Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 895 Something Big Has Happened




The continuous sound of steel was recalled in the office, and sparks flickered from the weapon that had just taken shape. Shen Shen held a hammer in his hand, like a gust of wind, and struck hundreds of times on the weapon in an instant. Like a sudden storm.

The crude weapon gradually took shape under Shen Chen's hands, and soon, its prototype, the black blade, could be seen.

Although the shape is the same as the previous black blade, the materials used are completely different. Using the insect corpse and the sharp claws of the fifth-level zombie as materials, the entire black blade is purple-black. If you look closely, it looks black. , but it emits a black-purple light, corresponding to the red flame in the stove.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Shen Shen's eyes were always fixed on the black blade, and he was promoted to the fifth and fifth stage, which allowed him to master his own power to a higher level, and could make the black blade more perfect.

And the black blade that joined the claws of insect corpses and zombies lived up to expectations. It has not yet formed, and has already revealed a hideous face. If it was born, it would be a murder weapon after all!

It took a full three days before the black blade was crafted and put into the furnace again. In the furnace, the black blade's graceful blade is as natural as the full moon and stars, like a perfect work of art.

Shen Chen frowned, and suddenly looked a little ugly. He quickly discovered the problem. The high temperature in the furnace could no longer temper the black blade in the furnace and force out impurities. Quenching, according to the teachings of Uncle Su Bai and the dead Lao Gui, the weapons born out of this world can never be regarded as good weapons.

But at this time, where to find a higher temperature fire!

Shen Shen couldn't help but secretly hated himself for being careless, seeing the black blade lying quietly in the stove, it was as if a piece of spiritual stone had suddenly turned into stubborn iron, the pain of destroying a work of art made Shen Shen's heart tremble immediately.

No... You must find a suitable fire source!

Suddenly, Shen Shen frowned slightly, he suddenly lowered his head, pointed his finger, and a blue flame floated out from the fingertip, swaying and shining brightly.

Although the blue flame can't burn the fat of the flesh, but the current temperature is already frighteningly high, otherwise it wouldn't be able to directly burn the old man in black to ashes.

Shen Shen tilted his head slightly, looked at the black blade lying in the fire, and suddenly bent the corner of his mouth: "Use my own flame to train you, I hope you don't let me down!"

Flame like a dragon,

Blast into the black blade, and in an instant, a bright light suddenly appeared around the black blade, just like a hungry person seeing a source of water,

"Good job!"

There is no meat source, but Shen Shen himself is the most powerful perpetual motion machine! After being promoted to the fifth stage and the fifth stage, the recovery ability and blue flame in his body have also made great progress compared with before.

Because of this, Shen Chen dared to release the blue flame, but he was also a little worried, after all, the second remelting of the black blade would continue to burn for eight hours.

Shen Shen took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged, and the flames between his fingers continued to flow away.

Eight hours later, Shen Shen opened his eyes. After eight hours of tempering by the blue flame, the black blade in the blue flame was a little different again. In the black purple, there appeared a bolt of blue like a thunderbolt. The traces seem to be the vitality of Lan Yan and the black blade intertwined together!

Shen Chen was overjoyed, for some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt a little throbbing in his heart!

Boom! Boom!

It was six o'clock in the morning, and those who hadn't gone out to hunt zombies were practicing in the square. In the distance, there was a sound of thunder followed by another. No one cared, but more people hoped that the downpour would come sooner. Good to go back and rest.

But the next moment someone outside the square suddenly screamed and shouted: "Look! The sun! The sun!"

The sun turned into a shining orange at some point, and even the entire sky turned into an overwhelming orange, dazzling and magnificent.

All of a sudden, around the birth sun, several bolts of lightning strike suddenly, and in an instant, countless thunder erupts around the sun. burst out from all directions. At that moment, it seemed that the sky was also crackling, and countless huge cracks appeared.

This is the time!

Shen Shen's eyes were full of brilliance, and the next moment, the black blade came out of the furnace, just at that moment, when the sun and thunder were intersecting outside, and a bottle of blood-red liquid that Shen Chen had prepared earlier had been poured on the black blade like clouds and flowing water. On, at that moment, the whole body of Hei Ren immediately erupted with a radiance that one dare not look directly at, and the radiant radiance kept flickering!

A natural phenomenon, in Lijiazhuang in the distance, Su Bai's hands trembled suddenly, and the injured bong fell to the ground. Tang Yan in a floral dress came over: "Uncle Su, what's wrong?"


"What's the matter? Oh! Is this the end of the world! Why is it like this?"

Su Bai shook his head: "This kind of vision, or it is the emergence of a demon king to cause chaos, or it is the divine soldier who came to take charge, so he didn't run away!"

"The devil is making trouble? I have to go and see, whoever has a baby nearby, I will kill him first!" Tang Yan ran away without a trace. Only Su Bai was left with a look of panic.

And in a certain mysterious dark place, tens of thousands of people in black robes prostrated themselves on the cold ground. They raised their hands to the sky devoutly and excitedly, and kept shouting wildly: "God! God! oracle!"

Every corner of the world can clearly see the strangeness of the sun, but everyone has their own opinions about this vision, but Shen Shen has no idea what happened in the sky when the black blade was released just now. What.

Holding the black blade at this time, he felt a wonderful feeling spontaneously, it was a feeling of blood and milk connected, as if life was connected, the black blade was tempered by its own blue flame, and the quenching liquid was Shen Shen himself. It can be said that the black blade has merged with Shen Chen at this time.

"I just found out today why the people who forged the sword had to donate blood at the last moment, because only in that way can the weapon have spirituality!" Shen Shen sighed softly, thinking of the story in Huaxia where the general Mo Xiejian was also sacrificed because of a human being. From the fact that swords are made, it can be seen that weapons, a tool, are born to drink blood for a living.

"Let's use those 300,000 zombies to cut the blade for you!"

The corners of Shen Chen's mouth raised slightly, and a blade of light flashed in his eyes.

When Shen Chen walked out of the room, it was already ten days later. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Chenchuan looking at him with a bearded face. What was even more frightening was that his eyes were bloodshot and he was haggard. Unbearable.

On the other hand, Pan Di, Chen Yijian and others also had serious expressions on their faces. When Shen Shen saw everyone's nervous expressions, he knew something big must happen.

"What happened?"

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