Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 877: Peerless Time Has Arrived

Huang Chen only felt that at this moment, Shen Shen's figure was so tall, tall enough to stop everyone in the world behind him, protected under his wings, and standing in front of him alone, like a high mountain , it is admirable.

The big sword pierced the sky, and the blue fireworks bloomed like fireworks at this moment, lighting up the night. Those hideous zombies rushed to spread the pavement, but their internal organs and lungs were gorgeously broken in mid-air, and then they were killed. The blue flame attached to the great sword turned into ashes, and little sparks danced in the air like fireflies.

At this moment, the blurred beauty and the bloody and cruel battlefield formed a cruel and thrilling beauty.

Shen Shen opened the way with a big sword, almost brave enough to make people feel frightened. There were traces of burning flames everywhere in front of him, and countless fragments of zombies were still burning on the ground. At this moment, they changed from a terrifying existence to a weak person. There was a shrill and painful scream.

But more and more powerful four-legged mutant zombies began to fear. They moved quickly and aimed at Shen Chen. Six four-legged mutant zombies quickly crawled over from the roof, trying to pounce on Shen Chen from above. Shen Chen, but when they just jumped out, Shen Chen sneered and slashed down with the big sword suddenly, like Zeus's thunder, the huge power broke them into two pieces, and some minced meat and internal organs were spread all over the floor .

And behind him, everyone took out their weapons and kept shooting at the zombies, "Has Shen Shen turned on the unparalleled mode again?" Chen Yijian complained from behind: "Every time I explode like this, will it be exhausting?" dead?"

"What are you being the boss? This level of blue flame consumes the fat content in the boss's body." Pan Di couldn't help but said: "You can feel the pain in your body, and I'm afraid this level of lethality can be maintained for a long time." It's not long, otherwise, no matter how powerful the boss is, he won't be able to bear it."

"What nonsense is that? Hurry up and kill Wushuang while Wushuang's time is running out!" Huang Chen shouted excitedly at the side. He has completely become Shen Shen's brainless fan at this time, and his blood is surging all of a sudden. I can't rush up with Shen Chen.

"Sister Afeng and I use our own abilities to shoot and kill quadruped zombies in the sky, and you all do your best to help the boss kill all the zombies!"

After Xia Weili finished speaking, he exchanged a glance with Ah Feng. The abilities of the two women could support them to stay in midair for a period of time. The gun kept shooting in all directions, while Ah Feng was sitting on the vine, letting the vine bring her to the highest point.

Looking from the top down, Shen Shen's body has become blurred. With Xia Weili's line of sight, Shen Shen's movement speed could not be seen at all, but he was like a bright target, attracting and killing the most zombies. layers of zombie corpses,

Once the flames that slid down from his body ignited the zombie's body, it was like two rows of flames blooming from behind him, extremely beautiful and coquettish.

"Hurry up! There are still about a thousand zombies! The remaining zombies seem to be confused by Lan Yan's sweet breath, and there are no more for the time being."

"In addition, I also saw the complex building, as long as we push forward another 300 meters!"

Ah Feng's cold and beautiful voice came from a high place, and Pan Di nodded: "Everyone, work harder!" After speaking, he squeezed the trigger forcefully, and the four zombies turned into dust, and Xia Weili With her eyes fixed on Shen Shen in front of her, it seems to her that Shen Shen's progress seems to be starting to slow down.

"Boss! Brother Shen Chen! Can you still hold on?"

"It's okay, I can still persevere." Shen Shen's voice came over as always, steady and calm, as if there was no difficulty in the world that could stop him from moving forward, and at this moment, everyone's hearts were both excited and sour. Everyone gathered their last strength and charged forward.

Three thousand... two thousand... one thousand... five hundred... three hundred...

The number of words is constantly decreasing, and the pressure behind him is getting smaller and smaller, but at this moment, Shen Shen sighed deeply, no, Lan Yan has already used it to the extreme, and if he continues to use it, he is afraid that even if he is dressed in a The biological body can't withstand such wear and tear.

Although others can't see clearly, he knows very well how many times his body has broken fine lines and cracks from the inside because of being overwhelmed, but he has recovered again because of the strength of the A-type biological body.

The destruction and reconstruction of the body, the pain of the blue flame in the body. The double pain almost made him lose his mind, but he still gritted his teeth and stood up.

If you can't bear even this bit of pain, what about the companions behind you? How to face the future enemies!

Suddenly, the heavy eyes burst into a burst of breathtaking light, and then, just hearing his roar, the whole person suddenly leapt up from the ground!

"Final blow!"

The third style of sword swing!

The knife drives the air, and the air drives the airflow.

In an instant, there was only a deafening sound of hole breaking. Under the loud bang, the big sword and Lan Yan came out of their hands, looking at the sky like a thunderbolt of lightning. In that lightning explosion, the blade glow seemed to change from invisible to tangible, and countless zombies were crossed by the invisible blade glow The body, and then countless fragments of zombie corpses fell from the air, just like a heavy rain! After most of the zombies were killed by this shocking blow, the sword fell swiftly in the distance, and with a bang, a deep pit with a size of two meters appeared in the distance. All the zombies in Minei were blasted into pieces by the power of the great sword flying over!

Everyone was shocked and stared at that moment dumbfounded. Although three hundred zombies were no longer a threat to them, the boss' move was too fierce!

"Boss! Awesome!"

"Shen Chen, you are so awesome!"

Everyone was so amazed by this blow that they didn't even want any restraint, screaming and shouting ecstatically! They rushed towards Shen Shen! Surround him in the middle.

"Brother Shen Chen, are you okay!"

One after another sounds seemed to spread to the ears from a distance. When Shen Shen escaped from the last blow and woke up, he only felt endless exhaustion in body and mind. It was a kind of emptiness after the explosion. It seemed that the spirit and will had returned to the body. Afterwards, I was at a loss.

"Fortunately, Wushuang's time has passed."

With that said, a smile appeared on his face, no matter when, he is the backbone of everyone, and he must never fall down. But what he was even more puzzled about was what kind of realm he had entered just now, and how could such a terrifying force erupt in the last blow?

"Haha, okay, this move will be called Wushuang from now on! It's awesome! It's awesome!" Even the most disobedient Chen Yijian couldn't help but praise.

"Okay, before the zombies gather, hurry into the complex!" Shen Shen put down the doubts in his heart, and immediately ordered.

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