Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 874 Park Killing

"You're paralyzed, who's talking!" Ling Chenxuan's younger brother immediately yelled, but he saw a man in his thirties sneaking up from the crowd. △¢,

Ling Chenxuan carefully identified this man, and suddenly felt a little impression, but it was very vague: "Who are you, I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

"Mr. Ling, I'm in Shen Chen's team. Maybe we met when we were calculating military merits."

"Shen Chen, you mean, you're from Chen Yijian's boss team?" Ling Chenxuan looked Wang Renquan up and down, and a sneer flashed across his mouth.

Wang Renquan nodded: "It seems that Mr. Ling also knows about Shen Chen."

"Whether I know Shen Chen is not important, what is important is what you are doing here." Ling Chenxuan is not a fast-paced person: "I don't remember, we have socialized before."

"As the saying goes, an enemy's enemy is a friend. From this point of view, we are barely on the same road, aren't we?" Wang Renquan smiled slightly: "I'm here to help you."

Ling Chenxuan looked at Wang Renquan's confident look, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "Speak."

Wang Renquan also laughed, and he said slowly: "I have a request. I will tell you the most convenient place to earn military merit, and you must give me one-fifth of the military merit. This request is not too much. "

"If you can make you open your mouth like that, you must have quite a lot of military merits in this place. Did Shen Shen discover it?"

"That's right." After expressing his guess, Wang Renquan said again: "So, although their military merit is only zero now, if their plot is really allowed to succeed, then it is impossible for anyone in the ninth district to reach With his military merits, there is absolutely no hope of becoming a major!"

When the major was mentioned, a trace of complexity flashed across Ling Chenxuan's eyes, and he nodded immediately: "Yes, I promise you."

"I have a second thing." Wang Renquan gritted his teeth and said, "Once you get the address, you must kill Shen Chen or seriously injure him. Otherwise..."

"Hehe, it's up to you," Ling Chenxuan's pale face immediately turned into a cruel and sinister smile: "If we really got the credit for him, you think that if we don't cut the grass and roots, we will have Are you having a good time?"

Wang Renquan's hanging heart immediately relaxed: "Sure enough, we see the same thing, so I can rest assured."

"Mr. Wang,

You should tell me about that location, right? "The younger brother behind Ling Chenxuan asked impatiently.

Wang Renquan cast a sideways glance at the man, and sneered: "Where is that place, I can't tell you now. But it's very simple, Shen Chen and the others went out to do missions today, and in my estimation, they will definitely come back tomorrow, the day after tomorrow." I will go there to kill zombies, my idea is, tomorrow night I will take you there to make an ambush first. While they are killing zombies, kill their lives, and then go to kill those zombies."

"That's right, it's a good idea." Ling Chenxuan said, "Then, see you then."

"Then, I wish our cooperation success!"

Ling Chenxuan raised his high head: "The cooperation is successful!"

When Wang Renquan walked away briskly, behind Ling Chenxuan, a woman slowly walked over: "Ah Chen, is that person trustworthy?"

"Believe it." Ling Chenxuan bit his blood-red lower lip: "You know, I am very familiar with his hatred. I used to hate someone so deeply..."

"That's good. Remember, I will focus on the research institute, and you will focus on military merit. When we return to city b, we will be successful."

"Naturally, my dear sister. May my god bless his gods..."


On this side, Shen Chen and the others were already heading towards the Guowei Communication Building. When the car drove all the way to the unsafe area, everyone got out of the car and walked there.

It was night at this time. For everyone, relying on their own speed to run wildly at night was far faster than cars, because whether the car would encounter a blocked road, the sound of the engine would also attract many zombies to come.

After about two and a half hours, everyone was already standing in front of a huge park.

The four characters of Guowei Science and Technology have lost their glory in the past. The best greenery in the park, which was praised in the past, is now lush and green, growing unscrupulously like teeth and claws, and turning into a dangerous existence at night.

Shen Shen winked slightly, and everyone walked in. The spacious but blood-stained road made it hard to tell whether this was a city or just a high-tech park.

"The person we want to save should be in the office complex." Pan Di said softly.

"go ahead!"

The park is very quiet, but Guowei, as a Fortune 500 company, built the whole park as complicated as a small city.

Walking on the road, everyone felt that the park at night was extremely quiet and dark, and the moon poured down like a galaxy, so the broken glass on both sides of the road kept flickering, and the huge unrestrained trees cast mottled shadows. The shadows of the trees make this park look full of eerie feeling.

?Everyone walked silently in the park, only feeling a strange feeling, oppressed and enveloped themselves. As they were walking forward, suddenly almost at the same time, a sense of danger suddenly struck, and Shen Shen immediately rolled outwards. Go, Pan Di, Xia Weili, and Ah Feng also made the same movements as him. Shen Shen suddenly stepped forward and rushed out, pushing Huang Chen, who hadn't known the situation, almost hard and hard, and the next moment a The huge dark red figure suddenly pressed down from above Shen Shen's head!

"court death!"

Shen Shen kicked up violently, and with a loud "boom", kicked the giant beast fiercely, and the giant beast let out a low growl, and then tore its claws, and instantly jumped down, wanting to Tear Shen Chen into pieces.

Everyone was taken aback when they were caught off guard at this moment. The speed and concealment of this terrifying creature was simply unimaginable. Skinned monster-like zombies appeared on the front and back, with a huge body of several meters, covered in crimson red muscles, and a pair of eyes revealing endless cruelty and bloody cruelty. The two front claws have mutated into indestructible claws, which are as hard as steel, maybe even more so.

At the same time, hundreds of rickety zombies appeared from the dense forest, with ragged clothes but boundless strength. With a howl like an order, the zombies and these crawling zombies rushed towards everyone viciously.

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