Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 888 It is a magic weapon

"God Soldier!! Goblin Soldier!! You killed the Soldier Soldier! You killed the Soldier Soldier!"

The hysterical appearance of the old man in black really frightened many people, but Shen Shen soon let everyone know what was more frightening.

When he walked slowly step by step in front of the black-robed old man, a powerful aura radiated from his whole body, which frightened the old man so much that he couldn't even speak.

"Shenbing? You are referring to this fifth-rank zombie." Shen Shen squatted down slowly with a smile on his face. For some reason, the old man in black shuddered and shrank back as if he had seen something dangerous. go.

???? "Come on, let's talk about the Church of the Holy Spirit." With a slight hook of Shen Chen's hand, the old man felt that he could not move at all. He looked at Shen Shen in horror, while the latter only looked at Shen Shen seriously with a smile He said: "Speak out, you will not die."

In an instant, the extreme coldness flashed through everyone's hearts. Who has seen Shen Shen being so ruthless, as if he suddenly changed into a different person.

"How do you know about the Church of the Holy Spirit? You are also a member of the Church?" the black-robed old man asked suspiciously.



A miserable scream erupted from the mouth of the black-robed old man, and he stood up calmly, letting the old man clutch his arms and howl in pain: "I'm the one asking you now, it's nothing to do, you don't need to say it." .”

The attack was extremely fierce, the old man in black robe froze immediately, and then said obediently: "Yes, I am a missionary of the Holy Spirit Sect."

"Tell me what you know."

It turned out that the identity of this old guy was actually an engineer of the Guowei Group. He accidentally got acquainted with the Holy Spirit Sect, and was then brainwashed to completely believe in the Holy Spirit Sect.

In the entire Guowei Group, there are not a few members of the Envelope Holy Spirit Sect. In this large group with tens of thousands of employees, one-tenth of them secretly believe in it, and they firmly believe in the evil spirits told in the teachings.

These people are dissatisfied with life due to the excessive mental and physical stress caused by super-intensive work. Whenever they gather every week, they will pray devoutly, thinking that the whole world is in a terrible state, and only God can bring it to them. they hope.

There are many group executives like the old man in black robe among them. The reason why they firmly believe in everything mentioned in the teachings may come from the things mentioned in the teachings appearing in the world from time to time. Every month, there will be high-level church leaders from abroad, such as the archbishop, to give lectures to these low-level believers.

And during this period, from time to time, something that will happen in the future will be revealed, such as a certain plane crashed to death due to an evil spirit...or a natural phenomenon such as a volcanic eruption.

Every time you can predict what will happen in the future, such horror is simply unconvincing. And such a hierarchical church of the Holy Spirit has its own management system for promoting people, which firmly holds the human mind, chains people in the church, and has no other ideas.

All the believers received instructions one year before the end of the day to start preparing for the end of the day. For this reason, these thousands of people even secretly used the air-raid shelter with the support of the high-level group to reserve enough to supply thousands of people. Food and supplies for the year. Under the protection of the group background, no one noticed this abnormal thing at all.

After the doomsday came, everyone witnessed the horror of hell after being possessed by evil spirits, which made them even more frightened. Among them, some believers became zombies, but these people will soon be regarded as ungodly believers.

As for the surviving believers, because the original archbishop would bring some "gifts from God" every time he appeared, so that they were able to preserve themselves and survive in the early days of the end. Once these people survived for the first time and did not become zombies, the first thing to do was to go to their original secret address and wait.

Because according to the doctrine, soon, there will be soldiers of God coming to guide them.

Unfortunately, things don't seem to be as simple as imagined. One of the people who hid in the secret base concealed his injury, and finally turned into a zombie one night. For some unknown reason, this zombie was biting When humans were humans, they deliberately bit off the necks of humans, so that there would be no redundant zombies, and this zombie could enjoy the food of thousands of people alone, and the supplies for thousands of people. Chicken and duck.

The old man in black robe happened to be on duty outside the door that day, and he witnessed all these tragic events with his own eyes. He struggled to escape from the inside with great difficulty, and as an engineer who built this building, he immediately locked up the zombie. Entered the huge iron gate, and then fled to the monitoring room to monitor everything.

He watched with his own eyes in the monitoring room how the zombie gradually became stronger after eating the food, and how it changed. This is a very strange feeling, as if I was feeding a zombie to grow, so in the past six months, I actually developed feelings for it.

And most importantly, one day, when the old man was looking for food in the building, he suddenly found a book of teachings of the Holy Spirit that he had never seen before. It was the one Shen Chen and the others saw in the monitoring room.

The old man discovered some unusual things from the teachings. For example, the teachings mentioned the existence of God's warriors and the existence of divine soldiers.

Magical weapons refer to those who are possessed by evil spirits and transform them into superpower weapons through the guidance of God. They will quickly destroy any walking creature, whether it is human beings or zombies. God controls the existence of both good and evil, Let it create a clean and pure land for God.

After the old man learned of this, he immediately made some plans. He himself is a devout believer, so he believes that it is necessary for him to build this divine weapon for God.

So he used the radio station to issue his own distress signal to lure people to come. Then use various excuses to send them into the mouth of the magic soldier.

But most of the time, he is the bait, using himself as the existence to attract the zombies, and when the zombies run over, he releases the magic soldiers to kill and eat the zombies.

With the help of the strength of the magic weapon, the old man himself quickly reached the height of the fourth level, and in dealing with zombies and magic weapons, his actual combat ability should not be underestimated.

If it weren't for Pandy and the others' ability, it would be really difficult to catch him.

After listening to the old man's words, everyone was completely shocked.

None of them thought that the fifth-order zombies came in this way, and the strange behaviors of the old people before had also been explained.

He didn't want to leave here at all, but during the monitoring, he found that Shen Shen was really strong. In order not to let himself be taken away, in order to continue to guard the magic soldier, he didn't remind Shen Shen that he was here until Shen Shen had discovered his In the hiding place, the old man had no choice but to make a sound to remind another entering team. Which team should be used to achieve the goal of causing Shen Chen and his two teams to lose out.

Later, he thought that Shen Shen and others would be surrounded by the tide of loss under Huang Zizhong's conspiracy, so he used Huang Zizhong to trick them into coming to the place where the magic soldier was, which led to the subsequent incidents.

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