Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 889: The Evil One

"This is such a beastly behavior!" Chen Yijian was trembling with anger: "You are a fucking scum! No, you are a traitor! Abandoned the human camp to feed zombies, you are still human! "

In the past, even if everyone saw people feeding zombies, it was out of nostalgia for their family members. However, the behavior of this black-robed old man has reached a heinous level.

"I am doing this because of God's will! I am for God's coming."

"Your god has descended, why didn't those believers see God descending when they died, you are a group of brainwashed idiots!"

"Nonsense, whoever said that God has not come, he is only examining the beliefs of believers, only a pious person like me can get his favor, that's why I can live for so long, and that's why I can get the help of God Soldiers."

"Hehe, then that so-called god of yours just put you in the pile of zombies. You have persisted for more than half a year, but how long can you persist? You are almost emptying the canteen upstairs, right? After all that, do you still have to eat your own poop to survive?" Chen Yijian has always spoken urgently and quickly, without mercy.

"Who said God didn't send down glory!" A fiery and excited expression appeared on the face of the black-robed old man: "Didn't God bring you to me!"


Everyone spurted out a mouthful of old blood immediately, and looked at the black-robed old man with eyes like monsters. They were regarded as enemies before, but now they have become the glory of God?

But the old man shouted excitedly to Shen Shen: "He, he is the warrior chosen by God, the vanguard of God, and he will lead us to a new world!"

Everyone looked at Shen Shen in surprise, but the latter just put his hands in his pockets and stared at the old man indifferently. After noticing that everyone was looking at him, Shen Shen raised his eyebrows: "How do you recognize that I am a soldier of God? Where did you know that?"


The old man's answer inevitably surprised people, his eyes flashed: "Will?"

"Will, strong will, only God has such a will." The old man said firmly: "Your aura is very similar to the aura revealed in the Bible. You are a warrior of God!"

Shen Shen's face immediately sank a little. His sudden outburst just now restored his memory a bit, but he didn't mention anything about the Holy Spirit Cult at all, not to mention the unimaginable thing like similar breaths. ?

But... a faint thought suddenly crossed his mind,

But when I went to capture it again, it had already disappeared.

No, I must have forgotten something! Yet it is crucial.

Shen Shen closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them: "Your status in the church should not be low, right?"

"By God's grace, I am a second-level missionary."

"So, how do you and those archbishops usually get in touch?"

"During the Taiping period, they relied on emails. After the end of the day, they lost contact. However, I have heard bishops say that their middle-level people have other means of communication. I don't know."

"It seems that you were really abandoned." Shen Shen mocked lightly, and then said: "So, do you know a Russian named Jones?"

"Jones?" The old man shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this name, maybe it's a higher-level bishop? But the glory of God didn't shine on the land of Russia. Those Russians are fierce and barbaric. They are not fit to be God's people."

Shen Chen's heart moved, and suddenly his eyes became sharp.

The Church of the Holy Spirit has no relationship with Russia, so it means that the medicine leaked by Anyuan Group has nothing to do with the Church of the Holy Spirit?

In other words, there are two mysterious organizations that have made great "contributions" to the coming of the end at the same time?

Such a cognition shocked Shen Shen, because such a message could almost be concluded that if there were two mysterious organizations that could be responsible for the doomsday, then maybe there would be more mysterious organizations that knew about the coming of the doomsday.

And what ulterior secrets does such a mysterious organization hold? What exactly are they trying to do!

For a moment, Shen Shen felt chills all over his body. The truth that he had never known in his previous life unveiled its mysterious veil again at this moment, revealing the hidden truth.

Shen Shen took a deep breath, then looked at the old man and said, "It seems that you have already told everything you know."

"Yes, God's warrior, please let me follow you. I will become your loyal lackey. My ability is very strong, and it is no worse than these young lads. Only by following you can I gain God's favor ah!"

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "Okay!"

An excited smile appeared on the old man's face immediately, and Shen Shen said suddenly: "But this kind of following is not allowed."

The old man was in a daze for a moment, but at this moment of daze, Shen Shen's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and then...


Unstoppable blue flames suddenly emerged from the old man's body, gushing out from his mouth, nose and facial features!

The old man looked at himself in disbelief, then looked at Shen Shen again, and suddenly let out a miserable scream, which turned into a ball of black powder in an instant.

So strong!

Everyone's hearts trembled, the power of this blue flame has increased several times in attack power.

Even though the black-robed old man had already been beaten half to death by them, and his ability had dropped to around the second level, but in just a few seconds like this, he actually burned a living person to powder!

This is simply the rhythm of the spike!

Chen Yijian stared at Shen Shen dumbfounded, and suddenly felt that Shen Chen was different from before.

Although they have the same facial features and the same person, but standing there, they feel completely different, that is so strong... so strong that when he stood there, he felt a huge oppressive force, and he seemed to be very close to him , seems to be far away from himself. Unpredictable.

"Shen Chen, what's wrong with you? Have you been stimulated by something?" Chen Yijian asked urgently: "Also, if you killed him, how can we get military merit? It's almost 24 o'clock now, doesn't it mean that there are still people waiting for you?" Is our military merit worth changing lives?"

Shen Shen nodded lightly: "That's right, so let's go back immediately. The zombie heads at the foot of the mountain are enough to make up for our failure in this mission."

"But he was still alive just now! Why did he burn him to a pile of ashes!" Chen Yijian asked anxiously: "Didn't we pay the same thing twice? We didn't get any benefit from the half-night beating!"

"There are benefits." Shen Shen pointed to the scattered insect corpses: "Clean it up, I have my own use."

His eyes are indifferent, different from Chu Li's cold and impersonal eyes. His eyes are full of coldness and harshness, but to a certain extent, this can be regarded as a kind of humanity.

"As for him..." Shen Shen's eyes shifted to the handful of cigarette ashes, and he sneered, "How can such an evil person live in this world!"

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