In the dilapidated two-story building, a man in his early thirties hid tremblingly in a corner, and there were two other people hiding here with him.

They are not members of a group, but they are hiding here for the same reason. Because the group they were in, except for them, had been completely wiped out.

They have been huddled in this small and cramped room for three whole days. If it weren't for the strong physical support of the new humans, the three of them would have passed out long ago.

But at this moment, the lips of these three people were dry and cracked, and their faces were deathly pale. It was obvious that they would not live long.

Suddenly, a man's throat let out a few rough breaths, like phlegm coming out of his throat. The two people hurriedly looked, but saw the man's eyes rolled, his neck tilted, and he was no longer breathing in an instant.

The remaining two people trembled all of a sudden, and they looked at each other, feeling more miserable in their hearts.

He was relieved, and maybe he wouldn't end up being eaten cruelly like other companions, but it was a pain for the two of them!

If you don't screw this guy's head off, I'm afraid he will turn into a corpse in the next moment, but if it is really screwed off, the fresh blood will be enough to attract a long line of zombies, and then the two of them will be eaten. Did he die in the mouth of a zombie, or in the mouth of a group of zombies?

This is really a difficult multiple choice question.



Out of the idea of ​​how long they can live, the two struggled and rushed forward, and before the corpse suddenly opened its eyes, they broke the neck neatly.

And the next moment, a smell of blood mixed with excrement and urine was gone.

A few seconds later, the two felt the commotion in the air. Suddenly, a few strange flowers appeared outside the window, and a few strange hooks appeared in the corner of the wall.

Not far away, the sound of running footsteps also sounded.

The faces of the two people were full of despair. They knew that in just a short ten seconds, they had already been surrounded!


Surrounded by the combined forces of the surrounding zombies, the building suddenly turned into ashes.

So two poor and hopeless people,

They saw that under the sun, those weird zombies suddenly appeared in front of them with blue and purple faces, staring at them with big white eyes.

There is a zombie whose mouth and nose have turned into a flower, but if someone wants to pick one, they must be able to see the sharp teeth that appear after the bright flower blooms.

There are also zombies with worm mouthparts, looking at the two food with evil eyes.

"Brother Liu... We, we can't survive today! Should we commit suicide?"

"No... Before you die, you can kill one person!"

"Then... let's kill then?"


These words sounded righteous, but the two people who spoke were trembling all over, with snot and tears streaming together, obviously they had collapsed physically and mentally.


About a hundred zombies rushed up suddenly, and their ferocious bloody mouths instantly expanded to the limit, and they slammed down on the tops of the two of them.


Miserable screams resounded in an instant, and on the heads of the two, there was a dense sound of bone shattering from the depths of the closed mouths of the zombies. The heads of the two were like melons and fruits crushed by gravity, and bright red blood flowed out. And white brains.

Intestines, viscera...

The white broken bones came out directly from their bodies, and blood flowed down in strings connected with the black muscles, and then they were bitten by the zombies like strings.

The two were not completely dead, and their eyeballs looked strange because they were squeezed, but they still opened their eyes, as if they were waiting for something. It seems to be telling something.


A long howl full of unruly meaning mixed with a fierce murderous aura suddenly sounded for a long time, and the bodies of all the zombies that were constantly gnawing suddenly froze, and then, the surrounding lush forests suddenly shivered. .

A ray of knife light pierced the sky like a thunderbolt, with an incomparably majestic momentum that shone dazzlingly under the mottled eyes.

At that moment, the eyes of the two people who had already died suddenly emitted a kind of light, followed by surprise, relief, and relief. The doll with its muscles and bones removed gradually became limp. Together with them, there were about a hundred zombies. All kinds of heads rolled to the ground.

The power of a knife! Shocking! What is even more unbelievable is that the zombies lurking on both sides seemed to slowly start to retreat when they saw this scene, as if shocked by the knife, they instinctively began to flee.

Shen Shen's knife was slowly retracted, and he walked quickly in front of the two people. After seeing the two of them clearly, his face was heavy, and he sighed slightly: "It's late."

"Boss, there's nothing we can do if we can't save these two people. Haven't we already saved several people outside?" Pan Di said, "This is life!"

Pan Di sighed softly. It has been eight days since everyone entered the park, and everyone feels like they are living in hell every day. The flowers that pop up suddenly, the leaves that fall on their bodies like lovers, and even the flowers on the roadside Green grass may be attacked by zombies.

Everyone doesn't know how these eight days have passed, and the only way to describe it may be thrilling.

If it wasn't for Shen Shen's extraordinary vigilance, no one would have dared to imagine how many days he could survive, and most importantly, the five dead soldiers had already told everyone how dangerous this place was.

Fortunately, everyone's efforts are not without rewards. Although Ju Yuanhong speculates that everyone has only advanced less than three kilometers, it can be said that the zombies have been completely eradicated within these three kilometers, and everyone has rescued about three survivors. There was even a woman among them.

According to the three surviving survivors, all the people who entered the park have been wiped out, but Shen Shen didn't believe it. With Yuan Hong's nose and his own tentacles of consciousness, they immediately discovered that there were still survivors here , but just after entering, they saw that the two were dead.

"Hey!" Chen Yijian also shook his head: "Boss, it's fine. It's good to find three people back, at least we tried our best."

There was a deep and low "hmm".

At this time, Xia Weili and others, who were fighting outside, also cleaned up the surrounding area, came together and asked, "Brother Shen Chen, what should we do next? Should we continue?"

Looking at the haggard and red eyes of everyone, Shen Chen knew that everyone had experienced enough adventures in the past few days, so he shook his head and said, "No, go out."

He paused and said: "Send those three people back to the base first. You also need to replenish your strength, and if you stay here, I'm afraid everyone will not be able to hold on."

Everyone nodded. The super load kept their nerves tense, and sometimes they even had auditory hallucinations. This is a great disadvantage for survival in such a dangerous area.

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