Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter eight hundred and ninety fourth implementation plan

Wang Renquan was knocked to the ground, trembling all the time. He didn't know why all the heads of zombies all over the mountains and plains disappeared all of a sudden. At this moment, he could only beg for mercy while shouting: "No... I don't know. Yesterday Also, I saw it yesterday!"

"Hehe, what do you mean, that Shen Shen took away so many corpses overnight?" Chen Xuan looked at Wang Renquan as if he were an idiot: "Tell me, what do they pretend? What do they use?" Pack?"

"I do not know either!"

"Young Master Ling, I think this guy is here to sneak us and waste our precious time of the day. They don't know how many zombies they can kill." A younger brother beside him added fuel to the fire, and Chen Xuan was even more furious.

On his pale face, his sharp eyes suddenly turned blood red. Immediately afterwards, Wang Renquan suddenly twitched violently, and his skin suddenly turned terrifying and blood red, as if a large amount of blood Like exposure from capillaries.

Immediately afterwards, his facial features began to leave bloodstains, and his seven orifices bleed like a ghost.

"Ah!! Let me go!!! Ah!!!"

The shrill cry echoed in the mountains, while Chen Xuan's younger brother was shocked and fearful, looking at Chen Xuan with awe.

After about a few minutes, Wang Renquan's breath was already weak. He struggled with his last breath and said, "Don't kill me, I'm still useful!"

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly before they returned to black: "If it wasn't because you, a fat pig, are still useful, I would kill you right now. After all, what else do you have in mind?"

It was only then that Wang Renquan knew that Chen Xuan was a ruthless master, and what was even more frightening was that he didn't know what Chen Xuan's ability was and why it was so terrifying.

That kind of horror was even more shocking than when Shen Shen threw him to the foot of the mountain to lure zombies, because Wang Renquan knew very well that Shen Chen would not kill innocent people by mistake, and Chen Xuan in front of him was a villain.

"That park, there are a lot of zombies in that park, it is said that there are more than 300,000 zombies!"


Wang Renquan was beaten to the ground again, only to hear Chen Xuan's sneer sneer and say: "More than 300,000, what kind of amount is this, we can get out alive after entering? I think you want to take the opportunity to kill people?"

"Don't dare dare not dare!" Wang Renquan was scared out of his wits: "We have two ways to obtain zombies. Specifically..."

Listening to Wang Renquan's answer, Chen Chenxuan,

He narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he said, "Go back to the base."

"Boss? Why don't we do anything today?"

"I said go back to the base, didn't you hear? Then you stay here!" The tyrannical side erupted from Chen Xuan's body. This innocent little brother obviously didn't know that his boss was really angry to the extreme at this time, but Because it was estimated that Wang Renquan's role could not move him, and what rushed up at this time turned into a punch.

When the corpse that looked like a mummified corpse appeared on the ground, Wang Renquan's heart felt as if he had been hit hard.

Such a terrifying ability may not be easy to use against zombies, but it can be used against people. It was just...frightening.

At this moment, Shen Chen was in Li Chenchuan's office, and Li Chenchuan stood helplessly at the door, as if he was going to guard the door for someone else.

The soldiers passing by saluted Li Chenchuan. After a long time, they found that Li Chenchuan hadn't entered the house yet. Someone boldly asked, "Chief, why don't you enter the office?"

"Ah...the office...well, let's get some fresh air outside."

"But you seem to have been out all day."

"It's not good to sit in the office all the time. You have to go deep into the grassroots!" Li Chenchuan said with a half smile. He was kicked out.

At that time, I wanted to resist, but this guy was too powerful. First, I used force to let myself understand that if Shen Chen robbed him by force, he could also snatch the office. Plus, he promised himself a surprise. Raise your attack power to a higher level.

With such a combination of grace and power, can I not follow?

Li Chenchuan thought bitterly in his heart, and then suddenly said to the silent guard behind him: "Go, go to the square and see how far our ranking has progressed."

As soon as he walked to the square, he saw that the square was crowded with people. Li Chenchuan frowned: "Aren't these people too busy? They don't plan to train anymore?"

The soldier maintaining order in the square said with a smile: "Chief, you don't know, didn't Shen Shen report the leaderboard last night? Today, several people exploded the leaderboard. Everyone is crazy, just watching."

Li Chenchuan was taken aback for a moment, thinking that besides Shen Chen being such an evildoer, could there be another evildoer coming out.

Immediately, he looked at the big screen, but he didn't know if he didn't see it. When he saw it, his two eyeballs almost popped out.

The first place is still Shen Shen, and the second place is Chen Yijian, with 8700 points. The third place is Pan Di with 8480 points, the fourth place is Yuan Hong with 8130 points, the fifth place is Wu Wei with 7690 points, the sixth place is Huang Chen with 7520 points, the seventh place is Afeng... the eighth place is Xia Weili, the ninth place famous falcon...

Everyone's scores are still jumping, and the original second place has been squeezed to the tenth place, almost being squeezed out!

Everyone's faces looked as if they had smoked marijuana, excited and confused at the same time.

Who the hell is this? How can we be so awesome? And why are those two women suddenly on the list? Who are these people!

Li Chenchuan took a deep breath, and his stiff body slowly relaxed. He turned his head with difficulty, and asked his security officer, "If I remember correctly? These people seem to be Shen Shen's subordinates too? "

"Except for the Falcon, they were all brought by Shen Shen. That Falcon followed Shen after he arrived in our ninth district."

"I'll go!" Li Chenchuan said, "Is he planning to take all the top rankings? Judging from this, the others also killed the third-tier zombies?"

The guard shook his head, but his face was filled with shock and respect: "No, I heard from the comrades who inspected the zombies that they brought back two truckloads of zombie heads. hours. That’s why it’s being recorded.”

Li Chenchuan just felt that the whole person was not well, Shen Chen, what kind of monsters did he bring with him! It doesn't matter if he is strong alone, so many people are strong with him! Will you give others a way out!

"Chief, Shen Shen is a character! After killing so many zombies, the vicinity of our base will be safe, and it will not be difficult to push forward!" The guard said happily: "I see, if this report Go up to the Central Committee, a major and a few lieutenants will definitely be indispensable. What a credit!"

Li Chenchuan nodded. Although he was happy in his heart, his face was still stern: "Major, can you mention it as soon as you can? It must be a great contribution."

"That's right, but I think Shen Chen can definitely do it!"

The two were chatting here, but they didn't know that far away from them, a pair of eyes full of evil and anger were fixed on them. After a while, the owner of those eyes looked at Wang Renquan beside him: "Your plan... ...can be implemented."

Wang Renquan trembled all over, and suddenly, a fierce and excited sick smile appeared on his face.

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