Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 878 Where is the person?

A group of people hastily rushed into the complex building of about 20 floors. The huge open office area has been completely reduced to hell on earth. Blood and residual bones can be seen everywhere. The backbone employees of the world's top 500 are now all turned into Becoming a human skin demon, when he saw Shen Chen and others coming in, he immediately rushed over like a hungry wolf, while Shen Chen and the others had weapons in their hands, and killed them all.

These mutated zombies swallowed everything they could eat, and overturned tables and computers were everywhere. The stumped limbs and broken arms seemed to have become decorations, dried blood, and dark offices. Everything is so shocking.

"The rescue signal can only be shown here, but there are more than 20 floors here, should we search for each floor?" Pan Di asked.

Ah Feng shook her head: "In this case, we don't have enough time."

Shen Shen searched the office building with his eyes, and there was an office distribution map in front of the information desk. Everyone hurried forward, but saw Shen Shen pointing to a blue landmark pattern and said: "If a person wants to survive in this building full of zombies, what should he do? Where should he hide?"

"Hide in a safe place!"

"Hide where food is plentiful!"

Chen Yijian's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the cafeteria and said, "If it were me, I would choose this cafeteria on the fifth and a half floor! The elevator is directly accessible, and it was off-duty time at that time. Downstairs. And this kind of canteen for white-collar workers will not be open for dinner, which means that it will be very safe there. I guess that person must be late from get off work. After finding out that the end is coming, he took the elevator directly to arrive With this cafeteria, relying on the cafeteria, it is definitely not a problem to live for half a year."

Pan Di nodded: "Yes, I think it's possible!"

"Then let's go to the fifth floor first."

Everyone nodded, and they climbed the fire stairs on one side. As soon as they entered the fire stairs, a cold air different from other places immediately swept over everyone, making everyone shiver uncontrollably, and the dark stairs were silent. Quietly, it was almost invisible, but fortunately, blue flames emerged from Shen Chen's fingertips, barely illuminating the road ahead, but in this flickering flame, the whole corridor appeared even more strange and abnormal. Everyone's breathing became louder at this moment, and Shen Shen lowered his voice and said, "Control your breathing, control your footsteps."

Darkness is the weakness of human beings, and no one here has the same ability as a falcon, because the eyes of a falcon can still see very far and concretely, but Huang Chen can only lock on one person, unable to distinguish whether he is in the dark or not. There is danger coming.

Shen Shen's tentacles of consciousness began to spread out,

He walked forward first, and his footsteps landed on the ground very lightly. The people behind him followed closely behind, their eyes scanning around like falcons. slowest. Pan Di was at the end, because he and Shen Chen could be regarded as connected to a certain extent in order to deal with some crisis situations.

A group of people walked up the stairs slowly and vigilantly, and soon, in the tentacles of Shen Shen's consciousness, he felt a mutated zombie crouching at the corner. This mutated zombie seemed to have gained some wisdom. Its long bloody tongue Stretching and shrinking, it seems that they have already known that there is food coming, but they still stand still, as if waiting for the best opportunity to prey.

In such a dark and seamless environment, if it were someone else, he would definitely be hit by this mutated zombie. However, Shen Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then the body of the big sword in his hand vibrated, as if a pen had been drawn. Before the mutated zombie could react, he had already drawn a sword aura in front of him, directly facing him. The mutated zombie slashed down angrily.

?The mutated zombie didn't even let out a scream, it turned into minced meat, flowing at the feet of everyone. The mutated zombie thought he was a mantis catching cicadas, waiting for the food to come to his door, but he didn't know that Shen Shen was an ordinary person, and he didn't give him any chance to attack.

In a one-on-one confrontation, Shen Shen is an existence capable of instantly killing everything.

They quickly followed Shen Chen up to the fifth floor, only to find that the door of the cafeteria was open. Everyone looked at each other, their eyes lit up, and they rushed into the cafeteria with one stride.

However, everyone searched the cafeteria for a long time, but there was no sign of anyone, but there were a few zombies, and none of them survived to death.

"What's going on? Why is there no one?" Huang Chen said anxiously: "It seems that our deduction was wrong, he is not hiding here."

"Are you kidding me? If a person hasn't eaten for half a year, he will die early. If he doesn't hide here, where can he be?" Chen Yijian also said anxiously.

"Brother Shenchen, what shall we do next?" Xia Weili asked, frowning.

However, Shen Chen searched carefully inside the cafeteria. The cafeteria was kept basically clean and tidy. Obviously, there was no one here when he got off work, and these zombies also ran into the manhole cover by mistake.

"Someone should have come in here." Shen Chen said after careful inspection.


Shen Shen nodded: "That's right, the food has signs of being touched by that, it's very messy, it doesn't look like it's usually picked up when it's fired."

"That means there must have been survivors here. But where did they go?" Xia Weili asked.

Shen Chen didn't answer, at this moment, suddenly, only a few roars and human voices came from outside. Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly leaned to the window and poked their heads outside to check.

But not far away, about 20 people holding evolution guns and various weapons are approaching the complex all the way quickly. Judging by their attire, they were all from District 9.

"Damn it, these people are shameless!" Chen Yijian immediately yelled at him, "Come in after us, we almost killed the zombie tide, they are fine, just come over to pick peaches! Damn it!" Li Chenchuan, wouldn’t it be enough for a team to accept the task and distribute it everywhere, isn’t this forcing everyone to have conflicts?”

It's no wonder that Chen Yijian was furious, it was because these people obviously arrived not too late, they must have watched them fight all the way here, not only didn't help, but now they plan to take credit for it, what a shame!

"This is called robbing the mission!" Huang Chen sneered: "It seems that we must rush to find the surviving person before them."

"But now we go there to find it, and continue all the way up?"

"No... let's go down, to the basement!"

As soon as Shen Chen opened his mouth, everyone was shocked to the extreme: "Can't you? Is there someone in the basement?"

"This kind of building usually has monitoring in important places and corridors, and the monitoring room is usually located in the basement." Pan Di said thoughtfully.

Ah Feng shook his head beside him: "Are you trying to determine the location of the survivors through monitoring? But you have to think carefully, the monitoring room may not have electricity, it has been more than half a year. Even if there is a backup power supply, in case the monitoring room in the monitoring room What should I do if it is overwritten and doesn’t work?”

"There must be electricity." Shen Shen smiled slightly, that smile seemed so unpredictable: "And, I believe that the survivor must be in the monitoring room."

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