"This is simply too terrifying. Who came up with such a terrifying idea, and why did it happen?" Xia Weili said angrily, "Isn't it enough to establish such a regime? What are you pretending to be!"

Shen Shen frowned and said: "If all human beings are placed in such a dangerous position for the purpose of selfish desire, ten thousand deaths will not be enough to make up for the loss of the whole world."

"So right now, we need to figure out what the purpose of the Holy Spirit Cult is, and what is the relationship with the zombie virus. Since they may be the instigators, have they developed an antidote..." Ah Feng frowned said the analysis.

Xia Weili's eyes wandered slightly, and he suddenly said, "Then, is there any connection between this and the clue we found in the city of Roshan?"

The clues held by everyone in the Anyuan Group are that Roshan and the starving ghost are actually scientific monsters caused by drug leakage and catalyzed by X substances.

Chen Yijian's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "Yes, there seems to be a foreigner, right? He gave Anyuan Group a bottle of medicine to treat anorexia."

"It's Jones." Shen Shen said: "That man brought a bottle of medicine from Russia to treat Mengmeng's anorexia. Because of Zhang Anyuan's love for his daughter, the incident between Roshan and the starving ghost happened."

"That's right, that's him. Tell me, is this Jones a member of this Holy Spirit Church?"

"The possibility that everything is a calculated conspiracy cannot be ruled out." Shen Shen nodded and said: "If the two are connected, then it seems that we have found some clues to the truth of the end."

"Damn it, it's a pity that the old man ran away, otherwise, we must catch him and ask him clearly." Chen Yijian patted the table in frustration and said: "In this way, even if we know that there is such a xie religion, But you don’t know what it is, do you?”

Shen Chen smiled coldly: "Do you really think that old fox will go with those fools?"

"What?" Chen Yijian's big eyes stared out: "Shen Chen, why do I feel that the longer I stay with you, the less I can understand what you are talking about?"

"Ha, then after seeing Chu Li, wouldn't you feel that your IQ is negative?" Shen Shen, who rarely uttered a word, clicked on the surveillance video: "Let's see where these guys are. where to take them."

When everyone heard Shen Shen muttering to himself, they couldn't help but feel the chills in their hearts. Apart from other things, how did Shen Chen know that the old man in black would take those people away?

Is all this a conspiracy by the old man, or has Shen Shen seen through everything? In addition, what is the old man's intention to wait for the group of people to leave?

Hundreds of monitors are all turned on, and each monitor shows the situation of various important corridors. There is nothing abnormal in most of the surveillance videos, and some surveillance videos show powerful mutated zombies entrenched here. .

However, hundreds of monitors did not show the trace of that group of people.

"Why not?" Chen Yijian was a little anxious: "Could it be possible for them to disappear in such a short time?"

"It shouldn't be possible to get out of this building, otherwise we would definitely run into each other head-on. Where did they go?" Ah Feng stared at the monitor with her beautiful eyes, and was also thinking.

He pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Not showing up in this place can only show that they have taken an unusual path." He turned around and looked at the huge building overlooking the wall, his eyes were like a computer version of non-stop Compare the patterns on the map with those on the monitor.

Huge geographical information has entered the brain from the eyes, and the brain is suddenly filled with various coordinates. I have to say that the feeling is really sad, as if a person who is full is suddenly fed again. It's like entering 100 family buckets.

When Shen Shen suppressed the desire to vomit and retracted his eyes, he pointed to an inconspicuous place on the map and said: "Only this place is not covered by surveillance, and according to the proportion of the entire building, the proportion of this place is The sign was clearly zoomed in on purpose. They should be headed for this place."

"Then how can we find the surveillance in this place?" Huang Chen asked anxiously.

Chen Yijian patted Huang Chen on the head with a "slap": "You are stupid, if we know the place, we can just go to the door directly, and watch the surveillance. Hurry up and copy the guy and leave!"

"That's right, if it's a secret place, it's probably impossible for the monitoring room to have any information about it." Ah Feng turned to look at Shen Chen: "Boss Shen Chen, can we go?"

Shen Shen nodded: "Get ready for battle, let's go." He paused and said, "I'm very worried, maybe, this time, we will meet a strong opponent."

Everyone couldn't help gasping, but there was a heroic feeling of sharing weal and woe in their hearts, and everyone looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"Which time did we not survive on the line of life and death?" Pan Di said with a smile: "Let's face it together!"

"Okay! Live and die together!"

Everyone hurriedly followed Shen Shen to the secret place.

At the same time, Huang Zizhong led his subordinates to rush towards the tunnel that the old man in black said. At this moment, he regarded Shen Shen as more terrifying than a flood beast, more ferocious than a zombie.

After all, if a zombie is killed, it will be killed, and if it is not killed, it will not hold grudges. But that guy, if he got into trouble with him, I'm afraid that he really has no good fruit to eat.

But the old man in black had to take it with him, um, he had to give it back to that guy when he got the place.

Once I thought about it in my heart, I felt a lot more relaxed.

But at this moment, the person who was leading the rush in front suddenly said: "Hey": "The road has come to an end!"

Only now did everyone have time to look at what was around here, but they saw that this was a huge passageway that was extremely spacious, and the huge passageway that could almost accommodate two planes taking off at the same time was actually built underground, which is really extremely difficult up. In front of the passage is an iron-colored gate as high as a hill, which is tightly sealed with the top of the passage.

The entire passage is almost closed, and what emerges is darkness, with very low visibility, and the evacuation indicator lights installed on the wall are also pale green, as if the atmosphere in the passage is not scary enough!

The sensor light in the passageway suddenly went out when the time came, and immediately after, a threatening cold made everyone shiver instinctively, looking at the extremely dark surroundings.


An indicator light on the wall flashed suddenly, and then exploded without warning, and the broken glass fell to the ground in an instant, causing waves of echoes.

"Huang... Brother Huang... Where are we? This is..."

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