Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 887 Breakthrough! kill

The black flying insects burrowed into Shen's body, and the heart-wrenching pain made Shen's whole body burst like an instant. The tiny rodents of those insects wriggled on his body, cutting off his head and trying to penetrate the skin and muscles. Drilling inside, "Ah..." The screams could not be restrained, Shen Shen only felt that all the strength in his body was gradually disappearing, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and a deep despair emerged from his heart.

All the strength in his body was disappearing, and he even vaguely felt that his vitality was also disappearing. Every second that passed, his sanity became more confused. Only then did he see clearly the huge fifth-order zombie standing in front of him. With a ferocious and cruel face, he walked towards himself step by step.

???? Shen Shen blurred his eyes, as if he saw his soul being pulled out. At that moment, he seemed to have returned to the previous life. Endless darkness... endless commotion...

Falling into hell forever, in my ears, I also think of this cruel and familiar sound of rustling, there are bugs, right? Rodents too?

The pain of being eaten like that, feeling the desperation of being constantly trampled on by the body, being pushed in and out by bugs...

Are you going to die?

Just dying?

It turned out that my so-called ability was so unbearable in front of the fifth-order mutated zombies, and I... didn't even have the ability to fight back...


The fifth-order zombie didn't intend to eat Shen Chen. Shen Shen only heard a loud noise, and before he even had time to call out, he felt that his sternum and ribs were sunken and broken at the same time. The hole, the internal organs and broken bones splashed and shot furiously. Those flying insects seemed to be even more excited when they sniffed. , A swarm of bees swarmed into the blasted blood hole!

Shen Shen let out a scream of "Ah!", and his head, face, neck and neck were blood red in an instant. What kind of torture is this, I wish I could just grit my teeth and kill myself now...


Gritting his teeth and killing himself...

In the darkness, Shen Shen's mind suddenly overlapped with past memories at this time, and he suddenly felt a little familiar, the same despair, the same darkness, and the same being eaten... The self in the previous life was also precisely the one who was being eaten. After being surrounded by flying insects like this, he fell into a desperate situation, but died a miserable death?

In this life, the tragedy will repeat itself, and the dead self will die in such a humiliating way again... No... I can't die?

I didn't know that flying insects appeared in front of me again now,

And what do these flying insects have to do with the Holy Spirit Cult. I don't know if those people who captured the beloved woman and Xiaoran in the previous life were also taught by the Holy Spirit?


i can't die...

The real culprit has not been found out in the last life, but now he is going to die in the same way?

Absolutely not!


Deep in the brain... it seems like something has collapsed! At this moment, Shen Shen raised his neck suddenly!

At the same time, Pan Di stopped swinging the big sword, Dr. Jia in city S suddenly stood up, Xu Ziying froze when hunting mice, Duo Duo at the base suddenly screamed, and far away in city B, Chu Li His eyes suddenly burst into an unprecedented light.

A huge force was transmitted from the depths of the brain into Shen Shen's body. This force is vast and powerful, just like a huge meteorite falling from the outer universe. It's normal to break apart.

It is like a raging wave rolling up in the endless sea, with a height of tens of millions of feet and a width of a million feet, with a force of billions of junctures, it swells in the heavy body, and it wants to crush everything that stands in front of it. broken.

"Boom!" As if breaking through a barrier, the strength in Shen Chen's body soared.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Like popping beans, amazing changes took place in Shen Shen's body, his body began to recover in a large area, and those flying insects seemed to have encountered something terrible, and they came out of Shen Shen's body one after another. After escaping, his body crackled, and there seemed to be a smell of decomposition. Countless stinky liquid seeped out from his pores. It was the blood left by bugs, and it was the impurity that the evolution fluid in his body hadn't excreted.

???? Afterwards, a blazing blue fire emerged from his body, and finally his body showed a faint blue-purple color, and a powerful aura emerged spontaneously.

Fifth order!

No... to be precise, five stages and five stages!

I don't know why the powerful ability rushed Shen Shen to such a terrifying height at once, but the next moment, Shen Shen's body moved slowly.

"I woke up"

An extremely cold voice came from his drooping head, waiting for him to raise his head again. In those dark and deep pupils, there is a layer of faint smoke that seems to be able to see through all human affairs in the world, giving people a feeling of coldness and murderous intent.

All of a sudden, the big sword suddenly fell out from the heavy palm. No one operated it, but it was suspended in the air autonomously.

Suddenly an arc of light was drawn in the darkness, like a ferocious beast hunting in the night, it instantly passed through the black net made of flying insects, brought up a black hurricane, and collided heavily with the fifth-order zombie in front of it. Together, dazzling flames burst out several meters away!

At the same time, the entire passageway began to tremble. Pan Di and the others, who managed to take down the old man in black robe, all seemed very tired. As if something huge was gradually approaching the top of the head, everyone looked up in horror. At the same time, I only heard a thunderous "boom!" in the distance!


"What's the matter, boss?"

"Go back and see if something went wrong!"

Everyone screamed and rushed back in a hurry! Everyone's face was full of horror, if Shen Chen got rid of his troubles, what should they do?

However, when they arrived at the place where Shen Shen was, everyone was shocked to the point of madness, my God! what did they see

The sword wind of the great sword shattered the cracked wall, and Shen Shen charged head-on from the torrential rain of rubble and rubble. The violence and violence were daunting, and he rushed to the fifth-order zombies in a flash——

next moment! Just listen to the loud noise to carry through the world...

it's all over!

The fifth-order zombies and endless insect corpses fell together, their huge bodies had been torn into pieces, and they couldn't see the ferocity of beating Shen Chen to serious injuries or even dying before he was born!

Pan Di was shocked, Chen Yijian was shocked, everyone was shocked, everyone looked at the tragedy all over the ground, as if they lost their ability to think, and felt that everything in front of them was clearly imprinted on their consciousness, and their consciousness seemed to fly into the air in a daze !

how come……

so strong...

They lost their voice for a few minutes, until the old man in black robe suddenly let out a miserable shriek, and everyone came back to their senses.

"God Soldier!! Goblin Soldier!! You killed the Soldier Soldier! You killed the Soldier Soldier!"

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