Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter eight hundred and eighty second surfaced

Once everyone enters the building, there will be heavy blue flames outside the building, and zombies will naturally not be able to enter, so everyone is already safe.

Shen Chen waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Enter the monitoring room."

"Still going to the monitoring room?" Chen Yijian was a little puzzled.

"Is there anyone else in there?" Huang Chen said hopefully, "Is there any survivors in there? If so, we can complete the mission, right?"

The corner of Shen Shen's mouth turned coldly, he shook his head and said: "There are no survivors, but I want to see what kind of guy that old man is."

Everyone felt chills, and they couldn't help being startled by the tone of Shen Shen's mouth, but the old man seemed to be wearing a strange big robe, could there be anything strange about it? Everyone was still thinking about what was wrong with the old man, but they didn't want Shen Shen to turn over and go to the basement.

A group of people walked into the basement again, and with the crisp sound of the switch, the lights in the whole room were slowly turned on, and it was just as Shen Shen expected, no surprises, this building has an independent power source, and the basement does not. Windows, naturally don't worry about the light leaking out.

Everyone looked at Shen Shen searching in the basement, and they were also looking in the cramped basement. Suddenly, Xia Weili dug out a large black book from a box, and sneered Said: "Hey, this old man usually hides here and still reads? He's good at killing time... Wait... the Bible? Is the Bible black?"

"What bible, I think it is some xie religion under the banner of the bible?" Ah Feng, who always hit the nail on the head, sneered, and then opened the first page of the book.

The bright blood characters leaked from the black paper, making people feel a blur in their brains, as if a ferocious beast was roaring ferociously.

Ah Feng hurriedly closed the book with a "snap", her hands trembled, and the whole book fell to the ground and fell heavily. Pan Di hurriedly supported Ah Feng, and Ah Feng said to Shen Shen with a pale face: "I feel something is wrong. That book...that book..."

"It's a mental attack."

Shen Shen bent down and picked up the book, and said, "Close your eyes and rest for a while, don't think too much."

"What?" Everyone frowned and looked at each other, this is the first time they heard this term.

"Spiritual new humans." Shen Shen explained succinctly: "Generally, new humans in the brain area will have a small part of the bias towards spiritual attacks. It sounds amazing, but it is actually a signal from a strong-willed person. During the Taiping period ,

This kind of signal cannot be captured by human beings, and only a small number of people can reverse the thoughts of some weak-willed people through their will. But after human evolution, this signal will be amplified infinitely, and then attack everyone. "

"Spiritual attack is too scary!" Ah Feng slowly opened her eyes, her face was pale, not at all sharp like usual: "I just had a needle pierced into my brain, and then it turned into a feeling of dizziness on a roller coaster."

"It's just this book. If a real person attacked you, I'm afraid you would have fallen to the ground." Shen Shen opened the book solemnly. With just that one page, Shen Shen felt that his mind seemed to be bewitched by some kind of majesty and majesty. Shock, the four blood characters on the Holy Lord descended are so shocking.

However, Shen Chen was a strong man in his previous life after all, and he had also faced many mental attacks. This level of mental attack is completely useless to him. He quickly flipped through dozens of pages, with an increasingly serious expression on his face, until finally he closed the book.

"Brother Shen Chen, are you okay?" Xia Weili asked worriedly.

Shen Shen shook his head, with a serious expression on his face: "Psychic attacks are quite powerful, but I really don't know anyone in this world who can attach psychic attacks to books. It's too unbelievable."

If it is said that people carry out mental attacks one-on-one, one-on-one, he can understand this, but...books also have spiritual attack power, which is even more terrifying!

"What is this book about?" Huang Chen asked curiously, "Is it the Bible?"

Shen Chen's heart was shocked, he glanced around everyone, and then said lightly: "This book... records all the things that will happen since the end!"


Everyone's eyes widened in an instant, and they couldn't help themselves in amazement. What kind of book can be so powerful and record everything that happened since the end of the day. Isn't this a book of prophecy?

Shen Shen continued: "The content of the book basically says that God is dissatisfied with the world and sent down punishment. Anyone possessed by evil spirits will become the minions of hell, and only those with a pure nature can survive."

"It corresponds to zombies... and new humans?" Pan Di frowned.

"It also says that pure people will be attacked, but this is a test given by God to human beings. Those who have not passed the test will fall into hell, and those who have passed the test only need to defeat the evil spirits and remove the evil spirits in their brains. The source of evil is absorbed and excreted through the body, and one can feel the generous gift of the gods to human beings."

Chen Yijian immediately bluffed: "Isn't this the evolution fluid? How did it become a god's prediction?"

"Those who receive the generous gifts will be divided into ten ranks. From then on, they will become God's warriors, purify the world for God, and wait until the earth is clean. In the end, God's warriors will use their lives to welcome God's final arrival... "After Shen Shen said a few words casually, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

"This... Are you sure this old man didn't make it up? What the hell is it that you use your life to welcome the final coming of God!" Huang Chen stammered.

Shen Shen sneered and said, "Look at the publication time of this book."

Pan Di took the book from Shen Shen's hand, and when he turned to the end, his whole body froze immediately. The steel seal clearly shows that the publication time of this book was two years ago.

"What's the situation, why did this book exist two years ago?"

Xia Weili asked eagerly, "What does this mean?"

"It means that those guys holding the pseudo-Bible two years ago may have known that the end is coming!" Pan Di suddenly raised his head, and the panic that he hadn't seen for a long time flashed across his face: "Two years ago, didn't you feel , have there been more people preaching the teachings of God?"

Everyone couldn't help but think of some unemployed women who popped up on the streets more than a year ago, preaching the coming of God in the streets and alleys, Xia Weili suddenly shuddered. If it is this book... This is clearly an organized and premeditated activity!

"We can be sure that the people who printed these books must have known that the end is coming, and even... I doubt that the reason for the end is because someone is trying to replace the government with the so-called theocracy in order to achieve the unity of theocracy."

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