Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 875: The Power of Hand Cannons

"It feels like these zombies are much stronger!" Xia Weili gently tugged at his hair: "Then...let's go!"

Once in danger, the hair of the girl who would blacken immediately flew out, and each hair belonged to the same black metal thread, which was wrapped around the first few.

With the help of her hair, her figure is extraordinarily light, like a little witch, and her attack power is really terrifying. Often, with a volley of flicks, several zombies are severely divided into several sections, and then she is like She flicked her hair like a shampoo commercial on TV, and then flung it at another piece of zombies.

Shen Shen smiled slightly, and there seemed to be approval in his eyes, but then his mind was as calm as water. He faced the four-legged zombie with almost no effort. There was a sound of blood mist.

"Don't let the women rush ahead!"

Holding a big sword in his hand, Pan Di stared at the four-legged mutated zombie in front of him, and then rushed towards the huge mutated zombie. Almost at the same time, the claws of the mutated zombie had been torn off. The claws slammed together fiercely, and the tingling sensation from the tiger's mouth let Pan Di know how perverted the ability of the mutated zombie in front of him was, but he let out a loud roar, and loosened the big sword fiercely, and the four legs mutated. The zombie was immediately bounced a few centimeters away. Taking the opportunity of the TV flames, Pandy let out an angry roar, and then flicked his wrist. In the neck of the zombie!


Before the power was fully sent into the sword, the four-legged zombie also struggled angrily in pain. A huge force had already been transmitted from the four-legged zombie, which suddenly pushed Pandey and slammed into the building on the side of the road. among the walls of things.

"Pandy, are you alright!" Chen Yijian picked up a mutated zombie with his spear and was about to rescue it, when he saw Pandy coming out of the sunken wall shaking his neck, with a big sword hanging in the air. The head of a mutant zombie.

"The dog is quite powerful." Pan Di said, "I just didn't realize it just now, how can a man say no!"

On this side, Huang Chen was not to be outdone, he set his arrow on the bow, and his aim at this moment was almost 100% accurate. When the first four-legged mutant zombie jumped over with fierce eyes, Huang Chen had already turned around. The bow was bent like a full moon, and a cold star flashed in an instant. Before the four-legged mutated zombie landed close, its head burst open in mid-air with a "poof", and it had already turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"The kid is so awesome!"

Everyone looked at Huang Chen in surprise. They didn't expect this kid to be good at his ability for a few days. This power, this speed, and this accuracy made everyone a little surprised.


It's just that these four-legged mutant zombies are also strong and weak. The one that Pan Di killed just now, with my current ability, I can't do it with one arrow. "Huang Chen said modestly, his subordinates are indeed continuous.

Everyone killed and then moved forward. Although everyone's ability is still strong, the zombies here are obviously much stronger. If there are twice as many zombies, there may be casualties.

By the time this wave of kills was over, half an hour had passed.

And the speed of everyone's implementation is still far behind.

But at this moment, Ah Feng was startled suddenly. While walking, he suddenly turned to everyone and said, "No, there are still zombies ahead, and there are quite a lot of them!"

"How do you know?" Pandey asked.

"The vines I let out to explore the way just now were eaten!" Ah Feng said in fear: "Those zombies not only eat people, but also eat all kinds of things."

"Boss, I think the zombies here are stronger than those outside!" Huang Chen also said: "The group of zombies we have underground on the hillside are not that strong in physical fitness."

Shen Shen slowly held the hand cannon in his hand: "Well, it seems that this park is a bit weird. Let the evolution gun open the way, don't be stingy with bullets."

Everyone looked at Shen Shen holding the hand cannon in his hand. The thick caliber of the hand cannon with a strong sense of modern technology made people feel the invincible power.

However, for Shen Shen to use the hand cannon without relying on his own skills and Lan Yan's power, the zombies in this place are indeed terrifyingly strong.

As the crowd moved forward again, when they reached a corner, everyone couldn't help but gasped. Zombies are densely packed in front of them, and there are many four-legged mutant zombies crawling on both sides of the street. I don't know how many people there were in this park before, and they were able to feed so many powerful zombies. And what Ah Feng said was indeed true, those zombies shook their bodies, surrounded the dense forest, biting and gnawing on the branches and leaves, and what was even more frightening was that even though those branches and leaves were eaten by so many zombies However, it can be seen that they are not dead, but are growing rapidly.

"How can the tree grow so fast!" Chen Yijian said in wonder, "It's as if someone gave birth to it."

"If the zombies become vegetarians? Will they still eat people?" Xia Weili suddenly asked such a question curiously, and everyone couldn't help but look at her.

Once everyone appeared on the street, those zombies also discovered the existence of "fresh food". They suddenly roared excitedly, and then rushed to everyone like a tide at a speed that humans could not achieve. .

Once the zombies come into view, what everyone sees, not to mention their hideous and terrifying faces, some zombies are even covered with cactus thorns, some even have strange green plants growing on their heads, and even some Zombies full of flowers.

"Fuck, is this merged with the plant?" Even Chen Yijian couldn't help feeling a little panic when he saw such a weird thing.

"Rotten things are the best fertilizer to nourish plants!" Shen Shen sneered: "The bloody battle has begun. Attack!"

Peng! "Shen Shen's voice just came out, the evolutionary hand cannon in his hand had already let out its roar, breaking through the air attack at a terrifying speed, and even the air was cut through along the way! When everyone came back to their senses, the continuous rushing up The tide of zombies suddenly appeared out of thin air as if a large vacuum hole with a diameter of three meters appeared, and at the location of this hole, there was already a bloody mess. The lethality brought by the powerful hand cannon was so powerful that even zombies in the entire vacuum circle No complete corpse will be left behind, the only thing left is the vaporized white mist, surging like a fairyland...

"My day!"

Everyone looked at Shen Shen in shock, isn't this f*cking power too strong! With such a cannonball going on, all zombies will be turned into scum!

And the latter just lightly loaded the evolution fluid bullet: "Don't look at me like that, it's not me, but the hand cannon that is powerful. But... think about who the designer of the hand cannon is."

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