Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter eight hundred and seventy six

As soon as Chu Li, the creator of the hand cannon, was mentioned, everyone felt a chill in their backs. They suddenly realized a very serious problem, that is, when would they stand against such an awesome character.

If it is said that there was no real feeling of Chu Li's power before, but today, everyone feels a kind of Chu Li's power. Such a person can manufacture high-tech weapons such as hand cannons in minutes, but No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to increase their attack power to such a high level by themselves.

So... Really want to fight against such a freak... Everyone feels that there is a long way to go, and this is not the time to sigh, because with the smell getting stronger, the corpses in front The tide has already occupied the entire field of vision, gathered into a ball again, and began to rush out like a tiger like a tiger. It's like wanting to drive people as thin as (pig) (pig) (island) novel into a desperate situation and kill them all.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The evolution hand cannon roared again. The power of this high-tech weapon is really huge. Seeing a huge mutated four-legged zombie pounce on it at an incredible speed, but it was directly smashed to pieces in mid-air. The power of the huge hand cannon in addition to In addition to turning into a white smoke, it also severely tore several zombies behind it into pieces.

"Free Fire!"

The overwhelming zombies will not stop their thirst for blood because of the power of the hand cannon. They rushed upstairs, instinctively biting their terrifying mouths together, and screaming loudly with a hideous roar. Wanting to jump over.

Everyone started shooting crazily with their evolutionary guns, and the white brilliance poured down with powerful lethality. However, the power of the evolutionary gun is much worse than that of the hand cannon. It can also vaporize ordinary zombies when it is hit, but it only makes a few holes when it hits the huge mutant zombies that are three or four meters big. Eyes, the evolutionary gun rubbed sparks on their already hard skin or the body that became a more suitable shell. It takes nearly five shots aimed at the head to kill a mutant zombie. From the horizon, A steady stream of zombies seemed to appear out of nowhere.

After such a delay in killing, more and more corpses of zombies gradually piled up in front of everyone.

Everyone's face is very nervous, because the number of zombies here is simply too many to count. What's more frightening is that if these zombies are just a zombie, it's fine, but where the hell is such a powerful force? Moreover, the number of four-legged mutant zombies is also unbelievably large. It seems that every four-legged zombie has abilities beyond the third level!

"There are too many corpses, we can't rush through!" Pan Di roared in front!

"I will release blue flames,

You don't have to worry about burning yourself. "As soon as Shen Chen said, the blue flame in his body began to spread forward without hesitation, and the flame swept away like a sea wave. The dead zombies quickly burned and became fuel, and a large number of zombies rushed into the Burned into a burning man in the blue sea of ​​fire, it turned into a powder after about a minute or two, which greatly blocked the tide of corpses rushing up,

Despite Lan Yan's formidable power, for a while, those flaming zombies that were still alive still rushed towards the crowd one by one with incomparable swiftness, their flesh-and-skinned arms stretched out fiercely scratching forward, waving up and down like catkins , Excited roars sounded bursts from their ferocious bloody mouths, and the scalps of everyone who heard it were numb like an electric shock!

The evolutionary guns began to kill these zombies non-stop. Everyone was highly nervous. They pushed forward slowly. The further they went to the rear, the more they felt that these zombies were no longer evolutionary guns after half a year of baptism. It's time to decide the outcome.

Huang Chen was the least able to use a gun among them, but that's it, the number of zombies that died in his hands was unknown at this moment, but he hadn't waited for him to kill more zombies. Only a sound of piercing through the air suddenly came from the top of the head.

Huang Chen only felt a sense of critical fear flashing across his heart, almost instinctively raised his gun to block, and threw his body backwards. A huge four-legged zombie turned around from the side and rushed towards Huang Chen.

With a body without skin, the muscles all over the body are bulging, and the huge claws can definitely tear steel. The claws of this four-legged zombie tore Huang Chen's evolution gun away with a thump. Amid the sound of metal hissing, the evolution gun was unexpectedly Its claws were forcibly severed into two pieces. At the same time, its huge ugly mouth almost reached the bridge of Huang Chen's nose, trying to push Huang Chen to the ground, wanting to bite crazily. Bloody saliva was mixed in Zhang's stinking mouth, and it kept falling on Huang Chen's face and neck!

"Ah!!! Save me, I don't want to die yet! I don't want to die yet!!!!"

There was a sudden suffocating sound from his mouth, and Huang Chen's eyes were instantly widened to the maximum. The unprecedented horror scene scared Huang Chen completely out of control. He struggled desperately like crazy, roaring. That kind of despair made Huang Chen's heart gradually freeze.

The only thing he was thinking at the moment was that he must never be bitten by the four-legged zombies. However, between struggling and fleeing, Huang Chen already felt that his limit had been reached, but Ah Feng, who was closest to him, was still five meters away. Seeing how she was struggling to persist, she couldn't clone herself to save herself.

"I want... to die...but...but I'm not reconciled...I can still live...I still have a lot of skills that I haven't learned...Why are you so weak...Why can't you be stronger..."


Just when Huang Chen felt that his consciousness was gradually falling into darkness, a deafening voice suddenly broke through his gradually chaotic consciousness. At such a juncture of life and death, a huge sword with blue flames descended from the sky, drew an arc in the sky, and then accurately and powerfully pierced the four-legged zombie's head backwards and forwards. The sword is only five centimeters away from his body!

"Pandy! Pandy! I thank you! I thank you!"

Huang Chen couldn't believe his eyes, he roared crazily, venting his inner fear and joy, he almost immediately turned over and got up, screaming, as if he couldn't imagine that he was still alive. Can survive: "Pandy, Pandy!"

Pandey, who was far away, just looked at him with concern, and the real evolution hand cannon in his hand kept firing forward.

Huang Chen was obviously a little dazed, and then, a deep voice sounded from the side: "Hold the evolution gun."

Huang Chen turned his head suddenly, but saw that Shen Shen had appeared in front of him at some point, he raised his right hand, and the evolution gun that belonged to Pan Di fell into his hand.

Huang Chen immediately understood that Pan Di was obviously incapable of saving himself, it was Shen Shen who took Pan Di's great sword and rescued himself from the four-legged zombie.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw that Shen Chen was already holding a big sword in both hands, and his whole body and the big sword emitted a raging blue light!

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