Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 873: Shen Shen's Plan

"Pandy, Huang Chen, Chen Yijian, Xiaoli, and Afeng, you guys follow me." When the deep voice sounded from outside, everyone gathered in the medical room where Xia Weili worked was stunned. .

Shen Chen strode in with the travel and dust along the way, everyone had never seen Shen Shen in such a hurry, and his face was extremely heavy.

"Boss? What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

Everyone asked eagerly, and everyone felt that something was about to happen.

Shen Shen took a deep breath, and said slowly in a calm tone that he could restrain himself: "Chu Li knows our whereabouts, just now, he threatened us with Xiao Yu's life to carry out the mission, otherwise, Xiao Yu, Guo Yuan and the others will Must die!"

What! !

Everyone couldn't believe their ears, they all looked at Shen Shen in extreme shock, and when they saw Shen Shen nodding silently, everyone took a few breaths, the shock in their hearts was no less than an earthquake.

What shocked them was not the threat or the mission. What they felt scared was that there had been no news from Chu Li for such a long time. Why did Chu Li know where they were? How on earth did this guy do it, and how much else did he know about them? What is his purpose!

"How could this be, how could this guy know we're here?"

"Does he have any clairvoyance to see us?"

Xia Weili's face was pale, and he said anxiously: "Why is this guy staring at us so hard! What exactly is he trying to do?"

"We can't guess what this guy is thinking!" Chen Yijian's face was full of ruthlessness: "If you want me to say, he will do nothing but take the plane and go directly to city B ****!"

"No!" Pan Di hurriedly said: "The water in City B is very deep. We don't even know who is the enemy and why they killed us. Besides, Xiao Yu and Guo Yuan are in the hands of the other party, so we must not act rashly."

"Then what should we do? Just let Chuli be at his mercy?" Although Ah Feng didn't know who Chuli was, judging from the tightly knit brows of everyone, he also knew that this person was very difficult.

Shen Shen closed his eyes, then slowly opened them, and said in a deep voice: "This task must be completed, otherwise with Chu Li's character, he will never break his promise. Clean it up as soon as you're done with the task.

The one-time burst of military merit must allow us to be promoted to major as soon as possible, and we must reach City B as quickly as possible. "

"Boss, I don't understand why we have to go to City B so step by step. We can solve this problem by ourselves!" Huang Chen asked in confusion.

There was a sneer at the corner of Shen Chen's mouth: "Do you know what is famous? What we have to face is not a private force, but a huge national institution. Therefore, we must have an upright identity to protect , or people's heroes, or standing at the pinnacle of power, we must force them to recognize our identities, so that when they move us, they will consider the consequences and avoid using the mouse. And we can also use this layer of identity to better reconcile They circle around!"

It was only then that everyone realized that Shen Shen's intention was to create momentum, to use the powerful momentum he had created to counteract that figure who was already at the top. And the reason why they were ruthlessly hunted down and abandoned before was because they were weak and weak!

"I see!"

"I understand too!"

"With a military merit value of 300,000, if the boss can't make you a major, I don't think Chu Li will do it anymore!" Pan Di said with a sneer.

"Yuan Hong, Wu Wei, the two of you are guarding Xiaoran and the others at the base. The rest will follow me." Shen Shen instructed: "In addition, you lead other soldiers to clean up the zombies around the expo, don't go there for now. "


After explaining the task, Shen Chen took everyone out of the car to take out their weapons, evolution guns, and hand cannons. It was approaching evening at this time, and it seemed impossible to start without violence if we wanted to rescue a group of survivors before 24:00.

The big screen is already crowded with people. The mission released a few minutes ago is like explosive news, causing more and more new humans to fall into a frenzy. This week, they have already felt the benefits of military merit. They can buy better ones. Meals, you can have a change of clothes... and these benefits that you can get at your fingertips in peacetime, once in the end, their preciousness will be magnified.

Military merit has become the existence that represents one's own status in the apocalypse. People with high military merit can always gain the envy of others, and then satisfy their own vanity and sense of superiority.

Killing zombies is a very dangerous thing, but the mission that broke out is not so dangerous. For example, the nearest distress signal is more than 20 kilometers away, and after a few days of cleaning, this area is obviously not that dangerous. With such a safe and huge military merit task, it immediately aroused people's enthusiasm. In just half an hour, more than a dozen classes have already received their own tasks.

"Boss, all the convenient missions have been snatched away, which one shall we take?" Pan Di frowned and looked at the missions on the mission board. Every minute, a few of those rescue missions would disappear, and no one took them for a long time. The only ones are those distant distress signals.

"Go to the one 100 kilometers away." Shen Shen pointed to the top one and said, "National Guardian Communication Building."

Chen Yijian took a breath and said anxiously: "It's not a remote place, there are probably a lot of zombies, we can go back and forth before 24:00, can we do it?"

"There is only this one that just sent out the distress signal this morning, and the others are relatively long-term." Shen Shen said: "After accepting these long-term distress missions, I am afraid that those survivors have already died these days. It’s a waste of time for us to rush over there. They can fail, but we alone can’t. So even if there is only one survivor in the communication building, we have succeeded in our mission. Do you understand?”

Everyone immediately nodded heavily: "Boss, listen to you."

A group of people got into the car immediately, and drove away from the base like a whirlwind. At this time, Ling Chenxuan, who was as pale as a grimace, looked at the leaving car thoughtfully. After looking deeply for a long time, he turned his head away. He said to his subordinates: "It seems that that bastard called Chen Yijian has also been dispatched."

"Boss, even if that trashy bastard has done the mission, wouldn't his military merit be as high as yours?" Ling Chenxuan's subordinate said flatteringly.

"That's not necessarily the case. Once you give it to him, more than 20 people will come down, and their military merits will surpass me in minutes." Ling Chenxuan's face was full of displeasure: "This guy planted on me, if I don't take revenge, I will come back." You don't deserve to be a member of the Ling family."

"Boss, what shall we do? Follow up and destroy their mission?"

Ling Chenxuan frowned, his heart was a little moved, but at this moment, he heard a sinister and deep voice: "Even if you ruined their mission this time, you still can't take revenge, what's more, , I'm afraid, it's you who are ashamed."

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