomited. He didn't expect that this Chen Yijian would just pull out a zombie's head from his pocket in such a careless manner. The most important thing is...he didn't wear gloves!

The rancid smell rushed over, and a shout came from one side: "Xiao Chenchen, what are you doing, put it back quickly. Why does it stink like this?"

But it turned out that Yuan Hong came over with someone, covering his nose with one hand, feeling extremely depressed.

Chen Yijian immediately took the head and began to flirt with Yuan Hong: "Hey Yuan Hong, how many zombies have you killed? What rank? Look at me, I killed a third rank, I don't know How dangerous was that situation..."

Shen Chen shook his head with a broken smile, and smiled slightly as he watched Yuan Hong dodge left and right with Chen Yijian's disgusted expression. Falcon keenly felt Shen Shen's mood at this time, and it seemed to be exceptionally good.

After a while, Pan Di, Wu Wei and others also followed. Seeing the mighty appearance of Shen Shen's companions, Falcon felt the pressure. What an outstanding person he is, his companions did not One can't stand alone, just looking at the bulging luggage behind them, you can tell that they have gained a lot.

"But we killed quite a few just now, didn't we?" Falcon thought so, but suddenly realized a problem, Shen Shen didn't get back any zombie's head.

"Okay, report your gains."

"A third-tier zombie! Fifty-two first-tier zombies." Chen Yijian was the first to say, and then added: "I looked at the points of the base, and one third-tier zombie can be worth 300 first-tier zombies. .”

"Yes, next!"

"Two hundred and ninety-three."

"Two hundred and sixteen"


After reporting the number one by one, Chen Yijian was trembling to find that no one was more than him. He was a little happy at once, and hurriedly asked: "Shen Chen, what about you? How many did you kill?"

"Want to know?" A smile flickered across the corner of Shen Chen's mouth.

Chen Yijian immediately winked and said, "Of course, haven't I always been better? Tell me, how many have you killed?"

"Okay, I see you are so impatient. Give me the head of your third-order zombie first."

"Ah? Oh, okay." Chen Yijian immediately handed the bag containing the heads of the third-order zombies to Shen Shen, and Shen Shen casually put them behind him, and then said to everyone: "Deduct the number of zombies you killed yourself. The rest of the zombies will be allocated to your people according to the real situation."

Everyone nodded, and distributed according to the number of individuals killed. Chen Yijian had originally killed the third-level zombie, and Chen Yijian had carelessly divided over fifty first-level zombies.

Then he looked longingly at Shen Shen: "Boss, you haven't said how many you killed?"

Shen Shen looked at Chen Yijian dumbfounded: "I'm still thinking about this!"

"That's not it, I bet you definitely didn't kill the third-order zombies."

"Well, I didn't kill the third-order zombie." Shen Shen nodded.

The corner of Huang Chen's mouth twitched. If I remember correctly, Shen Chen didn't kill the third-tier zombies, but he killed four third-tier monsters and took a lot of zombies with him.

However, looking at Chen Yijian's happy and silly look, Huang Chen didn't say a word. Forget it, let the ignorant people be happy for a while. After all, the truth is quite cruel, so why make him so cruel for a while? I don't even have the qualifications to pretend.

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