Chen Chenxuan and Wang Renquan hid in the parking lot outside the park. They looked like beggars from head to toe, looking terrified and desperate.

This pair of sluts entered the park first, and as soon as they entered the gate of the park, the younger brother who led the battle was immediately tied up by a few vines like ropes. Immediately afterwards, huge vines were inserted deeply into the top of the target's head like a huge needle, a large mass of blood was squeezed out from the edge of the wound, and the vines separated and penetrated like poisonous snakes, finally piercing the whole body into a heart-breaking chill.

What everyone was terrified was that when they saw that zombie, they just stood there, as if they were a plant. The terrifying vines actually grew from its gang gate, which made people think During the Taiping period, there were news reports that some bare-bottomed children sat on the grain piles, but the grain piles took root at the gang gate.

Chen Chenxuan didn't know how he survived anymore. Maybe it was his ability to control the explosion of human blood that saved him. Once he realized that it was not good, he immediately retreated, and everyone around him was killed by him. His evolution ability turned into a human bomb, and when those vine zombies attacked, they exploded one by one.

If so, he didn't know how many wounds he had on his body. He hid in the parking lot in horror, until Wang Renquan also stumbled out, and the two of them cried like dead dogs.

It was terrible, so many people were lost as soon as they entered the garden. Why are the zombies here different from those outside!

He said that when Wang Renquan was hiding in the parking lot, people from the Ninth District had already arrived in batches. There was indeed a strange person among them, who quickly killed the vine zombies and continued to go deeper. Of course, the price paid was also Very amazing.

But as time passed, after none of the people who entered came out, Wang Renquan and Chen Chenxuan knew it was over!

No survivors!

No survivors!

This sentence lingered in their minds, and they dared not go back to the base, because the people who stayed at the base might still know them who spread the rumors, and more importantly, Chen Xuan still dreamed in his heart that Shen Shen would definitely Come here, he can kill the zombies, as long as they walk out of the park, he only needs to wait for work, and he can rob them halfway and snatch the heads of the zombies they killed.

This is one of the tricks he and Wang Renquan made.

To stay, as long as he stays, there is hope of becoming a major. They shivered and hid in the safest place, dreaming of their future like a mean and shameless clown.

At this time, on the hillside, the figures of several people slowly appeared.

Shen Chen, Pan Di, Chen Yijian, Wu Wei, Yuan Hong, Huang Chen, Falcon, Ah Feng and Xia Weili.

In the past ten days, except for Huang Chen and Falcon, everyone has basically reached the fourth level of ability. At this time, the weapons in their hands have also been replaced by shotguns, revealing a deep chill.

Behind them are 30 soldiers who are ready to fight. The cold evolutionary guns and the evolutionary magazines behind them all show that they are an elite force.

"This is a life-and-death battle, do not act without authorization, and follow my command." Shen Shen commanded: "Let's go!"

The figures turned into silver light, attacking the park one by one!

The stimulation of substance x on animals and plants has been fully revealed, the consequence of the explosion of species is that even a weed can grow wildly to the height of two people. The whole park is surrounded by green like a forest.

If it was in the Taiping era, this place must be the benchmark of environmental protection, the oxygen bar of the city, but looking at it now, I only feel that it is a bloody jungle full of murderous intentions, death, blood, and distorted green.

Everyone came to the gate of the park like the most dexterous cheetahs. The dried blood and bare bones made everyone understand that there are not a few new humans who died at the gate of the park alone.

This is the prestige of the new human meat grinder!

Shen Shen walked in front of the team, his eyes were like a torch, he carefully observed the surrounding movement, and listened for any noteworthy sound. But at this time, the sunlight fell from the gaps in the branches and leaves, forming a spot of light on the ground, which shone on the person, looking extraordinarily weird, as if something had poked holes in his body.

Along the road paved with blood all the way forward, there are scenes of the end of fighting everywhere, bloody and miserable to the point of appalling. Piles of corpses fell on the side of the road, becoming bones that nourished the bloody land.

Everyone's faces were stiff. Before entering the garden, none of them thought that the battle inside would be so brutal. Huang Chen and Falcon finally couldn't help but vomited when they saw a corpse covered in spider webs and covered with spiders.

They vomited on the ground, Yuan Hong couldn't help pinching her nose, and Chen Yijian said anxiously: "Can you bear with it, vomiting here, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!"

While talking, he saw Shen Shen's eyebrows frowned, his eyes suddenly looked around, and then he pulled out the black blade suddenly, "Everyone meets the enemy!" Shen Shen let out a rapid and deep roar!

In an instant, everyone's hearts were raised, and they immediately looked around.

Just as Shen Chen finished speaking, he saw a dozen or so black shadows suddenly jumping out from the depths of the bushes on both sides, their shriveled and rotting bodies concealed terrifying power, and the blood-red fierce light stared at their bodies. The food, and the part that should have been a human mouth, turned into a worm's mouth biting up and down, with rows of sharp fangs coming down like a terrifying cage.


The evolutionary gun was fired with a bang, and the white light flashed, but I saw that the zombie was just beaten back a few steps, but once it stopped shooting, it immediately opened its bloody mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth again. .

The evolution gun can't break the defense!

Everyone became very panic in an instant. To deal with zombies, the evolution gun has always been a big killer. If even the evolution gun can't stop it, then what can stop the zombies!

Even though they were greeted by Shen Shen in advance, everyone was scared out of their wits by this terrifying mu. The combination of humans and insects will make people instinctively resist and fear. At that moment, several soldiers were directly crushed by the zombies because they were out of their minds. They screamed and kicked their feet, but they couldn't break free


With a kick of Shen Chen's footsteps, he jumped up, and slammed into the cave like a snake. In an instant, an incomparably bright knife light shot up into the sky. In an instant, a cloud of blood floated out of the sky. In the blood mist, the head and body of three mutated zombies appeared. Clouds of light brown thick slurry were also sprayed out from the separated window.

"What the hell are you doing!" Shen Shen was furious, and shouted sharply: "You want to die here? Why are you stingy with bullets, and attack them fiercely at their necks!"

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