Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 896: Three Mutated Zombies

Pan Di was the first to say: "Boss, I don't know who spread the news recently at the base, and the coordinates of the park we designated before were leaked."

"A large number of new humans rushed there, wanting to hunt zombies." Li Chenchuan said.

Shen Shen took a deep breath, and his face suddenly became serious: "When did they start? How many people have gone out now? How many people have come back?"

Li Chenchuan understood that Shen Shen had already understood the point, and his tone was very low and heavy: "Since the third day after you came back, people have been going out one after another. Someone brought back a lot of zombies that night, which caused a sensation. ...The situation is out of control. Everyone rushed there, and as of now, there are already a thousand people who have gone out, and no one has returned during this period of time."


Rao Shen Shen also took a deep breath, no one came back from more than a thousand people, what this means is beyond words.

His heart turned slightly, and he immediately said sharply: "This is someone spreading rumors from it to drive their greed."

"We can also guess that someone among them must be pushing hands, but who is this person and what is his motive?" Li Chenchuan's blood-red eyes firmly resisted Shen Shen: "Shen Chen, you must help me with this matter. I don't care if you hunted zombies in that park before, but you are the person who is most familiar with the situation. If all the new humans in my ninth district are wiped out there, how can I explain to Vice President Chu! How can I explain to Huaxia! "

Shen Shen nodded solemnly: "That's right, regardless of this person's intentions, such behavior is enough to subvert the entire Ninth District." His eyes turned to Pan Di: "Where is Wang Renquan?"

"What?" Pandy froze for a moment.

"The only ones who know the coordinates are us, and the one who is most likely to leak the coordinates is Wang Renquan."

Wu Wei and Yuan Hong looked at each other puzzledly, and said: "But Wang Renquan has been doing exercises under our surveillance all the time, how could he have the opportunity to do this?" They were all handed over to Wu Wei and Yuan Hong to guard, so if Wang Renquan really did it, the two of them would have to take part of the responsibility.

"That can only mean that he reached a consensus with someone without our knowledge." Shen Shen frowned slightly: "Bring Wang Renquan here!"

Ten minutes later, Yuan Hong rushed back with shame on his face. He looked at Shen Shen and said in shame, "Wang Renquan is gone. Lao Feng and the others said that Wang Renquan went out early in the morning and did not come back."


So what should we do now? "Pan Di said urgently: "This shows that Wang Renquan has a ghost in his heart!" Shall we take him back?"

There was a cold light in Shen Shen's eyes: "Since Wang Renquan is not here, it means that he and his colleagues behind the scenes are not at the base, not at the base, but in the park. So the most urgent thing is to find out the current situation in the park."

Li Chenchuan didn't expect Shen Chen to set a goal so quickly, and immediately said, "What do you need my cooperation for?"

"Select 30 of your best fighters, distribute them with evolutionary guns, and take a walk in the park with me." Shen Shen paused and said, "There will be casualties."

Li Chenchuan's heart froze, and he said anxiously: "Those people are my most precious fighters."

"If those zombies rush out of the park, let alone the ninth district, the eighth and tenth districts nearby will soon be occupied!" Shen Shen said coldly: "The zombies in the park are not like As you imagined! Those are three-evolved zombies!"

"What? Three evolutions! What is three evolutions?" Li Chenchuan seemed to have heard some unknown news, but Shen Shen closed his eyes tightly, then opened them and said, "Three evolutions means that the zombies in a certain area have reached their limit." And if there is no food to eat, it will eat the surrounding animals and plants. And some of them may not be eaten by zombies, so the zombie virus will use those animals and plants that are injured but not deadly as hosts to mutate and strengthen again. After the mutation of the zombie virus produced by animals and plants is strengthened, if these animals and plants are eaten by zombies, these zombies will undergo three evolutions, for example, they will merge with the big tree, merge with the vines, and finally The scary thing is... it's merged with insects!"


Everyone's faces showed an extremely shocking look of fear. It is midsummer and early autumn, the hottest time, and the time when flying insects are the most. If zombies and insects are combined, they can't imagine what will happen.

But Shen Chen had already turned around and walked into the room. When he came out again, he threw the weapon and armor in his hand to the corresponding personnel: "The zombie we are facing has mutated again." The black blade in Shen Shen's hand suddenly flashed a magnificent luster: " It's time for us to fight bloody battles! Kill!"



... "Pfft!" A head flew up, and the blood was steaming in the wind, sprinkled on the tall fence, like huge clusters of huge fireworks, blooming all over the outer wall of the building, dyeing the original pure white color crimson.

Against this crimson background, eight headless corpses fell in front of the gate. One second they were desperately trying to save their lives, and the next moment, the blood flowing from their bodies passed through them like a stream. Down.

Two terrifying zombies lay down on their bodies to feast on them. At first glance, they still seem to be walking upright zombies, but their backs are covered with soft armor like insect shells. The hands that originally looked like human beings have become shorter. Section by section, like insect limbs, and what's more frightening is that these zombies have several pairs of insect limb arms, and the sharp barbs continuously pick out the flesh and internal organs on the corpse.

The blood slowly flowed down the ground under the feet into the wide artificial river. In the artificial river, a group of zombies with fish tails and degenerated limbs like fish heads and human bodies jumped out of the river, greedily and ragingly sucking the floating water. Blood on the river.

On the other side, a few thick-bodied zombies were covered with blue-green mangy skin, their eyes were like bulging light bulbs, and their mouths were swaying in mid-air with a blood-red tongue. There were several corpses lying in the pool of blood behind them. The closest one had been gnawed until its ribs were exposed, and there was another corpse hugged by two zombies one behind the other. The entire right face was gnawed beyond recognition, revealing white cheekbones and teeth, a big hole was torn open in the abdomen, and a zombie stuffed its head in, shaking back and forth like a pig.

What Shen Chen said is right, this place has become a paradise for zombies that have mutated three times. The 300,000 zombies need to eat and constantly catch food. In the absence of surviving humans as food, the animals and plants produced by x-matter It became the best food, therefore, the number of three mutant zombies produced was simply astonishingly terrifying.

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