Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 893 Tired of living and looking for death

"It's really disrespectful. It seems that Xia Weili's evaluation of you is not unreasonable." Ling Mei took a few steps back: "Why don't you sit down and have a chat?"

Shen Chen suddenly leaned close to Ling Mei's ear: "A man and a woman chatting and chatting, either become enemies or become intimate objects." Ling Mei only felt a numb feeling from the bottom of her heart. ,Itchy. It seemed to touch her sensitive place, and she wanted to avoid it again, but a strange feeling rose in her heart.

"But to be honest, I don't want to be an enemy with such a beautiful woman, but I don't even want to have anything to do with you." Shen Shen smiled and withdrew and said, "This is as compensation. Please forgive me."

As soon as Ling Mei came to her senses, she saw that Shen Chen had disappeared, and an extra bottle of evolution liquid appeared out of thin air in her hand.

Tier 3!

Is the third-order evolution liquid already so valuable that you can give it away at will!

Ling Mei was startled, but she quickly put the evolution fluid on the table.

At the same time, Shen Chen looked up at the room number seemingly unintentionally when he was going out. 1306.

how? Did I really go to the wrong room? Shen Shen shook his head, then let out a broken laugh, and continued to walk forward.

When they walked to Xiaoran's room, Xia Weili and Ah Feng were also there, but they were a little embarrassed to see Wu Wei after Shen Shen here.

Shen Shen knew it well, and said with a smile: "Why is Wu Wei blushing, is it very hot?"

"Ah? Yes? No!" Wu Wei touched his face, but when he looked up, he saw Xia Weili biting his lower lip and glaring at him. Only then did he know that he was being teased by Shen Shen.

Wu Wei really blushed now, and said anxiously: "I have nothing else to do, just come here and ask Xia Weili, Ah Feng, and Xiaoran what they lack. I still have military merit to buy for them."

"Well, don't make trouble with me." Ah Feng rolled her eyes: "We all have military merits for completing our work every day, not bad for you, and, besides, you are also here to ask Xiaoli, right?"

Xiaoran also nodded seriously: "Brother Wu Wei, what you looked at just now wasn't me, it was sister Xiaoli!"

Wu Wei was so embarrassing that he wanted to go underground. When he saw Shen Chen, he hurriedly tried to change the subject: "Oh, by the way, boss, didn't we see a lot of insect corpses last night? I don't think anything happened recently. When will you Fire? The weapons of the brothers are still waiting for you."

Shen Chen knew that Wu Wei was thin-skinned,

I can't take it anymore. He smiled and said, "I plan to start work in these two days. What do you want?"

The faces of several people suddenly became happy, and they hurriedly said: "Yes, of course I want it."

Shen Chen has gained a lot this time, so naturally he will not be stingy with his brother, so he just said: "Finally, what do you want?"

"I think I'm still good at fists! And my own defense is relatively high." Wu Wei said: "I don't know if you can forge iron armor, boss. If I have iron armor, first, I don't worry about being hurt by zombies. Second, When facing Tier 3 zombies, I can also carry it for a while."

Shen Shen nodded: "You're right. Your abilities are focused on defense and rebound. The bigger the blow, the easier it is to produce a critical strike. I know it well."

Ah Feng thought for a while and said, "My ability is more about control, but it's a big taboo not to have self-defense weapons. Boss Shen Shen, do you have any recommendations?"

Shen Shen thought about it carefully, and then said: "I have a war discipline here that suits you, you can try to learn it."

Ah Feng was overjoyed immediately: "What is it?"

"Lishou Dao." Shen Shen told Ah Feng the key points of Lishou Dao, and Ah Feng was immediately overjoyed: "This is really great, not only can I use it, I can even try to make vines use it too."

When Xia Weili arrived, Xia Weili said hesitantly, "I...I don't have anything I want."

Shen Chen shook his head instead: "Your hair can be used offensively and defensively, but after these few attacks, I found that there are many weaknesses. As long as the opponent is stronger than you, your hair will become useless. I have roughly thought about it. Alright, what kind of weapon will I give you? Originally, I couldn’t make it because I didn’t have the raw materials at hand, but with the insect corpse, it can be implemented, and it will be made for you to practice when the time comes.”

Xia Weili did not expect Shen Shen to be very attentive to herself, and a warm current gushed out of her heart.

Shen Shen asked about Xiaoran and Duoduo's recent situation, and after learning that Dou Xiaoqian still had no signs of waking up, he couldn't help but sighed.

At this time, Ah Feng said: "Boss Shen Chen, I personally suggest that since we plan to attack the major, then the park with 300,000 zombies should be eradicated this morning, and try to get to City B as soon as possible!"

"That's right, but that place is no small matter." Shen Shen said: "We have to be safe before going in. Fortunately, we have harvested a lot of insect corpses this time, and our equipment will be upgraded to a higher level. But when I was training my weapons, You'd better focus on exercising yourself during this time, and don't deliberately pursue military merits. Don't put the cart before the horse."

Everyone nodded in conviction, knowing that Shen Shen had a comprehensive plan.

After saying a few more words, Shen Shen stood up: "Okay, come out once, and it's time to go back to work."

Wu Wei also stood up with Shen Chen: "Boss, I'll go with you."

After the two left the room, Wu Wei held back for a long time and secretly looked at Shen Chen. Finally, Shen Shen couldn't help but asked: "Wu Wei, just say what you want to say? Isn't it uncomfortable to hold back for so long?"

Wu Wei was embarrassed for a moment, but he mustered up the courage to ask: "Boss, do you like Xia Weili?"

Shen Chen was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Wu Wei to ask this, and said funnyly: "No, I regard her as a younger sister, just a partner." He paused, and said: "You know, I already have Xiao Yu .”

Wu Wei opened his mouth and was about to speak, when he suddenly noticed the sadness flashing across Shen Shen's face, he was a little dazed for a moment, thinking that he might have provoked the boss to miss Ye Xiaoyu, so he said immediately: "It's okay, let's go earlier When we get to City B, we can snatch Xiao Yu back."

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "Of course, we must get it back." He squinted at Wu Wei and said, "So Wu Wei, if you like Xia Weili, you have to work hard to pursue it!"

"Hey, but people don't like me!"

"Emotions are all about getting along. After spending more time with each other, we will naturally be inseparable."

Wu Wei was taken aback for a moment, only feeling that this sentence seemed to have some deep meaning, but it was unpredictable.

At this time, Chen Xuan, who was at the foot of the mountain, looked at the clean parking lot with nothing but dirt and not even half a zombie, and angrily slapped Wang Renquan to the ground: "How dare you lie to me?"

"Where is the zombie that Shen Chen killed? Where is the corpse of the agreed zombie? There is nothing! Are you tired of living and want to die!"

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